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Special Edition Using Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

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Special Edition Using Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server


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  • Copyright 2000
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-7897-2278-X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-2278-2

Special Edition Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 emphasizes integrating Exchange with the Internet, as well as extending its functionality into the area of collaboration. The authoring team from Software Spectrum provides both the theory and the best practices when working with Exchange. Specifically, Kent Joshi, a Managing Consultant draws upon his 13 years of corporate experience including his work at Microsoft, IBM, and his own company to cut through the hype and get down to nuts and bolts. In addition, this edition features additional coverage of undocumented features, workarounds, and practical (and unapologetic) advice for avoiding features that don't work well.

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Table of Contents


Introducing Exchange 2000 Server. How This Book Was Authored. What's New in Exchange 2000? Conventions Used in This Book.


1. Introducing Exchange 2000 Server.

The History of Messaging.

A Chronology of Messaging. Understanding Shared-File Messaging. Understanding Client/Server Messaging.

Overview of Exchange's Core Components. What's New in Exchange 2000?

Active Directory Integration. IIS 5.0 Extensions. Virtual Servers. Storage Enhancements. Administrative Enhancements. Client Enhancements. Application Development Enhancements. Exchange Conference Server.

Exchange's Momentum in the Marketplace and Within Microsoft.

2. Understanding Exchange 2000's Hierarchy.

Exchange 2000 Organization. Understanding Exchange 2000 Administrative Groups.

When to Add an Administrative Group. Creating Administrative Groups.

Understanding Exchange 2000 Routing Groups. Administrating Routing Groups.

Criteria to Be a Member of the Same Routing Group. Multiple Routing Groups.

Routing Groups and Public Folders. Exchange 2000 Policies. Message Transport in Exchange 2000. Key SMTP Components. Basic Message Flow.

Exchange 2000 Message Routing. How Messages Are Routed.

Using Mail-Enabled Recipients. Best Practices.

Design Phase Considerations. Post-Implementation Suggestions for Troubleshooting.

3. Exchange's Core Components.

Exchange Architecture.

Design Goals. Architecture Similarities. Terminology Changes. Architecture Changes. Directory Services. Directory Access. Transport Services. IIS Integration. Distributed Configurations.

Addressing with Exchange 2000.

Address Generation. Directory Connectivity. Address Lists.

Active Directory Users and Computers.

Creating Users. Creating Groups. Creating Contacts. Managing Users. Managing Groups. Managing Contacts.




DS Referral. Configuration of Diagnostic Logging.

4. Integrating Exchange 2000 with Windows 2000.

Windows 2000 Core Functionality.

Windows 2000 Server. Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

The Windows 2000 Security Model. Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 Integration.

Active Directory. Transport. Name Resolution. Exchange 2000 Integration with Windows 2000 Security. Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

Windows 2000 Key Features for Exchange 2000.

Global Catalog. Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI). Active/Active Clustering.

Best Practices.

Specialized Custom Exchange MMC Consoles.



5. Exchange Planning.

Understanding Your Users' Needs.

Methods for Gathering Knowledge from Users. Gathering Knowledge from Information Systems.

Other Usage and Needs to Consider.

Internet Needs. Intranet Needs. Security Needs.

Mobile User Support.

Mobile Users-Basic Needs. Mobile Users-Exchange 2000 Options.

GroupWare and Public Folders Needs. Digital Dashboard. Real-Time Messaging Services.

Streaming Media Services.

Best Practices-Reviewing User Needs.

6. Planning Your Exchange Deployment

Step 1: Know Your Network.

Capturing Network Information. Preparing the Network for Exchange.

Step 2: Windows 2000 Integration.

Active Directory Impact. Windows 2000 Sites and Services.

Step 3: Defining Exchange Routing Groups.

Evaluating Your Network Connection. Defining Routing Group Boundaries. Centralization Versus Decentralization. Message Routing Topologies for Large Deployments. Types of Servers in a Routing Group.

Step 4: Creating a Naming Strategy.

