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Visitor-Centered Web Design
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Table of Contents
1. Human Computer Interaction for the Web.
From Human Factors to Usability: A Short History of HCI.
Focus on the User Interface.
User Interface Software.
Focusing on the Web.
HCI Principles for the Web.
User-Centered Design.
Early Human Factors Input.
Task Environment Analysis.
Iterative Design and Continuous Testing.
Web Usability.
Designing for Context.
Designing for the User Experience.
2. Web Usability Strategy. Scenarios.
The Userview Process.
Goals and Requirements.
User Culture.
Web Interface Guidelines Specialization.
Constructing Storyboards and Interactive Prototypes.
3. The Web Environment. The User Environment.
The Physical Space.
The Cognitive Space.
The Site Environment.
Designing from Scenarios.
Simple versus Enriched Site Environments.
4. The Web User, Part 1: The Audience. Understanding the Web User.
Defining an Audience.
Individual Differences.
Cognitive Processing Capabilities and Limits.
Generating an Audience Profile.
5. The Web User, Part 2: Older Adults. Older Adults and the World Wide Web.
Characteristics of Older Users.
Movement Control.
Web Design Features to Avoid.
Design Guidelines.
Usability Testing with Older Adults.
6. Designing for Web Genres. Genre Content.
Genre Expression.
Genre Form.
Genre Evolution.
Genre Mixing.
7. The Web Site. Conceptualizing the Site with a Visitor-Centered Focus.
Positioning the Content.
Speeding Up the Response.
Smoothing the Navigation.
Buttons and Controls.
Site Maps, Content Lists, and Indexes.
Landmarks and History Trails.
Keywords and Site Search Engines.
Assuring Reasonable Confidence in the Site's Privacy and Security.
Making the Site Visible.
Maintaining Quality.
8. The Web Page. General Page Design Issues.
Placement of Information.
Information Coding.
Text Clarity.
Home, Content, and Transaction Pages.
The Home Page.
The Content Page.
The Transaction Page.
9. The Aesthetic Factor. Usability and Aesthetics.
Simplicity and Enrichment.
The Use of Graphics.
10. From Desktops to Handhelds. The Technology of Wireless Devices.
The Usability of Wireless Devices.
The Role of Context.
Small-Size Effects.
Effective Functionality and Task Preferences.
Information Presentation.
Interaction and Navigation.
Designer's Palette: Guidelines for Hand Web Design.
11. The Cultural Context. Cultural Usability.
Culture-Specific Designs.
Designing for the Localized Web.
Genre-Localized Attributes.
Behaviors and Practices.
Icons, Symbols, Pictorials, and Artifacts.
Conventions and Formats.
Intangible Values and Dimensions.
Preferred Content.
12. Evaluating Web Usability. Traditional Usability Testing.
Usability Testing for the Web.
Web-Focused Issues and Testing.
Web-Specific Test Plan Issues.
Web-Specific Evaluation Issues.
The Process of Web Evaluation.
Usability Evaluation Goal Setting.
Early Paper Testing.
Storyboard Testing.
Interactive Prototype Testing.
Frequently Asked Questions about Usability Evaluation.
Bibliography. Index. 0201729938T01102002
I got great pleasure from writing this book. Most satisfying is knowing how readers can use the book and how it will help them in their work. I tried to put myself in the reader's place, considering possible questions and seeking the answers--not unlike the approach I recommend for the Web design process. The emphasis on users comes from my own experience. I provide arguments showing the need for a user-centered approach to Web design and present a methodology for the systematic consideration of users during design and development.
The reader will notice that I focus on design rather than implementation. Design principles and methods are long range, whereas implementation is tied to technology, which is often short-lived. This book is about designing usable Web sites--Web sites that are easy to use and that provide a pleasant, enjoyable, and successful user experience. It also examines the proposition that designing usable Web sites requires employing the Web-specialized methodology of designing for context.
