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Special Edition Using Microsoft Word 2002 is the most detailed business-focused guide to Microsoft Word 2002 in the marketplace. More than any competitive book, it focuses on maximizing user productivity with real-world documents in real-world environments.
Topics covered include:
In choosing fonts for your Word document, be sensitive to the visual tone that the font communicates. Is it traditional or cutting-edge? Sophisticated or cartoony? Commonplacesuch as Times New Roman and Arialor unfamiliar? If you're choosing fonts for text (as opposed to headlines), readability is Job #1: never select a display font such as Algerian or Wide Latin.
You may also want to pay attention to the width of characters in a font, because this affects how much text can appear in a given number of pages. For example, Times New Roman was designed to fit far more text than Courier New, without compromising readability.
If you're choosing fonts for Web pages, don't count on your audience having fonts other than those installed with Windows or Office. Microsoft Web fonts such as Georgia and Verdana were designed for Web reading and are now sufficiently widely distributed to be relatively safe alternatives to Times New Roman and Arial.
AutoCorrect is invaluable if you extensively use long words or complex phrasesfor instance, if you use technical, scientific, or legal terms in your work. You can set up shortcuts for words, phrases, or even paragraphs you use often and have AutoCorrect insert the lengthy text blocks automatically whenever you type the shortcut.
Simply type a few letters in the Replace text box of the AutoCorrect dialog box (click Tools, AutoCorrect Options) and copy the lengthy word or phrase into the With text box. When choosing the few letters that will serve as your shortcut, make sure that they are memorable, are easy to type, and will not appear in your document except when you intend for AutoCorrect to replace them.
Don't use a shortcut consisting of a word you type often; if you do, whenever you press the return key after typing that word, Word will replace it with your AutoText entry.
If your document includes a picture or AutoShape object and you want to see how text will flow around it, but you don't have the text yet, you can use Word's built-in text generator. Place your insertion point where you want the text to start, type =Rand(), and press Enter. Word inserts three paragraphs. Each paragraph contains the same sentence repeated three times: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
If you need more or less than three paragraphs, you can also specify the exact number of paragraphs and the number of sentences in each paragraph, using the =Rand() function. The syntax is
where p equals the number of paragraphs, and s equals the number of sentences in each paragraph.
When creating a document outline using Outline view and Word's Heading styles, you can use a wheel mouse (like the Microsoft IntelliMouse) to expand or collapse selected paragraphs. To do so in Outline view (click View, Outline):
Who Should Read This Book? How This Book Is Organized. How This Book Is Designed. What's on the Companion Web Site. Conventions Used in This Book.
1. What's New in Word 2002.Discovering Microsoft's Key Word 2002 Enhancements. Speech Control and Dictation. Handwriting Support. User Interface Improvements. Formatting Improvements. Collaboration Improvements. Web Editing Improvements. Drawing and Diagramming Improvements. Language and International Improvements. Document and Application Recovery Improvements. Security and Privacy. Other Improvements. The Office XP Registration Wizard.
2. Navigating Word 2002.Quick Tour of the “Cockpit”. Using Find, Replace, and Go To. Getting Help. Troubleshooting.
3. Basic Document Creation, Storage, and Retrieval.Creating New Documents. Using the New Document Task Pane. Basic Editing. Saving Your Documents. Using Word's New Program and File Recovery Features. Retrieving Your Documents. Finding the File You're Seeking. Switching Among Files You've Opened. Troubleshooting.
4. Quick and Effective Formatting Techniques.Understanding the Basics of Direct Formatting. Introducing Font Formatting. Working with Paragraph Formatting. Controlling Pagination. Comparing, Selecting, and Copying Formatted Text. Using On-the-Fly Format Checking. Troubleshooting.
5. More Day-to-Day Productivity Tools.Using Word's Page Setup Features. Using Headers and Footers. Using Bullets and Numbered Lists. Working with Multiple Columns. Using Borders and Shading. Troubleshooting.
6. Printing in Word.Printing the Entire Document. Specifying What to Print. Other Useful Print Settings. Creating a Print File from Which You Can Print Later. Printing Envelopes in Word. Printing Labels. Printing Many Files at the Same Time. Using Print Preview. Troubleshooting.
7. Using Word As an E-mail Editor.Creating E-mail Using Microsoft Word 2002. Establishing Settings for Your Message. Creating File Attachments. Controlling Message Priority and Other Options. Sending Your Message. Setting Formatting Defaults for All Your Mail Messages. Troubleshooting.
8. Using Word 2002's Speech Control, Dictation, and Handwriting Features.Understanding Word's Speech Features. Preparing for Speech Recognition. Training Word to Understand Speech. Issuing Voice Commands to Word. Dictating to Word. Creating Multiple Speech Profiles. Troubleshooting.
9. Making the Most of Word's Proofing Tools.Using Automatic Spelling and Grammar Checking. Disabling or Hiding Automatic Spelling and Grammar Checking. Checking Spelling Through the Spelling and Grammar Dialog Box. Controlling Spelling Settings. Custom Dictionaries for Custom Needs. A Closer Look at the Grammar Checker. Using the Word Thesaurus. Counting a Document's Words, Pages, Lines, and Characters. Displaying Readability Statistics. Troubleshooting.
10. Automating Your Documents.AutoCorrect: Smarter Than Ever. AutoText: The Complete Boilerplate Resource AutoFormatting: The Fastest Way to Format. Working with AutoSummarize. Troubleshooting.
11. Streamlining Your Formatting with Styles.Why Styles Are So Valuable. What Styles Are and How They Work. Understanding and Using Word's Default Styles. Creating Styles. Changing Styles. Managing Styles. Troubleshooting.