User Principal Name and SMTP Address. Organization Name. Routing Group and Administrative Group Names. Server Names. Email Addresses.

Step 5: Exchange Connectivity.

Routing Group Connector. SMTP Connector. X.400 Connectors. Non-Exchange Mail System Connectors.

Step 6: Designing an Information Store Architecture.

Benefits of Storage Groups. Mailbox Distribution. Public Folders. Deleted Item Retention. Full-Text Indexing.

Step 7: Selecting Hardware for Exchange.

Server Hardware Fundamentals. Advanced Storage Planning.

Step 8: Designing for Internet Connectivity. Step 9: Planning for Administration of the System.

Administrative Groups. Security. Policies. Other Operations Considerations.

Step 10: Reviewing Your Plan. Best Practices: Moving Toward Deployment.

7. Installing Exchange 2000 Server.

Required Hardware. Required Software. Preparing for Server and Site Setup. Gathering Information Used During the Installation.

Component Selection Options.

Setting Up a Single Exchange 2000 Server. Installing the Exchange 2000 Server Software. Setting Up Additional Servers in One Location. Post-Installation Tasks. Best Practices.

8. Creating Exchange 2000 Recipients.

Mailbox-Enabled Users. Creating the Mailbox-Enabled User. Configuring the User Property Pages.

The General Tab. The Address Tab. The Account Tab. The Profile Tab. The Telephones Tab. The Organization Tab. The Exchange Features Tab. The E-mail Addresses Tab. The Exchange General Tab. The Terminal Services Profile Tab. The Remote Control Tab. The Sessions Tab. The Environment Tab. The Dial-in Tab. The Member Of Tab.

Mail-Enabled Users. How to Mail-Enable an Existing User. Mail-Enabled Contacts. Creating Mail-Enabled Contacts.

X.400 Address Configuration. Microsoft Mail Address Configuration. cc:Mail Address Configuration. Lotus Notes Address Configuration. Novell GroupWise Address.

Configuring Properties for a Contact.

The General Page. The Address Page. The Telephones Page. The Organization Page. The E-mail Addresses Page. The Exchange General Page. The Member Of Page.

Mail-Enabled Groups. Creating Mail-Enabled Groups. The General Tab. The Members Tab. The Member Of Tab. The Managed By Tab. The E-mail Addresses Tab. The Exchange General Tab. Moving Recipients. Best Practices in Creating Recipients.

9. Using Active Directory and Exchange Connectors.

Using Active Directory Within Exchange. Active Directory Integration with Exchange 2000.

Domain Naming Context. Configuration Naming Context. Schema Naming Context.

Global Catalog Servers. Directory Replication in Windows 2000. Intrasite Directory Replication. Intersite Directory Replication.

Creating a Site Link. Configuring Replication Frequency. Creating a Site. Associating a Subnet with a Site.

Directory Synchronization.

Selecting Which Recipients to Export or Import. Creating an Import Container. Creating an Export Container. Directory Synchronization Scheduling Strategy

Connectors for Exchange Directory Synchronization.

The Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail. Understanding How the cc:Mail Connector Works. Understanding Directory Synchronization with cc:Mail.

Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes.

Understanding Directory Synchronization with Lotus Notes.

The Exchange Connector for Novell GroupWise.

Understanding Directory Synchronization with Novell GroupWise.

The Exchange MS Mail Connector. Starting Directory Synchronization. Troubleshooting.

10. Using the Web Store with Exchange.

Web Store Architecture Overview. Understanding the New Web Store Features.

More Efficient Administrative Model. The Streaming Store. HTTP, WebDAV, and XML Support.

Configuring the Web Store.

Why Multiple Databases? Why Multiple Stores? Deployment Scenarios. Understanding Storage Groups.

Planning Considerations.

Security. Transaction Logs. Multiple Databases. Understanding How Multiple Databases Impact Single-Instance Storage. Where to Place Users. How to Configure a New Database Store.

The Exchange Installable File System (IFS).