In my daily life as a human interface researcher and practitioner, I am often asked by Web developers and site owners for solutions to their problems, for guidance about design, and for sound ideas to make a difference in approaching the users. End users have also come to me with questions about using Web sites and software systems. Their confusion could have been avoided if designers had employed a more careful process when developing Web sites and Web application interfaces. This book explains this careful process. It answers the questions of Web developers, provides solutions to a wide range of development problems, and offers specific guidelines to support design excellence at every step in the process.
Accordingly, this book draws heavily not only on research findings in the design and behavioral sciences but also on my own extensive experience as a Web usability consultant and practitioner. I target primarily Web developers who need to know about designing usable Web sites, but the general "Web-interested audience"--those who want to design their own Web sites--will also benefit.
This book is not written exclusively for Web designers and developers but is also geared toward reaching those who want to learn about human computer interaction as it is specialized to Web environments. Web researchers will also find the book helpful because it covers Web usability issues that must be considered for emerging technologies and environments where there are limited research and experience. These environments include mobile Web environments and wireless technologies. In general, this book is for anyone with a serious interest in making the human-Web interactive experience gratifying and productive.
The book is structured around the "Web contexts": treatments of the Web environment, the user, the Web genre, the Web site, and the Web page. A separate chapter is devoted to each. The book also does the following.
- Delineates a user-centered approach to Web design
- Tackles the usability issues of retrofitting Web pages for small-screen real estate as well as designing for mobile devices
- Takes up the challenge of the encounter between Web art and Web usability
- Discusses how to evaluate the usability of Web sites
- Addresses the cultural context of Web design
The book presents many Web examples that illustrate concepts, techniques, and guidelines. This clarifies the close relationship between theory and practice, and thus narrows the potential gap between the researcher's interests and the practitioner's needs.
Albert N. Badre
September 2001
- Abelson, R., 47
- Abowd, G., 5, 174, 230
- Absolute goal, 237
- Acoustic presentation, 105, 135, 208
- Aesthetic enrichment, 173-187
- botanical garden site, 175-180
- clutter, 176
- functionality, 181-184
- graphics, 186-187
- misinterpretation, 184-186
- simplicity, 180-186
- user enjoyment, 174
- visual noise, 184
- Affective factors, 74-75
- Age, user, 68
- See also Older users
- Agelidis, M., 207
- Aggarwa, G., 68
-, 167
- Al Hajj Info Portal, 222-223
- Allen, R. B., 79
- Allison, L., 141
- ALT tag, 187
- Anderson, J. R., 44
- Andre, A. D., 156
- Andriole, S. A., 33
- Animation, 135, 156, 187
- Apple, 4
- Application context, 197-198
- Area cursor, 104
- Arkin, M. D., 134
- Ashcraft, M. H., 41
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 4-5
- Association for Senior Citizens, 100
- AT&T Broadband, 194
- Atkinson, R. C., 41
