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Expert Solutions and State-of-the-Art Code Examples
SOA Using Java™ Web Services is a hands-on guide to implementing Web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with today’s Java EE 5 and Java SE 6 platforms. Author Mark Hansen presents in explicit detail the information that enterprise developers and architects need to succeed, from best-practice design techniques to state-of-the-art code samples.
Hansen covers creating, deploying, and invoking Web services that can be composed into loosely coupled SOA applications. He begins by reviewing the “big picture,” including the challenges of Java-based SOA development and the limitations of traditional approaches. Next, he systematically introduces the latest Java Web Services (JWS) APIs and walks through creating Web services that integrate into a comprehensive SOA solution. Finally, he shows how application frameworks based on JWS can streamline the entire SOA development process and introduces one such framework: SOA-J.
The book
1.1 Am I Stupid, or Is Java Web Services Really Hard? 2
1.2 Web Services Platform Architecture 8
1.3 Java Web Services Standards: Chapters 2 through 8 18
1.4 The SOAShopper Case Study: Chapters 9 and 10 21
1.5 SOA-J and WSDL-Centric Development: Chapter 11 22
2.1 The Role of JWS in SOA Application Development 26
2.2 A Quick Overview of the Ease-of-Use Features 36
2.3 JAX-WS 2.0 43
2.4 JAXB 2.0 54
2.5 WS-Metadata 2.0 73
2.6 WSEE 1.2 80
2.7 Impact of Other Java EE 5 Annotation Capabilities 82
2.8 Conclusions 84
3.1 Why REST? 85
3.2 XML Documents and Schema for EIS Records 88
3.3 REST Clients with and without JWS 97
3.4 SOA-Style Integration Using XSLT and JAXP for Data Transformation 114
3.5 RESTful Services with and without JWS 125
3.6 Conclusions 136
4.1 The Role of WSDL in SOA 138
4.2 The Role of SOAP in SOA 145
4.3 Dispatching: How JAX-WS 2.0 Maps WSDL/SOAP to Java Invocation 151
4.4 Working around Some JAX-WS 2.0 Dispatching Limitations 166
4.5 SOA Often Requires “Start from WSDL and Java” 175
4.6 Working around JAXB 2.0 Java/XML Mapping Limitations 182
4.7 Conclusions 194
5.1 Binding versus Mapping 195
5.2 An Overview of the Standard JAXB 2.0 Java/XML Binding 199
5.3 Implementing Type Mappings with JAXB 2.0 209
5.4 A Recursive Framework for Type Mappings 217
5.5 Implementing Type Mappings with JAXB 2.0 Annotations 224
5.6 Implementing Type Mappings with the JAXB 2.0 Binding Language 235
5.7 Implementing Type Mappings with the JAXB 2.0 XmlAdapter Class 245
5.8 JAXB 2.0 for Data Transformation (Instead of XSLT) 256
5.9 Conclusions 262
6.1 JAX-WS Proxies 265
6.2 XML Messaging 285
6.3 Invocation with Custom Java/XML Mappings: An Example Using Castor Instead of JAXB 292
6.4 Asynchronous Invocation 297
6.5 SOAP Message Handlers 304
6.6 Conclusions 310
7.1 JAX-WS Server-Side Architecture 311
7.2 Start from WSDL Using a Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) 316
7.3 Providers and XML Processing without JAXB 320
7.4 Deploying Web Services Using Custom Java/XML Mappings 325
7.5 Validation and Fault Processing 329
7.6 Server-Side Handlers 343
7.7 Java SE Deployment with 347
7.8 Conclusions 355
8.1 Web Services Packaging and Deployment Overview 359
8.2 Deployment without Deployment Descriptors 376
8.3 Using Deployment Descriptors 384
8.4 Automatic Deployment with GlassFish 402
8.5 Web Services Security 405
8.6 OASIS XML Catalogs 1.1 407
8.7 Wrapping Up 409
9.1 Overview of SOAShopper 411
9.2 SOAShopper SOAP Services 417
9.3 An SOAShopper RESTful Service and the Standard XML Schema 423
9.4 Service Implementation 431
9.5 eBay and Amazon Services (SOAP) 434
9.6 Yahoo! Services (REST) 444
9.7 SOAShopper API and the Integration Layer 450
9.8 Conclusions about Implementing Real-World SOA Applications with Java EE 460
10.1 Quick Overview of Ajax 464
10.2 Ajax Together with Java EE Web Services 468
10.3 Sample Code: An Ajax Front-End for SOAShopper 470
10.4 Conclusions about Ajax and Java EE 479
11.1 SOA-J Architecture 483
11.2 WSDL-Centric Development with SOA-J 486
11.3 Invocation Subsystem 493
11.4 Serialization Subsystem 503
11.5 Deployment Subsystem 514
11.6 Conclusions 519
B.1 Install Java EE 5 SDK 526
B.2 Install Apache Ant 1.7.x 527
B.3 Install Apache Maven 2.0.x 527
B.4 Install the Book Example Code 528
B.5 Configure Maven 528
B.6 Configure Ant 530
B.7 Starting and Stopping the GlassFish Server 532
B.8 Test the Installation by Running an Example 532
B.9 Build and Deploy the SOAShopper Case Study (Chapters 9 and 10) 534
B.10 Build and Deploy the SOA-J Application Framework (Chapter 11) 535
B.11 Install Java SE 6 (Optional) 535