Overview of the Exchange Installable File System. Understanding the IFS Architecture. Understanding How Data Is Accessed Through IFS. Using the Exchange Installable File System.

Multiple Public Folder Trees.

View the Public Folder Tree Use. How to Create a New Public Folder Tree.

Backing Up the Web Store.

Which Files Do I Back Up? Performing Offline Backups. Database Recovery.

Web Store Frequently Asked Questions.

What Is the Difference Between the Information Store and the New Web. Store? When Would I Use Multiple Databases? When Would I Create a Storage Group Rather Than a New Database?

11. Configuring the Information Store and Storage Groups.

The Information Store (IS) Architecture.

Storage Groups. Why Should We Use Storage Groups? Storage Groups Architecture. Creating Storage Groups. Deleting a Storage Group. Two Databases per Information Store. On-Demand Content Conversion. Installable File System. Full-Text Indexing.

Configuring the Information Store. Configuring the Mailbox Store.

The Mailboxes.

Configuring the Public Folder Store.

The General Page. The Database Page. The Replication Page. The Limits Page. The Full-Text Indexing Page. The Details Page. The Policies Page. The Security Page. The Logons Item. Public Folder Instances. The Replication Status Page. The Full-Text Indexing Item.

Creating the Public Folders in the Public Store.

Creating a New Public Folder Hierarchy. Creating a New Public Folder Store. Creating a New Public Folder. Public Folder Replicas.

Troubleshooting. Best Practices.

12. Creating and Managing Routing Groups.

Overview of Exchange 2000's Routing Groups. Preparing for Routing Groups.

Bridgehead Servers.

Understanding the Link State Table. Choosing Connectors. Creating Routing Group Connectors.

Options When Creating a Routing Group Connector. Creating Routing Groups. Steps to Install a Routing Group Connector.

Best Practices.

13. Setting Up the Active Directory Connector.

Why Use the Active Directory Connector (ADC)? The Active Directory Connector Architecture. Deploying the ADC.

Mapping. Containers and the ADC.

Installing the ADC. Creating an ADC Connection Agreement. Testing the ADC. Best Practices.

14. Working with the SMTP Connector.

Learning the SMTP Connector. Understanding the Components.

Virtual Servers. DNS and Smart Host. Routing Groups and Bridgehead Servers. Address Spacing. RFC Standards.

Usage of the SMTP Connector.

Using the SMTP Connector for Internet Mail. Using the SMTP Connector Routing Group Connections. Connecting to Foreign SMTP Mail System.

Configuring the SMTP Connector.

Configuring for Internet Mail Use. Configuring As a Routing Group Connector.

Configuring the Virtual Server Options.

The General Tab. The Access Tab. Setting Mail Restrictions Using the Messages Tab. Configuring the Delivery Tab.

Testing the SMTP Connector. Troubleshooting. Best Practices.

SMTP Message Queues. Enabling SMTP Diagnostic Logging.

15. Configuring the X.400 Connector.

Review of the X.400 Protocol. The X.400 Connector Architecture. Configuring X.400: TCP/IP Transport.

Adding the TCP/IP X.400 Service Transport Stack. Adding and Configuring the TCP X.400 Connector.

Configuring X.400: X.25 Transport.

Adding the X.25 X.400 Service Transport Stack. Adding and Configuring the X.25 X.400 Connector.

Configuring an X.400 Connector with RAS. Common Configuration of All X.400 Connectors. Configuring a Foreign X.400 System. Testing the X.400 Connectors. Best Practices.

16. Using Microsoft Mail Connector for PC Networks.

The Microsoft (MS) Mail Connector Architecture. Installing and Configuring the MS Mail Connector.

Accessing the MS Mail Connector. MS Mail Connector Interchange Tab. Local Postoffice Tab. Connections Tab. (PC)MTA Connections Tab. Address Space Tab. Advanced Tab. Details tab. Security Tab.

Configuring the MS Mail Connector Post Office and Gateways. Adjusting Auditing Levels. Exporting Directory Information to Exchange Server. Testing the MS Mail Connector. Troubleshooting.


