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Special Edition Using Macromedia Director MX is a comprehensive guide to creating and publishing Director movies.
The book includes complete coverage of the newest version of Director, from advanced issues such as Lingo scripting and multi-user applications on how to employ the 3D API.
This edition includes more coverage of multi-user applications, using 3D media, efficient sprite editing with the context-sensitive Property Inspector, increased control of cast members through the Cast Manager, vector drawing tools that add illustration capability, and special imaging effects and transition behaviors to add pizzazz and drama to applications.
Writing Lingo Scripts for Macromedia Director MX
1. Using the Director Interface.The Macromedia Director Metaphor. Exploring Windows and Panels. Understanding the Cast and Cast Members. Using the Stage. Using the Score. Working with Tool Panels. Setting Director Preferences. Getting Help. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
2. Working with Director Member Types.Using Bitmaps. Using Text Members. Using Field Members. Importing Font Members. Importing and Using Sounds. Creating Shape Members. Creating Vector Members. Adding Flash Members. Importing Digital Video. Other Member Types. Adding New Cast Member Types with Xtras. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
3. Writing Lingo Scripts.What Is Lingo? Creating Scripts. Understanding Lingo Elements. Navigation with Lingo. Understanding Messages and Behaviors. Writing Lingo Code. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
4. Using Sprites and the Score.Creating Animation. Sprite Placement Tools. Working with the Sprite Spans. Animation Techniques. Using Score Effects Channels. Controlling Sprite Appearance. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
5. Adding User Interaction.Types of User Interface Elements. Mouse Input. Keyboard Input. Interface Elements. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
6. Controlling Sprites.Changing the Sprite's Member. Controlling Sprite Location. Changing Ink, Color, and Blend. Distorting a Sprite's Shape. Other Sprite Properties. Mapping Sprites. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
7. Controlling Sound with Lingo.Playing Sound Members. Using Cue Points. Playing External Sounds. Using Shockwave Audio. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
8. Controlling Flash Members.Using Flash Member Lingo. Lingo and ActionScript Interaction. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
9. Controlling Digital Video with Lingo.Using Video Commands. Building Video Controls. Using Other Video Techniques. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
10. Creating MIAWs and Controlling the Director Environment.Using MIAWs. Creating Custom Dialog Boxes. Creating Oddly Shaped MIAWs. Other Uses for MIAWs. Using Linked Director Movies. Using MUI Xtra Dialog Boxes. Using Menus. Using Cursors. Learning About the Computer. Telling Time. Quitting and Shutting Down. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
11. Understanding Variables, Operations, and Lists.Using Number Variables. Using String Variables. Constants. Comparing Variables. Using List Variables. Symbols. Identifying Variables. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
12. Using Object-Oriented Programming and Behaviors.Understanding Behaviors. Controlling a Single Sprite. Creating Simple Behaviors. Creating a Simple Button Behavior. Using Complete Behaviors. Building a Complete Button Behavior. Creating Animation Behaviors. Communicating Between Behaviors. Using Parent Scripts. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
13. Using Lingo to Alter Text Members.Field Properties and Functions. Text Member Properties and Functions. Creating Text Lists. Creating Text Pop-Up Menus. Using Rich Text Format. Using HTML and Tables. Using HTML and Hypertext. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
14. Using Lingo to Create Images.The Image Object. Drawing with Lingo. Examining Pixel Color. Manipulating Images. Images of Other Member Types. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
15. Using Lingo to Draw Vector Shapes.Vector Shape Properties and Commands. Vector Shape Commands. Building Vectors with Lingo. Using Vectors for Collision Detection. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
16. Creating 3D Models.3D Basics. Importing Models. The Shockwave 3D Panel. Displaying a 3D Model on the Stage. Using ShapeShifter 3D. Creating Primitives with Lingo. Particle Systems. Modifying Primitive Models with Mesh Deform. Creating Complex Scenes. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
17. Controlling 3D Models.Setting a Model's Position. Setting a Model's Orientation. Moving and Rotating Models. Scaling Models. Duplicating Models. Orienting Objects Using pointAt. Grouping Models. Controlling Animation. Bones and Joints. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
18. Implementing 3D User Interaction.Click Tracking. Collision Detection. Havok Physics Engine. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
19. Modifying Shaders, Textures, and Lights.Coloring Models. Applying Textures to Models. Understanding and Using Lights. TroubleShooting. Did You Know?
20. Controlling Camera and Rendering Effects.Moving the Camera. Multiple Cameras. Camera Effects. Using Special Model Modifiers. Optimizing Shockwave 3D. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
21. Reading and Writing Data Files.FileIO Xtra Basics. Reading Files. Writing Files. Choosing Files. FileIO Utility Handlers. FileIO Commands. File-Related Lingo Properties. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
22. Programming Network Communication.Controlling the Web Browser with Lingo. Getting Text over the Internet. Downloading Files. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
23. Adding Multiuser Communication.Shockwave Multiuser Server. Setting Up the Multiuser Server. Using the Multiuser Behaviors. Learning Basic Multiuser Lingo. Creating Your Own Multiuser Application. Using Peer-To-Peer Connections. Using the Multiuser Database. Using User Data Protocol (UDP). Using Server-Side Lingo. Using the Flash Communication Server. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
24. Building Authoring Tools.Type of Authoring Tools. Score Recording. Creating MIAW Xtras. Using Behavior Libraries. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
25. Addressing Accessibility Issues.Understanding Accessibility. Building Accessible Movies. Using the Speech Xtra. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
26. Using Xtras.What Are Xtras? Xtras Shipped with Director MX. Using Xtra Lingo. Using Xtras in Shockwave. Third-Party Xtras. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
27 - Error Handling and Debugging.Writing Good Code. Using Lingo Debugging Tools. Testing Your Code. Did You Know?
28. Creating Applications.Creating a Standalone Projector. Stub Projectors. Building CD-ROMs and DVDs. Making Installers. Building Screensavers. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
29. Publishing Shockwave Movies.Publish as Shockwave. Working with Shockwave HTML Tags. Troubleshooting. Did You Know?
30. Addressing Performance and Cross-Platform Issues.The Importance of Performance. Designing for a Target Machine. Recognizing Issues Affecting Performance. Improving Performance. Optimizing Projector Performance. Optimizing Lingo Performance. Mac and Windows Cross-Platform Issues. Browser Cross-Platform Issues. The Cross-Platform Checklist. Did You Know?
Appendix A. What's on the CD-ROM.Book Source Files. Bonus Chapters. Software Applications, Xtras, and Goodies.
Appendix B. Glossary.Top Resources. General Director Resources. Non-English Director Resources. Director-Related Mailing Lists. 3D-Related Resources. Major Xtra Developers and Distributors.
Appendix D. Lingo Index.