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Want to be a Web professional? Start right here!
Understanding Web Development is the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to become a Web professional! Get a great jumpstart with hands-on labs and exercises covering everything you need to know upfront—backed with simple explanations, practical techniques, and a companion Web site full of resources just for you!
Discover the essentials of Web content design and development, from HTML to basic site security! Coverage includes:
By the time you're finished, you'll even be comfortable with advanced techniques: CGI scripts, server-side includes, password protection, customized error messages, and more. Web design and development is one of the world's fastest-growing, most lucrative fields—and Understanding Web Development is just the ticket to get you in the door!
Includes access to a FREE companion Web site that provides additional practice questions, as well as a message board where you can interact with other students.
Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 013025844X.pdf
1. A Webmaster's Introduction to UNIX.
Logging in Using FTP and Telnet. Basic Unix Commands. File and Directory Management. File and Directory Permissions. Chapter 1 Test Your Thinking.
Technical Considerations. Considering the Demographics of Your Audience. The Importance of Content. Web Site Layout. Web Page Layout. The Importance of Regular Maintenance. Chapter 2 Test Your Thinking.
What Is HTML? Text Editors vs HTML Editors and Publishers. Browser Considerations. HTML Document Style. Basic HTML Elements. More Basic HTML Elements. Chapter 3 Test Your Thinking.
Inline, Block, and Invisible Elements. Text Style Elements. Links. Lists. Three Image Attributes. Body Color and Background Attributes. Chapter 4 Test Your Thinking.
The Anatomy of a Table. Basic Table Elements and Attributes. Additional Table Elements and Attributes. Using Tables to Format Web Pages. Nested Tables. Chapter 5 Test Your Thinking.
The Anatomy of a Frames Page. Frame Elements and Attributes. Nested Frames. A Quick Word about Inline Frames. Chapter 6 Test Your Thinking.
When to Use a Form. Form Elements. Collecting Form Information. Using Tables to Format Forms. Chapter 7 Test Your Thinking.
How Server Side Includes Work. Including Environment Variables. Including UNIX Commands. Including External Files. Using Environment Variables for Dynamic Page Generation. Chapter 8 Test Your Thinking.
How the .htaccess File Works. Limiting Web Page Access by Remote Address. Password-Protecting Web Directories. Using .htaccess to Access Custom Error Pages. Chapter 9 Test Your Thinking.
The Anatomy of Style. Three Methods of Incorporating Style into an HTML Document. Basic Style Properties and Values. Space Properties and Values. Chapter 10 Test Your Thinking.
The purpose of this book, Understanding Web Development, is to help you establish a firm understanding of how to create an effective Web site in UNIX environment. You will learn the fundamentals of setup, design and maintenance through a series of examples and exercises that build on each other and you are encouraged to apply the concepts you learn in each chapter to a project of your own. As you master the techniques and ideas presented, use them to create your own Web pages and combine them in ways that are pleasing to you.
The idea is to learn by doing, and it is hope of the author that the process will be an enjoyable one for you. As you work through the chapters presented here, do not hesitate to question and experiment. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, or do something simply because you like it. While learning the foundations of design and development is essential, it is taking it all one step further and creating your own style that will bring you the most satisfaction.
It is most important, though, to keep in mind that everything is subject to change in the world of Web design. HTML standards change, available technology changes, and tastes change over time. This is likely not the first book about Web design you have looked at and we guarantee it will not be the last if you work in the field. Learning the basics here is only the beginning; you will find that keeping up with all that is latest and greatest is a constant and never-ending process that can often be as frustrating as it is exciting.
Our goal is to provide you with a solid base from which you will be able to proceed in the direction of your choosing.
How This Book Is OrganizedIn this book, and the others in this series, you are presented with a series of interactive labs. Each lab begins with Learning Objectives that define what Exercises (or tasks) are covered in that Lab. This is followed by an overview of the concepts that will be further explored through the Exercises, which are the heart of each Lab.
Each Exercise consists of either a series of steps that you will follow to perform a specific task or a presentation of a particular scenario. Questions that are designed to help you discover the important things on your own are then asked of you. The answers to these questions are given at the end of the Exercises, along with more in-depth discussion of the concepts explored.
At the end of each Lab is a series of multiple-choice Self-Review Questions, which are designed to bolster your learning experience by providing opportunities to check your absorption of important material. The answers to these questions appear in Appendix A. There are also additional Self-Review Questions at this book's companion Web site, found at
Finally, at the end of each chapter, you will find a "Test Your Thinking" section, which consists of a series of projects designed to solidify all of the skills you have learned in the chapter. If you have successfully completed all of the Labs in the chapter, you should be able to tackle these projects with few problems. There are not always "answers" to these projects, but where appropriate, you will find guidance and/or solutions at the companion Web site.
The final element of this book actually doesn't appear in the book at all. It is the companion Web site, and it is located at:
This companion Web site is closely integrated with the content of this book, and we encourage you to visit often. It is designed to provide unique interactive online experiences that will enhance your education. As mentioned, you will find guidance and solutions that will help you complete the projects found in the Test Your Thinking section of each chapter.
You will also find additional Self-Review Questions for each chapter, which are meant to give you more opportunities to become familiar with terminology and concepts presented in the publications. In the Author's Corner, you will find additional information that we think will interest you, including updates to the information presented in these publications, and discussion about the constantly changing technology in which Webmasters must stay involved.
Finally, you will find a Message Board, which you can think of as a virtual study lounge. Here, you can interact with other Foundations of Website Architecture Series readers, share and discuss your projects.
Notes to the StudentThis publication and the others in the Website Architecture series are endorsed by the World Organization of Webmasters. The series is a training curriculum designed to provide aspiring Webmasters with the skills they need to perform in the marketplace. The skill sets included in the Website Architecture series were initially collected and defined by this international trade association to create a set of core competencies for students, professionals, trainers, and employers to utilize.
Notes to the InstructorChances are that you are a pioneer in the education field whether you want to be one or not. Due to the explosive nature of the Internet's growth, very few Webmaster training programs are currently in existence. But as you read this, many colleges, community colleges, technical institutes, corporate and commercial training environments are introducing this material into curriculums worldwide.
Chances are, however, that you are instructing new material in a new program. But don't fret, this publication and series are designed as a comprehensive introductory curriculum in this field. Students successfully completing this program of study will be fully prepared to assume the responsibilities of a Webmaster in the field or to engage in further training and certification the Internet communications field.
Each chapter in this book is broken down into sections. All questions and projects have the answers and discussions associated with them. The Labs and question/answer formats used in this book provide excellent opportunities for group discussions and dialogue between students, instructors, and each other. In addition, many answers and their discussions are abbreviated in this publication due to space constraints. Any comments, ideas or suggestions to this text and series will be would be greatly appreciated.
About the AuthorArlyn Hubbell has been involved with the Internet since 1979, when she first discovered online real-time conferencing while finishing her senior thesis at Bates College in Maine. After nearly a decade on Wall Street, she returned to Bates in 1989 as a member of Academic Computing Support Services and quickly became involved in training students, faculty, and staff in the use of Internet tools such as email, Usenet, and Gopher. A one year contract at MIT and three years as Manager of Web Support Services at Shore.Net, a regional ISP in MA, solidified her expertise regarding the Web.
She has been an instructor at Merrimack College since 1996, and was involved in the initial development of courses for the College's Webmaster Certificate Program. She still teaches the courses presented here, much to the joy and consternation of students completing the Web composition requirements of the program.
Arlyn currently lives on an island off the coast of Massachusetts, evidence that it is indeed possible to realize lifelong dreams.