17. Using Exchange Systems Management Control.

Starting the Exchange System Manager. Configuring the MMC for Exchange. Using the Exchange System Manager Interface. Navigating the Organization Hierarchal Tree. The System Manager Menu Overview.

The Windows Menu. The Help Menu. The Action Menu. The View Menu.

Best Practices: A Summary of Using the MMC.

18. Managing and Monitoring Exchange.

What's New in Exchange 2000 Monitoring.

Understanding Exchange Monitoring Terms. Surfing the ESM Console.

Server Monitoring-How It Works.

Defining Options for Server Monitoring Options.

Creating a Server Monitor. What Happened to the Link Monitor I Knew in Exchange 5.5?

Link Terminology Defined.

Stopping a Monitor for Maintenance. Automated Email or Script Notification. Best Practices.

Native 2000 Alerts and Logs. Helpful Tips. Using Help.

19. Troubleshooting Exchange.

Best Practices. Tracking Exchange Messages. Enabling Message Tracking. Using the Message Tracking Center. Additional Exchange Core Component Troubleshooting Tools.


Using Diagnostic Logging.

Setting the Logging Level. Subcomponents and Categories. Logging Levels.

Using Windows 2000 Event Viewer. Using SNMP to Monitor and Troubleshoot. Proactive Measures.

20. Disaster Recovery.

What's New in Exchange 2000 Backups and Restores. Designing a Backup Strategy.

Choosing a Backup Device. Choosing a Backup Routine. Implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan.

Backing Up Exchange 2000. Backing Up a Single Database. Backing Up a Single Storage Group.

Backing Up Multiple Storage Groups.

Backing Up the Entire Server. The Exchange Clustering Architecture. Configuring Clustering. Testing Clustering. Restoring a Message. Restoring a Mailbox. Restoring a Database. Restoring a Storage Group. Restoring the Entire Server. Best Practices.

21. Tuning Exchange.

The Art of Performance Tuning.

Defining Users. Defining Servers. Defining Load. Direct Versus Background Requests.

How Many Users Can Exchange Support? What's in the Tuning Toolbox?

Using the Performance Monitor.

Detecting Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks. Addressing Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks.

Separating All Transaction Logs. Installing Additional Hard Disks. Installing Faster Hard Disks and Drive Controllers. Using RAID Disk Striping to Increase Performance. Write-Caching Hard Disk Controllers. Minding Memory Requirements in Exchange.

Detecting Memory Bottlenecks. Addressing Memory Bottlenecks.

Adding Memory. Using Multiple Paging Files. Removing Unnecessary Services.

Detecting Network Bottlenecks.

Detecting Client-Side Bottlenecks. Detecting Server-Side Bottlenecks.

Addressing Network Bottlenecks.

Applying Faster Hardware on Heavy Traffic Links. Segmenting Your Network. Matching the Network Card to the System Bus. Increasing Your Bandwidth.

Detecting Processor Bottlenecks. Addressing Processor Bottlenecks.

Upgrading Your Processor. Using Off-Peak Scheduling for the Processor.

Detecting System Bus Bottlenecks. Addressing System Bus Bottlenecks.

Using Larger CPU Caches.

Exchange-Specific Counters.

Trend Counters. Service Time Counters.

Optimizing Dedicated Exchange Servers.

Optimizing Messaging Servers. Optimizing Connector Servers. Optimizing Chat Servers. Optimizing Instant Messaging Servers. Optimizing HTTP Access Servers. Optimizing Public Folder Servers. Optimizing Servers with Shared Roles.

Real-World Answers to “How Many Users Can Exchange Support?”.

Calculating Acceptable Server Response Times. Capacity Planning with Load Simulator.

Best Practices.

22. Exchange Security.

What Are the Risks? Understanding the Windows and Exchange 2000 Security Architecture. Active Directory.

