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The Truth About Better Business Communication (Collection)

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The Truth About Better Business Communication (Collection)


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  • Copyright 2010
  • Dimensions: 5-7/16" x 8-1/2"
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-265566-7
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-265566-8

150 powerful bite-size techniques for supercharging all your business communications: print, web, e-mail, and in person!

Three full books of indispensable, practical advice on virtually every form of business communication! Discover how to write e-mails, reports, proposals, and web content that really pack a punch… build presentations around what people really want to know… communicate successfully in every negotiation scenario, even the most frustrating or unexpected… and much more!

From world-renowned leaders and experts, including Natalie Canavor, Claire Meirowitz, James O’Rourke, and Leigh Thompson

Sample Content

Table of Contents

A. The Truth About the New Rules of Business Writing

Part I The truth about what makes writing work

TRUTH 1 Most people aim for the wrong target

TRUTH 2 If you can say it, you can write it

TRUTH 3 Forget yesterday–write for today

TRUTH 4 Planning is the magic ingredient

TRUTH 5 To achieve your goal, look below its surface

TRUTH 6 Cut to the chase: Put the bottom line on top

TRUTH 7 “Me”-focused messages fail

TRUTH 8 People are not the same: Write for differences

TRUTH 9 Tone makes–or breaks–your message

TRUTH 10 Knowing your inside story is the key

TRUTH 11 Forget outlines–organize your thinking

TRUTH 12 How to organize is a personal choice

TRUTH 13 Every message you send has a psychological impact

TRUTH 14 Effective messages lead with strength

TRUTH 15 To succeed, cover your ground and remember “the ask”

TRUTH 16 Your goal and audience determine the best way to communicate

Part II The truth about self-editing

TRUTH 17 The best writers don’t write; they rewrite

TRUTH 18 Rhythm and transitions make writing move

TRUTH 19 Less can be a whole lot more

TRUTH 20 Passive thinking and jargon undermine clarity

TRUTH 21 You don’t need grammar drills to spot your writing problems

Part III The truth about successful e-mail

TRUTH 22 Use e-mail to communicate in the fast lane–powerfully

TRUTH 23 Good subject lines say, “Open sesame”

TRUTH 24 Know your e-mail do’s and don’ts

TRUTH 25 Writing good progress reports is worth your time

Part IV The truth about letters

TRUTH 26 Letters: They live! And you need them

TRUTH 27 Letters build relationships

TRUTH 28 Cover letters matter, big time

Part V The truth about reports and proposals

TRUTH 29 Good reports generate action

TRUTH 30 Organizing complex projects isn’t that hard

TRUTH 31 Well-crafted proposals win

TRUTH 32 The letter format lets you shortcut proposals

TRUTH 33 Root grant applications in “mission”–yours and the funder’s

Part VI The truth about Web sites

TRUTH 34 Writing is the missing factor in your competitors’ Web sites

TRUTH 35 Web sites built on keywords and content build traffic

TRUTH 36 A home page must crystallize who you are

Part VII The truth about new media

TRUTH 37 Blogging and social media are powerful business tools

TRUTH 38 To blog for yourself, be yourself, but carefully

TRUTH 39 Good business blogging is edgy

TRUTH 40 Tweeting and texting: the ultimate self-edit challenge

TRUTH 41 E-letters focus marketing and reinforce branding

TRUTH 42 Good PowerPoint is more than pretty faces: It starts with writing

Part VIII The truth about writing to self-market

TRUTH 43 Strong résumés focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities