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 226
- Attention, selective, 41-42, 45, 79
- flashing items, 119, 156
- older users, 97
- Audience, 67-90
- age, 68
- cognitive styles, 75, 79-80
- defining, 26-27
- demographic/physical attributes, 75-76
- education, 70-71
- individual differences, 69-70
- knowledge/experience, 72-73
- personality, 74-75
- profile, 80-83
- skill levels, 71-72, 76-78
- target, 67, 80, 214, 234
- testing, 234
- user types, 73-74, 76-77
- Audio presentation, 105, 135, 208
- Bachiochi, D., 140
- Baddeley, A. D., 39, 40, 41, 43
- Badre, A. N., 43, 61, 79, 91n, 123, 124, 136, 189n, 214, 215, 219
- Baeker, R. M., 174
- Ball, K., 97
- Banker, W. P., 142
- Banner, 185
- Barber, R. E., 134
- Barber, W., 123, 215, 219
- Barnes & Noble, 127, 129
- Bartlett, R. A., 214
- Bartram, D. J., 135
- Beale, R., 5, 174, 230
- Behavioral science, 2
- Bennett, J., 18, 93-94
- Benyon, D., 5, 174, 230
- Bharat, K., 104
- Bhatti, N., 145, 146
- Bias, R. G., 230
-, 114
- Bjork, S. A., 207, 208
- Bleser, T. W., 5
- Boies, S. J., 108
- Bookmark, 166
- Border resources, 10
- Borello, M. S., 134
- Borges, J., 123, 163
- Bosman, E. A., 104
- Bouch, A., 145, 146
- Bourges-Waldegg, P., 215
- Bower, G. H., 44
- Brestene, M., 140
- Brewster, S. A., 208
- Brightness, 154
- Broadbent, D. E., 41, 42
- Broadcast news site, 115-116
- Brown, J. S., 10, 110
- Browser control, 139-140
- Butler, T. W., 134
- Button, 139-140, 148
- Buxton, W., 174
- Buyukkokten, O., 193, 210
- Byrne, M., 207
- Cahill, M. C., 156
- Cairns, H. S., 16, 160
- Calendar format, 224
- Card, HTML, 192
- Card, S. K., 4, 71
- Card-sorting technique, 131
- Carey, T., 5, 174, 230
- Carrithers, C., 152
- Carroll, J. M., 4, 33, 61, 72, 152
- Carter, R. C., 156
- Cateledge, L., 139
- Character case, 160, 168
- Charness, N., 104
- Chase, W. G., 43
- Cheng, Y., 5
- Cherry, E. C., 42
- Choong, Y. Y., 214
- Chouinard, E., 140
- Christ, R. E., 156
- Clip art, 225
- Closure, visual, 152
- Clutter, 149-154. See also Coherence
- aesthetic enrichment, 176
- coding, 153-154
- highlighting, 153
- labels, 152-153
- progressive disclosure, 152
- text, 149
- visual closure, 152
- visual noise, 184
- white space, 151-152
- CNN, 116, 120, 132-133
- CNNfn, 130
- Coding, information, 153-156, 187
- color, 156-160
- location, 154
- symbols, 154, 222-223
- Cognitive capability, 75, 79-80
- older users, 96-98
- Cognitive space, 39-47
- Coherence, 149-154
- Cole, M., 44, 214
- Collaud, G., 207
- Collins, A. M., 44
- Color, 156-160
- cultural context, 159-160, 222, 224
- graphics, 187
- light levels, 157
- task performance, 159
- vision, 95, 157
- Computers as Theater, 174
- Computing technology, 2
- Conlan, N., 140
- Consistency, 148-149
- Constructive synthesis, 201-204
- Content, genre, 110-114
- lists/maps, 140-141
- positioning, 130-133
- wireless devices, 207-209
- Content page, 163-166
- Context, 2, 10-11
- coherence, 149
- defined, 15
- environmental, 17, 27-28
- focus plus context, 207-208
- levels of, 16-18
- location, 198
- of use, 233
- wireless devices, 194, 197-198
- See also Cultural context; Environment
- Continuous testing, 8, 20
- Contrast sensitivity, 95
- Control, browser, 139-140
- Cookies, 144
- Coutaz, J., 5
- Craik, F. I. M., 41, 97, 106
- Crow, D., 207
- Cryptic text, 210
- Cultural context, 74, 213-227
- behavioral markers, 221-222
- color, 159-160, 222, 224
- consistency, 149
- context preferences, 226
- conventions, 223-225