Security Groups. Security Options in Active Directory. Security Tab. Exchange General Tab, Delivery Options. Exchange Features Tab, Email Security. Exchange Advanced Tab, Protocol Settings. Exchange Advanced Tab, Mailbox Rights. Delegate Control. Delegate Control in the Exchange System Manager. Delegate Control in the Active Directory.


Security Templates.

Access Control Model.

Field-Level Security. Inheritance.

Kerberos Authentication.

Trust Relationships. Kerberos and Exchange.

Encrypting File System.

Recovery Agents. EFS and Exchange.

Protocol Security.

IPSec. L2TP.

Certificate Services.

Revocation Lists. Certificate Trust Lists. Installing Certificate Services. Certificate Services and Exchange. Digital Signatures. Message Encryption. Key Management Server. Installing Key Management Server. Configuring Key Management Server. Using Key Management Server. Enroll KMS Users. Revoke User Certificates. Recover User Keys. Move Users Between Key Management Servers. KMS Event Logs. Backing Up and Restoring the Key Management Database.

Public Folder Security. Other Security Considerations.

Using Windows 2000 Auditing Capabilities. Outlook RPC.

The Security Configuration Toolkit.

Security Templates. Security Configuration and Analysis. Group Policy Extensions. SECEDIT.EXE.

Best Practices.


23. Installing and Configuring Outlook 2000.

New Features in Outlook 2000.

Email. Calendar and Group Scheduling. Other Outlook Enhancements.

Preparing to Install Outlook 2000.

Outlook 2000 System Requirements. Saving Your Personalized Information. Email Support for Outlook 2000.

Installing Outlook 2000. Configuring Outlook with Outlook 2000 Startup Wizard.

Creating Your Outlook Profile. Configuring Personal Address Book and Personal Folders.


Outlook 2000 Encryption-Level Settings.

24. Using Outlook 2000.

Outlook 2000 Views. Inbox.

Creating Messages. Reading Messages.


Adding an Appointment to Your Calendar. Adding a Detailed Appointment to Your Calendar. Organizing a Meeting. Editing Appointments and Meetings. Time Zone Issues.


Adding Contacts. Viewing Contacts. Importing Contacts from Personal Address Book.

Rules Wizard.

Create a Rule with the Rules Wizard.

Mobile User Options.

Offline Folders. Multiple Synchronization Groups. Offline Address Book Synchronization.


25. Using Advanced Outlook 2000 Features.

Utilizing Out of Office Assistant. Managing Tasks.

Creating a New Task. Editing. Assigning Tasks to Others. Recurring Tasks. Dragging a Task to Your Calendar.

Using the Journal.

Setting Journal Options. Manually Creating a New Journal Entry. Utilizing Journal Views.

Profiles and Information Services.

Understanding Information Services. Adding Profiles and Information Services.

Working with Delegates. Exploring Outlook 2000's Internet Enhancements.

Web Toolbar. Outlook Folder Home Pages. Save Calendars As Web Pages. Newsgroups.

Understanding Office 2000's Collaborative Features.

NetMeeting. Team Folders.

Understanding Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Visual Basic Editor (VB Editor). Sample VBA Code


26. Building a Digital Dashboard.

The Knowledge Management Challenge.

Knowledge 101. From Knowledge Theory to Competitive Advantage.

Introduction to Digital Dashboards. Capabilities of Digital Dashboards.

Personal Information. Team Communication and Data. Corporate Data. External Information.

Integrating Content.

Personal Information. Team Data and Sharing. Corporate Data. External.

Enabling Offline Use.

Offline Collaborative Outlook Applications. Offline Internet and Intranet Content. Offline Corporate Data.

Deploying a Digital Dashboard.

Storing a Digital Dashboard on the File System. Hosting a Digital Dashboard on a Web Server.

Case Study-A Distribution-Focused Digital Dashboard Solution.

Brief Summary. Business Overview and the Definition of Needs and Issues. The Solution and Its Business Roles. Implementation and Features. Solution Summary.


27. Exchange and the Internet.

Overview of Internet Communications.

SMTP Transport.