TRUTH 44 Fliers are easy all-purpose promotional tools

TRUTH 45 It pays to think PR and send news releases

TRUTH 46 Writing articles boosts your career

TRUTH 47 The virtual world offers self-publishing power

Part IX The truth about tricks of the trade

TRUTH 48 Good headlines help your writing work–a lot

TRUTH 49 Skillful interviewing is a major (but unrecognized) business asset

TRUTH 50 Readers are global: Try not to confuse them

TRUTH 51 Clarity is next to godliness

TRUTH 52 You can fix your own grammar goofs

B. The Truth About Confident Presenting

Part I Some Initial Truths

TRUTH 1 Public speaking is not easy, but it’s certainly doable

TRUTH 2 The key to success is preparation

TRUTH 3 Rehearsal is essential

TRUTH 4 Emulating good speakers makes you better

TRUTH 5 Establish goals for your presentation

TRUTH 6 A presentation is a learning occasion

Part II The Truth About Getting Ready to Speak

TRUTH 7 Talk is the work

TRUTH 8 Know what your audience is looking for

TRUTH 9 There is a difference between speaking and writing

TRUTH 10 Preparing a presentation is a relatively simple process

TRUTH 11 Begin by analyzing your audience

TRUTH 12 Know your audience

Part III The Truth About What Makes People Listen

TRUTH 13 Understand what makes people listen

TRUTH 14 Your speaking style makes a difference

TRUTH 15 Anticipate the questions your audience brings to your presentation

TRUTH 16 Listening matters

TRUTH 17 Being an active listener brings real benefits

TRUTH 18 You can overcome the barriers to successful communication

Part IV The Truth About Developing Support for Your Presentation

TRUTH 19 Develop support for your presentation

TRUTH 20 Understand the power of your content

TRUTH 21 The kinds and quality of evidence matter to your audience

TRUTH 22 Structure can help carry an inexperienced speaker

TRUTH 23 Find support for your presentation

TRUTH 24 Use the Internet to support your presentation

Part V The Truth About Getting Up to Speak

TRUTH 25 Select a delivery approach

TRUTH 26 Your introduction forms their first impression

TRUTH 27 Begin with a purpose in mind

TRUTH 28 Keep your audience interested

TRUTH 29 Conclusions are as important as introductions

TRUTH 30 Have confidence in your preparation

TRUTH 31 Repeat the process as often as possible

Part VI The Truth About Managing Anxiety

TRUTH 32 All speakers get nervous

TRUTH 33 Recognize anxiety before it begins

TRUTH 34 Deal with nervous behaviors

TRUTH 35 Keep your nervousness to yourself

Part VII The Truth About Nonverbal Communication

TRUTH 36 Most information is transferred nonverbally

TRUTH 37 The nonverbal process can work for you

TRUTH 38 Nonverbal communication has specific functions

TRUTH 39 Nonverbal communication is governed by key principles

TRUTH 40 Nonverbal communication has an effect on your audience

Part VIII The Truth About Visual Aids

TRUTH 41 Visual aids can help your audience understand your message

TRUTH 42 Understand visual images before you use them

TRUTH 43 Choose the right visual

TRUTH 44 Use PowerPoint effectively

TRUTH 45 Consider speaking without visuals

Part IX The Truth About Handling an Audience

TRUTH 46 Assess the mood of your audience

TRUTH 47 Answer the audience’s questions

TRUTH 48 Handle hostility with confidence

Part X The Truth About What Makes a Presentation Work

TRUTH 49 Know as much as possible about the location

TRUTH 50 Use the microphone to your advantage

TRUTH 51 Know your limits

C. The Truth About Negotiations

TRUTH 1: If you have only one hour to prepare

TRUTH 2: Negotiation: A natural gift?

TRUTH 3: Rehearsal might get you to Carnegie, but it won’t help you negotiate

TRUTH 4: The power of making the first offer

TRUTH 5: What if you don’t make the first offer?

TRUTH 6: Don’t be a tough or a nice negotiator

TRUTH 7: Four sand traps in the golf game of negotiation

TRUTH 8: Your industry is unique (and other myths)

TRUTH 9: Identify your BATNA

TRUTH 10: It’s alive! Constantly improve your BATNA

TRUTH 11: Don’t reveal your BATNA

TRUTH 12: Don’t lie about your BATNA

TRUTH 13: Signal your BATNA

TRUTH 14: Research the other party’s BATNA

TRUTH 15: Develop your reservation price

TRUTH 16: Beware of ZOPA myopia

TRUTH 17: Set optimistic but realistic aspirations

TRUTH 18: Plan your concessions

TRUTH 19: Be aware of the “even-split” ploy9

TRUTH 20: The pregame

TRUTH 21: The game

TRUTH 22: The postgame

TRUTH 23: What does “win-win” really mean?

TRUTH 24: Satisficing versus optimizing

TRUTH 25: There are really only two kinds of negotiations

TRUTH 26: Ask triple-I questions

TRUTH 27: Reveal your interests

TRUTH 28: Negotiate issues simultaneously, not sequentially

TRUTH 29: Logrolling (I scratch your back, you scratch mine)

TRUTH 30: Make multiple offers of equivalent value simultaneously

TRUTH 31: Postsettlement settlements

TRUTH 32: Contingent agreements

TRUTH 33: Are you an enlightened negotiator?

TRUTH 34: The reciprocity principle

TRUTH 35: The reinforcement principle

TRUTH 36: The similarity principle

TRUTH 37: Know when to drop an anchor

TRUTH 38: The framing effect

TRUTH 39: Responding to temper tantrums

TRUTH 40: What’s your sign? (Know your disputing style)

TRUTH 41: Using power responsibly

TRUTH 42: Saving face

TRUTH 43: How to negotiate with someone you hate

TRUTH 44: How to negotiate with someone you love

TRUTH 45: Building the winning negotiation team

TRUTH 46: What if they arrive with a team?

TRUTH 47: Of men, women, and pie-slicing

TRUTH 48: Know why the fish swim

TRUTH 49: It does not make sense to always get to the point…

TRUTH 50: Negotiating on the phone

TRUTH 51: Your reputation

TRUTH 52: Building trust

TRUTH 53: Repairing broken trust


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Last Update: November 17, 2020