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With the intense growth of e-business, we hear about an increase in hacking and technology-based criminal incidents. Institutions such as Citibank and Ebay have faced intrusions that have cost them millions of dollars in damages. With the onset of these criminal attacks, there is an increase in demand for products and services that provide more information for people. Tangled Web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace portrays the shadow side of cyberspace by taking you into the lairs of hackers, crackers, researchers, private investigators, law enforcement agents and intelligence officers. The book covers what kinds of cyber-crimes are going to affect business on the Internet, their cost, how they are investigated, and the motivation of hackers and virus writers. Also covered are the problems faced by law enforcement, corporate cyber security professionals, and real-world examples of cyber crimes and lessons learned.
1. Welcome to the Shadow Side of Cyberspace.Types of Cybercrime. Types of Cybercriminals.
2. Inside the Mind of the Cybercriminal.“Stereotyping Can Be Dangerous”. “Intense Personal Problems” Are the Key.
3. Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me: The Extent and Scope of the Cybercrime Problem.The CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey.
Whom We Asked. Outlaw Blues. Types of Cyberattack. To Report or Not to Report. The Truth Is Out There. A Note on Methodology.
Relevant Data from Other Sources.
CERT/CC Statistics. Dan Farmer's Internet Security Survey. WarRoom Research's Information Security Survey.
4. Let It Bleed: The Cost of Computer Crime and Related Security Breaches.How Do You Quantify Financial Losses Due to Info Security Breaches?
You Can't Fully Quantify the Loss if You Haven't Valued the Resource. System Penetration from the Outside. Unauthorized Access from the Inside. Sabotage of Data or Network Operations. Malicious Code. Don't Underestimate “Soft Costs”. If We Can Quantify Losses, We Can Calculate ROI.
5. Did the 1990s Begin with a Big Lie?The First Serious Infrastructure Attack? Public Cyberenemy No. 1? The Worms Crawl In, the Worms Crawl Out....
What the Morris Worm Did to Systems. What the Morris Worm Demonstrated.
6. Joy Riders: Mischief That Leads to Mayhem 65.The Rome Labs Case: Datastream Cowboy and Kuji Mix It Up with the U.S. Air Force.
Investigators Wrestle with Legal Issues and Technical Limitations. Datastream Cowboy's Biggest Mistake. Scotland Yard Closes in on Datastream Cowboy. Kuji Hacks into Goddard Space Flight Center. Kuji Attempts to Hack NATO HQ. Scotland Yard Knocks on Datastream Cowboy's Door. Kuji's Identity Is Finally Revealed. Who Can Find the Bottom Line?
HotterthanMojaveinmyheart: The Case of Julio Cesar Ardita.
How the Search for “El Griton” Began. Ardita's Biggest Mistake. No Ordinary Wiretap. Debriefing “El Griton”.
The Solar Sunrise Case: Mak, Stimpy, and Analyzer Give the DoD a Run for Its Money. Conclusion.
7. Grand Theft Data: Crackers and Cyber Bank Robbers.The Case of Carlos “SMAK” Salgado.
Diary of a Computer Crime Investigation. Don't Underestimate Internet-Based Credit Card Theft. The Crest of an Electronic Commerce Crime Wave?
Where Did It All Begin? How Did It Happen? Misconceptions Dispelled. What It Took To Take Levin Down. You Don't Know How Lucky You Are, Boys...Back in the USSR: Unanswered Questions About Megazoid and the Russian Mafia. From Russia With Love: The Sad Tale of Ekaterina and Evygeny.
The Phonemasters Case.
How the Phonemasters Almost Blunder into Discovering the FBI's Surveillance. A “Dream Wiretap” Results in an Enormous Challenge. Quantifying the Financial Losses Proved Essential in Court. “The Number You Have Reached Has Been Disconnected...”.
8. Hacktivists and Cybervandals.Hackers Run Amok in “Cesspool of Greed”.
Schanot Goes Underground. Schanot's Indictment and Capture. How Schanot Rang Southwestern's Bell.
Attack of the Zombies.
Once Upon A Time, An Eerie Calm Descended on Cyberspace.... Blow by Blow. How DDoS Works. Who Launched the Attacks and Why. Aftermath. Calculating the Financial Impact. The Moral of the Tale.
9. The $80 Million Lap Dance and the $10 Billion Love Letter.The $80 Million Lap Dance. “My Baby, She Wrote Me a Letter...”.
10. Corporate Spies: Trade Secret Theft in Cyberspace.The Corporate World's Dirty, Little, Secret War. Some Real-World Tales of Economic Espionage. Tit for Tat? State-Sponsored Economic Espionage. EEA Sinks Its Teeth In 173.
11. Insiders: The Wrath of the Disgruntled Employee.Types of Cyberattack by Insiders. Oracle Scorned: The Unauthorized Access of Adelyn Lee. Omega Man: The Implosion of Tim Lloyd.
12. Infowar and Cyberterror: The Sky Is Not Falling, But....Cyberwar in Kosovo? China, U.S., and Taiwan: Has Code War Replaced Cold War? Storming the Digital Bastille. Helter Skelter in Cyberspace. Digital Dirty Tricks and Cyber Plumbers. Defensive Information Warfare.
13. Identity Theft.Do You Have Your Priorities Straight?
15. Inside Fortune 500 Corporations.How to Structure Your Information Security Unit. Where Should Your Information Security Unit Report?