Understanding Virtual Server and Multiple Domain Hosting.

Virtual Server Settings. Listening for Incoming Connections. Connection Settings. Logging. Access Control. SMTP Relaying. Message Limits. Message Delivery. Reverse DNS Lookup.

Understanding Transport and Protocols.

NNTP. NNTP Setup Considerations. SMTP. Queue Viewer. SMTP Setup Considerations. POP3. IMAP4. HTTP. Windows 2000 Dependencies. Bridgehead Servers. OWA. Port Assignments.

Understanding the Basic Concepts of the Exchange 2000 Web Store. Best Practices. Troubleshooting.

28. Using Exchange As a Newsgroup Server.

Historical Overview of Usenet.

Understanding Newsgroups. Understanding Usenet's Flow. Understanding Newsfeeds.

Planning for the NNTP Service. Understanding the NNTP Service Architecture.

Creating and Configuring NNTP Virtual Servers. Creating and Configuring Newsgroups. Creating and Configuring Newsfeeds. Creating and Configuring Expiration Policies. Creating and Configuring NNTP Virtual Directories.

Configuring NNTP Security. Testing and Maintaining the NNTP Server.

Testing NNTP Connectivity. Monitoring the NNTP Service.

Best Practices.

29. Configuring the Outlook Web Access Client.

The Outlook Web Access (OWA) Architecture.

World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Understanding OWA and the Web Store. The Way OWA Works. Security and User Authentication. OWA Server Process.

Configuring OWA.

Single Server. Granting Mailbox Web Access Rights. Multiple Servers. Front-End/Back-End Server Configuration. Testing Outlook Web Access.

Using Outlook Web Access.

Messaging with OWA.

Accessing Public Folders. Searching the Address Book. Calendaring with OWA. Setting Up OWA Options. Log Off. Troubleshooting.

30. Exchange Security and the Internet.

What Are the Risks? DNS Considerations.

Bridgehead Server.

Integrating Firewalls with Exchange 2000.

DMZ. Dual-Homed Server. Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 Port Assignments.

Configuring Exchange SMTP Connector Security. Configuring Exchange Messaging Security. Auditing. Protecting Against Virus Attacks.

Recovering from a Virus Attack.

Best Practices.


31. Migrating from Previous Versions of Exchange.

Planning Your Migration or Coexistence. What's in the Toolbox? Issues to Consider. Configuration.

Smooth Upgrade. Performing the Upgrade. Installing Exchange 2000 and Joining Exchange 5.5 Organization.

Using a Phased Approach to Migration. Best Practices.

Testing The Migration. Switching to Native Mode.

32. Migrating from Foreign Internet Mail (SMTP) and X.400.

Planning Your Migration and Coexistence. Issues to Consider.

Messaging Connectivity. Directory Replication and Address Lists. POP3 Email. SMTP Migration Considerations.

Building a Parallel SMTP System. Building a Parallel X.400 System. Microsoft Mail X.400 System Migration. Using the Migration Wizard.

LDAP Migration. IMAP4 Migration.

A Case Study-Software Spectrum's PROFS Migration.

Phase One-Installation of Exchange Infrastructure. Phase Two-Sending Microsoft Exchange Messages Through a Microsoft. Mail-Based Gateway. Phase Three-Decommissioning MS Mail and PROFS Systems. Understanding the Role of the Microsoft Mail Gateway. Using the Microsoft Mail Connector to Link Microsoft Exchange Users. to IBM PROFS Users. Having Users Drive Migration.


33. Migrating from Microsoft Mail.

Planning for Migration or Coexistence.

Determining the Migration Path or Strategy.

What's in the Toolbox? Issues to Consider.

Personal Address Books for Microsoft Mail Clients. Using Outlook Clients with the Microsoft Mail Post Office. Groups and Distribution Lists. Shared and Group Folders to Public Folders. Schedule+ Messages and Calendars.

Configuration. Using a Phased Approach to Migration.

