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Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite: Learning Visually with Examples

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Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite: Learning Visually with Examples


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  • Copyright 2010
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-703427-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-703427-7

Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite

Learning Visually with Examples

Master the IBM SOA Foundation Through 26 Hands-On, Start-to-Finish Tutorials

The IBM SOA Foundation Suite is an integrated, open-standards-based set of software, best practices, and patterns that help you systematically maximize the business value of SOA. Understanding IBM SOA Foundation Suite brings together 26 hands-on tutorials that will help you master IBM SOA Foundation and apply it successfully in your organization. Four of IBM’s SOA practitioners identify core IBM SOA Foundation components and usage scenarios, and walk you step-by-step through implementing them in real-world environments. This book’s self-contained tutorials are presented both in print and through video on the accompanying CD-ROM, showing you the results of every action immediately, whether you’re running the software or not. Using these tutorials, technical professionals can quickly move up the learning curve, discovering how each product works, and how they fit together. You’ll gain the big picture overview you need to make intelligent up-front decisions, and all the hands-on practice you need to prototype working solutions.

Coverage includes

  • Designing services with UML, sharing designs via HTML files, and transforming designs to and from Java with IBM Rational Software Architect
  • Creating services with IBM Rational Application Developer, and deploying them with IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • Implementing effective service governance with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
  • Integrating existing services into new business processes with IBM WebSphere
  • Integration Developer and IBM WebSphere Process Server
  • Connecting services with IBM WebSphere Message Broker
  • Developing, testing, deploying, and managing portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory and IBM WebSphere Portal
  • Systematically securing services with IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Preface xix

Acknowledgments xxv

About the Author xxvii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

IBM SOA Foundation 2

Service Design and Service Creation 2

Service Integration 3

Service Connectivity 5

Service Security and Management 7

Service Registry and Service Governance 9

How This Book Is Organized 10

Chapter 2 Service Design with IBM Rational Software Architect 13

Product Overview 13

What Is UML? 14

What Are UML Models and UML Diagrams? 14

How Does It Support SOA? 15

Tutorial Overview–Design a Time Zone Converter Service 16

Service Specification 17

System Requirements 17

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 18

Tutorial 2.1–Use a UML Model to Capture a Service Design 18

Tutorial 2.2: Capture the Use Cases for a Service Using a Use Case Diagram 21

Tutorial 2.3: Design the Blueprint for a Service Using a Class Diagram 23

Tutorial 2.4: Detail the Flow of a Service Using a Sequence Diagram 33

Tutorial 2.5: Share the Service Design with Others 38

Tutorial 2.6: Transform the Service Design to Implementation with Round-Trip Engineering 40

Transform UML to Java 41

Transform Java to UML 46

Complete the Implementation 51

Summary 52

Chapter 3 Service Creation with IBM Rational Application Developer and IBM WebSphere Application Server 55

Product Overview 55

How Do They Support SOA? 59

Tutorial Scenario 61

System Requirements 62

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 62

Tutorial 3.1: Create, Deploy, and Test a Web Service 63

Creating a Web Project 66

Creating a Java Object–DrivingRecord 66

Creating a Web Service Java Class–DrivingRecordWebService 67

Creating a Web Service 68

Examining the WSDL Interface 69

Testing the Web Service 71

Tutorial 3.2: Create a Database Table 73

Create a Database Connection 73

Creating a Data Model 75

Tutorial 3.3: Invoke a Web Service and Persist the Data Using Java Persistence API 80

Creating a JPA Web Project 84

Generating a Web Service Client 86

Creating a Web Application to Invoke the Web Service 87

Running the Web Application in a Browser 91

Creating a JPA Entity 91

Create a Utility Class 95

Set Up the JDBC Configurations in the Persistence XML File 97

Modifying the Web Application 98

Running the Web Application 101

Export the Project as an EAR File 103

Tutorial 3.4: Deploy an Application into a WebSphere Application Server 104

Set Up the Database 104

Start the WebSphere Application Server 104

Start the Integrated Solutions Console 104

Install and Start the DriversWebServiceProjectEAR Enterprise Application 105

Install InsuranceJPAProjectEAR Enterprise Application 107

Changing the Web Service Endpoint 107

Updating the JDBC Datasource 110

Examine the Ports 110

Server Logs 112

Stop the WebSphere Application Server 114

Summary 114

Chapter 4 Service Governance with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository 115

Product Overview 115

The Scenario 115

What Is WebSphere Service Registry and Repository? 116

How Does It Support SOA? 126

Tutorial Overview 127

A Day with WSRR Scenario 127

System Requirements: 128

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 128

Tutorial 4.1: Set Up the Registry and Repository as an Administrator 129

Set Up the Business Model Templates 130

Load Classification System 133

Tutorial 4.2: Publish a New Service as a Service Developer 135

Import Service Documents 135

Create a Concept 137

Make the Concept Governable 139

Tutorial 4.3: Reuse Services as an Application Developer 141

Find Reusable Services 141

Import Artifacts into Eclipse Workbench 143

Create an Application Concept 147

Tutorial 4.4: Update Existing Services as a Service Developer 148

Impact Analysis 148

Load New Version of the Artifacts 150

Create a New Service Concept 151

Deprecate the Old Service Concept 152

Summary 153

Chapter 5 Service Integration with IBM WebSphere Integration Developer and IBM WebSphere Process Server 155