- design markers, 215-217
- genres, 123, 220-221
- icons/symbols, 222-223
- internationalization/localization, 213
- script orientation, 2, 213
- target audience, 214
- Currency conventions, 224
- Cursor, 104
- Czerwinski, M., 138
- Danchak, M., 140
- Darken, R. P., 142
- Data entry, 168-170
- Date format, 224
- Davis, A. M., 24
- Day, D., 215
- DeAngelo, T., 138-139, 143
- Demographics, user, 75-76
- See also Older users
- Density, screen, 149
- Design, 2
- cultural elements, 220
- errors, 98-103
- GUI, 231-233
- Hand Web, 191, 211-212
- HCI, 6-8
- human factors, 3-4, 7, 19
- integrated, 20
- iterative, 8, 19-20, 242
- metaphor, 33-35
- older users, 98-107
- participatory, 108
- scenarios, 58-61
- user-centered, 7, 18-19
- Web guidelines, 31-33
- Web page, 148
- Designing the User Interface, 5
- Device diversity, 231-232
- Dewey, J., 174
- Dill, J., 207
- Dillon, R. F., 134
- Discount usability, 239-240
- Distraction, 233
- Dix, A., 5, 174, 230
- Documentation
- goals and functional requirements, 25
- userview process, 20-21
- Dodson, D. W., 149
- Domain expression, 118, 145
- Duguid, P., 10, 110
- Echt, K. V., 105
- Ecology, Web, 38
-, 138-139
- Education sites, 118, 226
- “Egocentric Intuition Fallacy,” 107
- Ellis, D. E., 107
- Ellis, R. D., 108
- El-Shinnawy, M., 214
- Encoding. See Coding, information
- Enrichment, site, 61-66
- See also Aesthetic enrichment
- Entertainment sites, 122
- content, 113
- expression, 118-119
- form, 120
- Environment, 37-66
- cognitive space, 39-47
- context, 17, 27-28
- cultural, 219
- information processing, 41-47
- older users, 106-107
- physical space, 38-39
- site, 47-66
- testing, 234-235
- user, 37-47
- Eriksen, L., 120
- Erno, J., 160
- Evaluation. See Testing
- Evers, V., 215
- Evite, 182
-, 117
- Experienced user, 76-77
- Expert user, 76-77
- Expression, genre, 110-111, 115-119
- Extensible markup language (XML), 192
- Feedback, 169-170
- Finlay, J., 5, 174, 230
- Fisher, B., 207
- Flanders, V., 98
- Flashing item, 119
- Flesch, R., 70
- Flip zooming, 207-208
- Focus-plus-context technique, 207-208
- Foley, J. D., 4, 5
- FoodRightNow, 150, 169, 183
- Footer, 163
- Form, genre, 110-111, 119-120
- Formative testing, 108
- Forsythe, C., 123
- Foss, D. J., 16, 160
- Frame, 143, 166
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), 166
- Fry, E., 70
- Functional model, 47, 50, 58
- Functional requirements, 22, 23-24
- Furey, T., 140
- Galitz, W. O., 155
-, 114
- Garcia-Molina, H., 193, 210
- Gehrke, D., 123
- General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) protocol, 192-193
- Genre, 109-126
- content, 110-114
- cultural context, 220-221
- evolution, 120-123
- expression, 110-111, 115-119
- form, 110-111, 119-120
- mixing, 123-126
- subgenres, 110
- Genre context, 17
- Geometric-shape coding, 154
- GIF, 187
- Gilbreth, Frank, 3
- Gobbin, R., 215
- Godden, D. R., 39, 40
- GOMS model, 4
- Gonzalez, C., 180
- Gould, E. W., 215, 225
- Gould, J. D., 4, 5, 18, 108, 160
- Graphic Visualization and Usability Center (GVU) surveys, 143
- audience, 68
- cultural context, 214, 215
- response time, 134
- skill levels, 77
- task analysis, 195
- Graphics, 186-187
- response time, 134
- Greenberg, S., 139, 174, 197
- Greenspoon, J., 40
- Grishkowsky, N., 160
- Grose, E., 123
- Grudin, J., 174
- GUI software, 4
- and Web design, 8-10, 231-233
- Haber, R. N., 186
- Haine, D., 138
- Hamilton, A., 134
- Hammond, N., 141