Using Single-Phase Migration. Multiphased Migration/Partial Post Office. Multiphased Migration/Whole Post Office.

Using the Migration Wizard. Best Practices: Migration Scenarios.

34. Coexisting with Microsoft Mail.

Preparing for Coexistence. Understanding Microsoft Mail Connector and Gateways.

Microsoft Mail Connector Post Office. Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange. Microsoft Mail Connector (PC)MTA (Message Transfer Agent).

Configuring the Connectors and Gateways. Directory Synchronization.

Understanding Directory Synchronization. Directory Synchronization Connection to Exchange 2000. Configuring Directory Synchronization.

Testing Coexistence. Issues to Consider. Troubleshooting.

35. Migrating from Lotus cc:Mail.

A Review of the cc:Mail Architecture.

Understanding How the Connector Works. Configuration of the cc:Mail Connector.

Planning Your Coexistence or Migration.

Coexistence. Migration. Migration Issues and Concerns. Migration Tools. Migration Tips.

Following a Sample Multiphase Migration.

Background Information. Expectations. Migration Process.


36. Connecting to Novell GroupWise.

Introducing the Connector for Novell GroupWise. Understanding the Connector for Novell GroupWise.

The Connector Component Services. Understanding Message Delivery. The Feature and Item Conversion. The Directory Synchronization Process.

When to Use the GroupWise Connector.

Establishing Coexistence. Considerations When Coexisting with Exchange 5.5. Establishing GroupWise Connectivity. Preparing Novell GroupWise for Connection. Preparing Microsoft Exchange for Connection. Configuring the Connection on Exchange.

Migrating from Novell GroupWise.

Planning a Migration. Choosing a Migration Type. Understanding What Is Migrated to Exchange. Running the Migration Wizard.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting the GroupWise Connector. Best Practices.

Configuring GroupWise for Use with Exchange. Configuring an API Gateway/GroupWise 4.x. Configuring an API Gateway/GroupWise 5.x. Configuring an External Foreign Domain/GroupWise 4.x. Configuring an External Foreign Domain/GroupWise 5.x.


37. Collaborating with Exchange Conferencing Server.

Introduction to Conferencing and Schedule Management.

Understanding Conference Management. Understanding Data Conferencing. Understanding Video and Audio Conferencing.

Understanding Conferencing Server Architecture.

Conference Management Service. Data Conferencing Service. Video Conferencing Service. Support for Third-Party Providers. Exchange T.120 Multipoint Control Unit. Exchange H.323 Videoconferencing Bridge. Conference Access Pages on IIS.

Integrating with Exchange 2000 Server. Integrating with Active Directory. Understanding Security Issues.

Who Can Reserve and Schedule Conferences? Who Can Access an Online Conference? Who Can Participate in an Online Conference? Conferencing Across a Firewall.


Knowing Your Network. Knowing Your Exchange Server Architecture. Understanding Your Windows 2000 Site Structure. Planning IP Multicast Support in Your Network. Planning Security Policies. Planning Conference Resources. Scalability and Performance. Reliability.


Installing First Conferencing Server. Deploying Additional T.120 MCUs. Deploying More Conferencing Servers. Deploying IP Multicast Support.

Administering Through MMC.

Administering CMS. Administering Data Conferencing Provider. Administering Video Conference Provider. Administering T.120 MCU Server.

Configuring Client Options.

Scheduling a Conference. Participating in a Data Conference. Participating in a Video Conference.


38. Real-Time Collaborating with Instant Messaging.

Overview of Instant Messaging. Planning. Preparing for Issues. Configuring Instant Messaging and Presence Information. Testing Instant Messaging. Implementing Instant Messaging. Troubleshooting.

Best Practices.


39. Exchange and Third-Party Products.

Handheld Email Solutions.

Wireless Devices. Windows CE and Pocket PC Devices. Communication Support for Exchange.

Using Workflow Technologies to Extend Exchange. Document Imaging and Management. Information Sharing and Information Providers. Third-Party Gateways and Connectors.