16. Inside Global Law Enforcement.National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC).
The Role of Computer Analysis Response Team (CART).
“Isn't It Good, Norwegian Wood...”.
Case Study in the Struggle Over Subscriber Data. U.S. Law Versus Norwegian Law. Council of Europe Floats a Cybercrime Treaty.
17. Inside the U.S. Federal Government.Inside the Pentagon. What's Going On in the Murky Waters at Foggy Bottom? FAA Secured on a Wing and a Prayer? Lessons Learned from the NASA Probe. Is Something Nasty Floating in Your Alphabet Soup?
Harold Nicholson, Traitor. Douglas Groat, Would-Be Traitor. John Deutch: A Good Man Blunders. King and Lipka, Traitors.
18. Countermeasures.Organizational Issues. Risk Analysis.
Baseline Controls Versus Risk Analysis.
Sound Practices.
Sixteen Sound Practices Learned from Leading Organizations. Information Protection Assessment Kit (IPAK).
Policies and Procedures.
Net Abuse. E-Mail Abuse.
Security Awareness.
Security Technologies: Few Solutions, Lots of Snake Oil, and No Silver Bullets. Outsourcing? Yes and No.
Epilogue: The Human Factor.One Term I Never Heard In Silicon Valley. Infosec du Soleil. Joseph's Robe of Many Colors Was Made of Patches. Another Patsy Named Lee? From the Red-Eye to the Russell Office Building.
Glossary.Computer Fraud and Misuse Act. Economic Espionage Act of 1996. Council of Europe. Draft Convention on Cybercrime.
DRAFT CONVENTION ON CYBER-CRIME (Draft No 19). I. Use of terms. II. Measures to be taken at the national level. Section 1. Substantive criminal law. Section 2. Procedural law. Section 3. Jurisdiction. III. International Co-operation. IV. Follow-up. V. Final Provisions.
B. Excerpt from Criminal Affidavit in the Ardita Case.Efforts to Identify and Localize the Intruder Within the FAS Harvard Host. Real-Time Monitoring of the Intruder's Activities in November and December, 1995. Identification of “Griton,” the Intruder, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
C. Resources and Publications.General Information.
Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). NIST Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse. Computer Crime Research Resources. Rik Farrow. Bruce Schneier and Counterpane Systems. Lincoln Stein's WWW Security FAQ. Bill Cheswick's Home Page. Alec Muffet's Home Page. Marcus Ranum's Home Page. Fred Cohen & Associates. Dr. Dorothy Denning's Home Page. Dan Farmer's Home Page. Sarah Gordon's Home Page. George Smith, The Crypt Newsletter.
U.S. GAO Cybersecurity Assessments.
Information Security: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risks. Information Security: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risks. Information Security: Computer Hacker Information Available on the Internet. Information Security: Opportunities for Improved OMB Oversight of Agency Practices. IRS Systems Security and Funding: Employee Browsing Not Being Addressed Effectively and Budget Requests for New Systems Development Not Justified. IRS Systems Security: Tax Processing Operations and Data Still at Risk Due to Serious Weaknesses. IRS Systems Security: Tax Processing Operations and Data Still at Risk Due to Serious Weaknesses. Air Traffic Control: Weak Computer Security Practices Jeopardize Flight Safety. Computer Security: Pervasive, Serious Weaknesses Jeopardize State Department Operations. Executive Guide: Information Security Management—Learning From Leading Organizations. FAA Systems: Serious Challenges Remain in Resolving Year 2000 and Computer Security Problems. Information Security: Serious Weaknesses Place Critical Federal Operations and Assets at Risk. Information Security: Serious Weaknesses Put State Department and FAA Operations at Risk. Information Security: Strengthened Management Needed to Protect Critical Federal Operations and Assets. Department of Energy: Key Factors Underlying Security Problems at DOE Facilities. Information Security: The Melissa Computer Virus Demonstrates Urgent Need for Stronger Protection Over Systems and Sensitive Data. High-Risk Series: An Update HR-99-1. Information Security: Many NASA Mission-Critical Systems Face Serious Risks.
Anti-Virus Information.
Virus Bulletin. Rob Rosenberger's Computer Virus Myths. European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR). Datafellows Virus Information Center. Henri Delger's Virus Help. Eddy Willems Free Anti-Virus Consultancy.
Incident Response Information.
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC). Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP). What Is Information Warfare? by Martin Libicki. Information Warfare Resources. Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare.
Organizations and Associations.
Computer Security Institute (CSI). American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS). The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association (FISSEA). International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. (ISC)2. Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). High Technology Crime Investigation Association. USENIX. The SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security) Institute. International Computer Security Association (ICSA).
Books and Publications. On-Line News Sources.
SecurityFocus and Security Portal. APBonline.
Security Mailing Lists.
AUSCERT Australian Computer Emergency Response. CERT Advisory Mailing List Computer Emergency Response Team. CIAC Mailing List. Cypherpunks Mailing List. Firewalls Mailing List. Academic-Firewalls Mailing List. FWall-users Mailing List. Firewalls Wizards. BugTraq Mailing List. RISKS-LIST.
Newsgroups. Conferences and Training.
Computer Security Institute. The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). National Cybercrime Training Partnership. MIS Training Institute. National Information Systems Security Conference.
Computer Underground.
2600 Magazine: The Hacker Quarterly. Attrition. DefCon. L0pht Heavy Industries. Phrack. Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc). AntiOnline. Hacker News Network (HNN). Computer Underground Digest.