- Hand Web. See Wireless device
- Hayes, B. C., 75
- HCI. See Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Header, 163, 185-186
- Hearing, 96, 104-105
- Heath, J., 138
- Heinz, S. P., 42
- Heller, H., 131
- Herstad, J., 193
- Hierarchical task decomposition, 30
- Highlighting, 153, 187
- History, 141-143
- Hitch, G., 41
- Hofstede, G., 214, 215, 220, 225
- Holland, S., 5, 174, 230
- Holmquist, L. E., 207
- Holtzblatt, K., 18
- Home page, 161-163, 235
- HP Jornada, 191, 194-197
- HTML, 192
- Hudson, S., 104
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI), 1-11
- history, 3-6
- methodologies, 2
- Web design, 6-8
- Human factors design, 3-4, 7, 19
- Hurley, W. D., 5
- Hurst, M., 123
- Hyperlink. See Link
- IBM ThinkPad 600E, 194-197
- Icon, 141-142, 154
- aesthetic enrichment, 175-178
- cultural context, 222-223
- as link, 187
- sticky, 104
- Ihlstrom, C., 120
- Illiteracy, 71
- Image map, 187
- Index, 61-66, 107, 140-141
- Information coding, 153-160, 187, 222-223
- Information processing, 41-47
- long-term memory, 42-47, 79-80
- salient/insalient, 45-47
- selective attention, 41-42, 45, 79, 97, 119
- short-term memory, 42-43, 47, 79
- working memory, 42-43, 45, 151-152
- Information sites, 121
- content, 112
- expression, 115-118
- form, 120
- Infrastructure context, 197
- Insalient storage, 45-47
- Integrated design, 20
- Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, 162-163, 183
- Interaction usability, 2
- Interactive prototype testing, 239-240, 242
- Interface, 4-5
- Web guidelines, 31-33
- International Osteoporosis Foundation, 101
- Internationalization, 213
- Internet. See World Wide Web
- Iterative design, 8, 19-20, 242
- Jacko, J. A., 134
- Jacobs, A., 61
- Janal, D., 165
- Jankowski, T. B., 108
- Jasper, J. E., 108
- Jennings, J. M., 106
- John, B., 207
- Johnson, Chris, 193
- Johnson, Peter, 193
- Johnston, W. A., 42
- Jones, C., 207
- Jones, D. M., 141
- Jornada, HP, 191, 194-197
- JPEG, 187
- Justice Store, 102
- Kamerman, J., 16, 160
- Kantner, L., 233
- Kashimora, K., 174
- Kehoe, C. M., 68, 77, 208
- Kellogg, W. A., 33, 72
- Keyword, 143-144
- Kim, W. C., 5
- Kline, D. W., 105, 106
- Kovacevic, S., 5
- Kristoffersen, S., 193
- Kubeck, J. E., 94
- Kuchinski, A., 145, 146
- Kurniawan, S. H., 107
- Kurosu, M., 174
- Labeling, 152-153
- Lamb, C. W., 72
- Lamson, N., 98, 100
- Landauer, T. K., 107, 108, 230
- Landmark, 135, 141-143
- Larson, K., 138
- Laskowski, S., 123, 124
- Laurel, B., 174
- Le Promenades d’Euclide, 199-200
- Learning style, 6, 72-73
- Leeds University Union Bridge Club, 113
- Levels of interaction model, 4
- Lewis, C. H., 5
- Lickert scale, 246
- Licklider, J. C. R., 3-4
- Line length, 120, 154, 160
- Link, 138-139
- content page, 165-166
- home page, 162
- icon as, 187
- name, 106
- visibility, 181
- wireless devices, 210
- Lisa, 4
- List, 135-136, 140-141
- Localization, 213
- Location context, 198
- Location encoding, 154
- Lockhart, R. S., 41
- Loftus, E. F., 44
- Long-term memory (LTM), 42-47, 79-80
- Lucas, H. C., 134
- McCarthy, J. C., 6
- McClard, A., 194
- McDonald, S., 140
- Macintosh, 4
- Mack, R. L., 33, 72
- Mackay, J. M., 72
- Mackinlay, J. D., 207
- McKnight, C., 232
- Magazine sites, 220-221
- Magritte, Rene, 199
- Mailbox icon, 222
- Manning, H., 6
- Map, site, 135-136, 140-141, 187
- Mapquest, 150
- Maquet, J., 174
- Marcus, A., 215, 225
- Marwood, D., 197
- Mayhew, D. J., 5, 230
- Mayhorn, C. B., 93-94