12. Templates, Wizards, and Add-Ins.What Templates Are and How They Work. Using Word's Built-In Template Library. Using Templates from The Normal Template: Crucial to All Documents. Creating a New Template. Understanding Global Templates. Attaching Templates to Documents and E-mail Messages. Linking CSS Style Sheets to Web Pages. Using Themes to Change the Styles in Your Template. Previewing New Templates with Style Gallery. Moving Elements Among Templates. Managing Templates to Minimize Your Work. Using Workgroup Templates. Using Word Wizards. Understanding Word Add-Ins. Troubleshooting.
13. Tables: Word's All-Purpose Solution for Structuring Information.Understanding What Word Tables Can Do. Word's Multiple Approaches to Creating a Table. Editing in a Table. Changing a Table's Structure or Formatting. Adding Table Borders and Shading. Controlling Table Breaks and Table Headers. Using Table Styles. Working with Table Properties. Converting Text to Tables. Sorting the Contents of Tables. Troubleshooting.
14. Getting Images into Your Documents.Opportunities to Use Graphics Effectively. Finding and Inserting Clip Art with the Insert Clip Art Side Pane. Working with Microsoft Clip Organizer. Inserting Pictures Directly, Without Clip Organizer. Editing Clip Art to Serve Your Needs. Minimizing Graphics File Size by Using Compress Pictures. Adding Alternative Text to Your Image. Using WordArt. Troubleshooting.
15. Drawing in Word.Understanding How Word Drawings Work. Drawing Lines and Other Basic Shapes. AutoShapes: Word's Library of Predrawn Shapes. Controlling Colors. Adding Depth to Your Graphics. Editing Objects in a Word Drawing. Troubleshooting.
16. Word Desktop Publishing.Word 2002: Almost a Full-Fledged Desktop Publishing Program. When to Use Word-And When Not To. Planning Your Document. Quick and Easy Brochures with the Brochure Template. Using Drop Caps. Inserting Symbols and Special Characters. Using Text Boxes. Troubleshooting.
17. Using Graphs to Make Sense of Your Data Visually.Understanding Graphs and Charts. Creating Data to Be Graphed. Choosing Among Word's Extensive Selection of Charts. Working with Chart Options. Formatting Chart Elements. Creating a Chart from Scratch. Using Trendlines. Using Error Bars. Revising Charts Automatically. Troubleshooting.
18. Using Mail Merge Effectively.An Overview of Word's Mail Merge. Starting a Mail Merge with the Mail Merge Wizard Task Pane. Working with the Mail Merge Toolbar. Selecting a Starting Document. Selecting Recipients. Preparing the Content of Your Main Document. Printing or Delivering Your Merged Documents. Customizing Merged Documents with Word Fields. Troubleshooting.
19. Outlining: Practical Techniques for Organizing Any Document.The Benefits of Outlining. The Role of Heading Styles and Outline Levels in Outlining. Creating a New Outline Understanding Outline View. Applying Outline Levels to Specific Text. Printing Your Outline. Using Word's Automatic Outline Numbering. Using List Styles. Troubleshooting.
20. Master Documents: Control and Share Even the Largest Documents.The Advantages of Master Documents. Creating Master Documents and Subdocuments. Working with Master Document and Subdocument Files. Style Behavior in Master Documents and Subdocuments. Reorganizing a Master Document. Creating a Table of Contents, Index, or Cross-References for a Master Document. Printing Master Documents and Subdocuments. Working with Others on the Same Master Document. Inserting Files Rather Than Using Master Documents. Using Insert File to Insert Part of a Document. Troubleshooting.
21. Tables of Contents, Figures, Authorities, and Captioning.Tables of Contents. Introducing Tables of Figures and Captions. Introducing Citations. Troubleshooting.
22. Building More Effective Indexes.How Word Indexes Work. Creating a New Index Entry. Compiling Your Index. Building Indexes from Multiple Documents. Automating Indexing with Index AutoMark Files. Placing More Than One Index in a Document. Troubleshooting.
23. Footnotes, Bookmarks, and Cross-References.Using Footnotes and Endnotes. Using Bookmarks. Working with Cross-References. Troubleshooting.
24. Managing Document Collaboration and Revisions.An Overview of Word's Team Writing Tools. Introducing Word's New Reviewing Interface. Working with Comments. Working with Track Changes. Keeping Track of Changes Among Multiple Documents. Resolving Proposed Changes. Using Word's Versioning Feature. Streamlining the Review Process with Microsoft Outlook. Troubleshooting.
25. Creating Organization Charts and Business Diagrams.About Word's New Organization Chart Feature. Changing Organization Chart Layouts. Troubleshooting.
26. Automating Your Documents with Field Codes.Understanding Fields. Fields That Might Already Be in Your Document. Viewing Fields. Inserting a Field Using the Field Dialog Box. Placing Fields Directly into a Document. Updating Your Fields. Shortcuts for Working with Fields. Finding and Replacing Field Contents. A Closer Look at Field Instructions. A Closer Look at Field Formatting. Nesting Fields. Troubleshooting.
27. Customizing Word.Deciding Which Word Features to Customize. Controlling How Word Starts. Customizing Toolbars. Organizing Entire Toolbars. Adding a New Toolbar. Restoring Default Settings. Customizing Menus. Creating New Keyboard Shortcuts. Controlling Word's Customization Options. Controlling Word's ScreenTips. Changing Word Options. Troubleshooting.
28. Recording and Running Visual Basic Macros.Macros: The Basics. Creating Macros That Run Automatically. Running Your Macro. Moving Project Items Among Templates and Documents. Running Word Commands: Word's 400+ Built-In, One-Step Macros. Troubleshooting.
29. Word Document Privacy and Security Options.Understanding and Using Word 2002's Privacy and Security Features. Preventing and Controlling Word Viruses. Other Methods for Securing Documents. Troubleshooting.