Product Overview 155

How Do They Support SOA? 159

Tutorial Overview 160

System Requirements 161

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 161

Tutorial 5.1: Create a Business Process 162

Import Existing Web Services to Workbench 162

Create an Integration Solution with a Library and a Module 162

Copy Interface Files from Existing Web Service 164

Create a Business Object 164

Create a WSDL Interface File for the Business Process 167

Create a Business Process 168

Add a New Variable 169

Add an Assign Node 170

Add an Invoke Node 172

Add a Human Task Activity 174

Add Visual Snippet Logic 176

Add Sticky Notes 180

Tutorial 5.2: Assemble and Execute the Module 181

Assembling in the Assembly Diagram 181

Exploring the Integrated Solution Diagram 183

Deploy the Module Application to the Server 185

Run the Business Process 186

Export the Projects as EAR Files 189

Tutorial 5.3: Deploy to a WebSphere Process Server 189

Start the WebSphere Process Server 189

Start the Integrated Solutions Console 190

Install and Start SupplierService Enterprise Application 190

Install ManufacturerSolution_ModuleApp Enterprise Application 192

Changing Web Service Endpoint 192

Executing the Business Process in the Standalone Server 194

Summary 197

Chapter 6 Service Connectivity with IBM WebSphere Message Broker 199

Product Overview 199

The Difference Between WebSphere MQ and WMB 199

WebSphere Message Broker Basic Key Concepts 201

WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit 201

How Does It Support SOA? 204

Tutorial Overview–Create a Library Book Search Service 207

System Requirements 208

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 210

Tutorial Setup for the Library Book Search Service 210

Databases Used by the Library Book Search Service 210

WebSphere Message Broker Runtime Artifacts 212

WebSphere MQ Queues for Message Flow 213

Tutorial 6.1: Configure Message Broker Toolkit with Predefined Databases and Runtime Artifacts 215

Configure the Library Database with the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit 215

Set Up Association for WebSphere Message Broker Runtime Artifacts in Toolkit 219

Tutorial 6.2: Create the Message Flow and Message Set for Library Book Search Service 222

Create Message Definition from Predefined XML Schema 222

Configure Message Flow with WebSphere MQ Queue 225

Configure Parse Options for Input Message 227

Creating ESQL for Library Book Search Query 227

Define the Logic of Message Flow 230

Create Mappings for SearchResponse Message 232

Tutorial 6.3: Deploy and Test Library Book Search Service 237

Establish Connection with Broker Runtime 237

Initialize the Test Client 237

Testing with Test Client 238

Summary 241

Chapter 7 Collaboration with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory and IBM WebSphere Portal 243

Product Overview 243

What Is a Portal? 243

IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 244

IBM WebSphere Portal 245

How Do They Support SOA? 247

Tutorial Overview 247

End-to-End on Developing, Testing, and Deploying of a Portlet 247

System Requirements 250

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 250

Tutorial Setup 250

WebSphere Portlet Factory–Create a Deployment Configuration 250

DB2–Create a Database and a Table 253

WebSphere Application Server–Create a Datasource 259

Tutorial 7.1: Create and Test a Simple Portlet 266

Step 1: Create a Project in IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 266

Step 2: Create and Test a Simple Portlet 266

Tutorial 7.2: Create and Test a Portlet That Accesses a Database 277

Step 1: Create a Service Provider Model 277

Step 2: Create a Service Consumer Model 280

Tutorial 7.3: Deploy a Portlet 284

Step 1: Install a Portlet in IBM WebSphere Portal 285

Step 2: Add a Portlet to a WebSphere Portal Page 288

Step 3: Access a Portlet as a New User 292

Step 4: Set Access Permissions for a Portlet 293

Summary 295

Chapter 8 Service Security with IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager 297

Product Overview 297

What Are WS-Security and WS-Trust? 298

What Are Security Token Service (STS) and Web Services

Security Management (WSSM)? 300

How Does It Support SOA? 302

Tutorial Overview–Enable Security for a Calculator Service Provider and a Service Requester 304

System Requirements 305

What Is Included in the CD-ROM? 306

Tutorial 8.1: Enable Security for a Service Provider 307

Tutorial 8.1.1: Configure a Service Provider to Use WSSM for Token Consumption Using RAD 308

Tutorial 8.1.2: Configure the STS Module Chain to Be Invoked by the WSSM Token Consumer Using TFIM 315

Tutorial 8.1.3: Deploy the Service Provider to WAS 321

Tutorial 8.2: Enable Security for a Service Requester 323

Tutorial 8.2.1: Configure a Service Requester to Use WSSM for Token Generation Using RAD 325

Tutorial 8.2.2: Configure the STS Module Chain to Be Invoked by the WSSM Token Generator Using TFIM 331

Tutorial 8.2.3: Deploy the Service Requester to WAS 336

Tutorial 8.3: Test the Service 339

Summary 340

Conclusion 342


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