Fax Gateways. Unified Messaging.

Virus Protection Products. Various ISV Solutions. Consulting Solutions.

Microsoft Consulting Services. Compaq Professional Services. Hewlett-Packard Consulting.

Software Spectrum.

40. Developing Outlook Forms.

Understanding Outlook Forms.

Message Form. Post Form. Contact Form. Appointment Form. Task Form. Journal Form. Office Documents As Forms.

Using Forms in Your Organization. Understanding the Forms Environment.

Message Classes. Storing Form Definitions.

Understanding the Form Components.

Designing the Expense Report Form. Creating New Fields. Placing Controls on a Form. Setting Initial Control Values. Creating a Formula Field. Validating User Input. Setting the Form Grid Size. Aligning Controls. Resizing Controls with the Form. Grouping Controls on the Form. Creating a Separate Read and Compose Layout. Creating an Expense Report Folder View. Form Actions.

Setting Form Properties. Installing Forms. Planning Your Exchange Forms. Creating a Web-Enabled Form.

Web Forms in Exchange 2000.

Using Your Form. Extending Forms with Visual Basic Script (VBScript). Best Practices.

41. Extending Exchange.

Understanding the Architecture.

The Web Store. Web Store Events. Web Forms. Messaging. Calendaring. Contacts. Workflow. Exchange Management. Common Type Libraries.

Preparing for Collaborative Data Objects (CDO). Understanding CDO.

CDO Messaging. CDO Calendaring. CDO Contacts. CDO for Exchange Folders.

Working with the Web Store.

Web Store Events. Searching the Web Store. Web Store Forms.

Additional Technologies.

WebDAV-Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. OLEDB/ADO.

Best Practices.


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  • Pearson will not use personal information collected or processed as a K-12 school service provider for the purpose of directed or targeted advertising.
  • Such marketing is consistent with applicable law and Pearson's legal obligations.
  • Pearson will not knowingly direct or send marketing communications to an individual who has expressed a preference not to receive marketing.
  • Where required by applicable law, express or implied consent to marketing exists and has not been withdrawn.

Pearson may provide personal information to a third party service provider on a restricted basis to provide marketing solely on behalf of Pearson or an affiliate or customer for whom Pearson is a service provider. Marketing preferences may be changed at any time.

Correcting/Updating Personal Information

If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as your postal address or email address), we provide a way to correct or update that user's personal data provided to us. This can be done on the Account page. If a user no longer desires our service and desires to delete his or her account, please contact us at customer-service@informit.com and we will process the deletion of a user's account.


Users can always make an informed choice as to whether they should proceed with certain services offered by InformIT. If you choose to remove yourself from our mailing list(s) simply visit the following page and uncheck any communication you no longer want to receive: www.informit.com/u.aspx.

Sale of Personal Information

Pearson does not rent or sell personal information in exchange for any payment of money.

While Pearson does not sell personal information, as defined in Nevada law, Nevada residents may email a request for no sale of their personal information to NevadaDesignatedRequest@pearson.com.

Supplemental Privacy Statement for California Residents

California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Supplemental privacy statement for California residents explains Pearson's commitment to comply with California law and applies to personal information of California residents collected in connection with this site and the Services.

Sharing and Disclosure

Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows:

  • As required by law.
  • With the consent of the individual (or their parent, if the individual is a minor)
  • In response to a subpoena, court order or legal process, to the extent permitted or required by law
  • To protect the security and safety of individuals, data, assets and systems, consistent with applicable law
  • In connection the sale, joint venture or other transfer of some or all of its company or assets, subject to the provisions of this Privacy Notice
  • To investigate or address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities
  • To exercise its legal rights, including enforcement of the Terms of Use for this site or another contract
  • To affiliated Pearson companies and other companies and organizations who perform work for Pearson and are obligated to protect the privacy of personal information consistent with this Privacy Notice
  • To a school, organization, company or government agency, where Pearson collects or processes the personal information in a school setting or on behalf of such organization, company or government agency.


This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020