- Mead, S. E., 94, 98, 100, 104, 107
- Meads, J., 174
- Measurement, test, 240-244
- MediaOne, 194
- Medical sites, 118-119
- Megaw, E. D., 155
- Memory, 41-47
- long-term, 42-47, 79-80
- older users, 97-98, 106-107
- selective attention, 41-42, 45, 79
- short-term, 42-43, 47, 79
- working, 42-43, 45, 151-152
- Mental model
- consistency, 235
- information organization, 131
- navigation, 135
- structural/functional, 47, 50
- Web pages, 232
- wireless devices, 196-197
- Menu name, 106
-, 143-144
- Metaphor design, 33-35
- Meyer, E., 94, 104, 107
- Michigan Aging Services System, 108
- Microsoft sites, 218-219
- Miller, G. A., 42
- Miller-Albrecht, S. A., 94
- Millians, J., 95, 104
- Mixing genres, 123-126
- Mobile phone, 189-191, 206-208
- See also Wireless device
- Mobshop, 184
- Model
- content organization, 131
- cultural, 215
- mental, 47, 50, 131, 196-197, 232, 235
- navigation, 135
- structural/functional, 47, 50, 58
- Web sites, 33-35
- Molich, R., 239
- Morales, I., 123, 163
- Moran, T. P., 4, 71
- Morrell, R. W., 93-94
- Moskel, S., 160
- Mouse movement, 104
- Movement control, 94, 104
- Mullet, K., 173
- Multimedia, 135
- Murphy, M. D., 94
- Murray, K., 5
- Museum sites, 61-66, 220
- Nakakoji, K., 221, 225
- National Institutes of Health, 102
- Navigation, 135-144, 232
- buttons/controls, 139-140
- history/landmarks, 141-143
- links, 138-139
- lists/maps, 135-136, 140-141, 187
- searching, 137-138, 143-144
- spatial, 61-66
- strategies, 135-136
- task statements, 136-137
- testing, 239-240
- NCFCU, 181
- Neligon, C., 140
- NeoPoint NP-1000, 194-196
- Netcraft, 98
- Netscape, 139-140
- Newell, A., 4, 71
- News sites, 121
- consistency, 148
- content, 111-112
- cultural context, 220
- evolution, 122
- expression, 115-116
- form, 119-120
- line length, 120
- shopping format, 124-126
- Newspapers, Web, 8
- Nielsen, J., 5, 6, 61, 106, 123, 131, 137, 152, 161, 174, 185, 230-234, 239, 244
- Nonfunctional requirements, 22, 24-25
- Norman, D. A., 5, 18, 41, 42, 174
- Novice user, 76-77
- NUA Internet survey, 68
- Numeric conventions, 223-224
- Object, physical, 38-39
- Older users, 91-108
- cognition, 96-98
- color vision, 157
- design errors, 98-103
- design guidelines, 103-107
- movement control, 95, 104
- perception, 95-96
- skill levels, 94
- testing, 107-108
- Web usage, 93-94
- Olson, J. R., 4, 33, 61
- Organization, page, 164
- See also Clutter
- Owsley, C., 97
- Paepcke, A., 193, 210
- Page context, 17
- See also Web page
- Palm Pilot VII, 194-196
- Parallel error, 142
- Park, D. C., 97
- Partial content effect, 204-206
- Payne, S. J., 141
- Perception, 95-96
- Performance, test, 240-243
- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), 189-191
- See also Wireless device
- Personalization, site, 128-130, 144, 233, 235
- Pertinence, 42
- Phone, mobile, 189-191, 206-208
- See also Wireless device
- Physical capability, 76
- Physical context, 198
- Physical space, 38-39
- Pichora-Fuller, M. K., 95
- Pitkow, J. E., 68, 77, 139, 208
- Plug-in, 135
- Point of entry, 232-233
- Preece, J., 5, 174, 230
- Privacy, 144
- Problem solving, 72
- Progressive disclosure, 152
- Progressive rendering, 135
- Prompting, 170-171
- Prototype testing, 239-240, 242
- Psychology of Everyday Things, The, 5
- Questionnaire, 83-90, 245-248
- Quillian, M. R., 44
- Ratner, J., 123
- Raynard, R., 40
- Reading comprehension, 160
- Reading level, 70-71
- Redstrom, J., 208
- Rehman, A., 231
- Reisner, P., 4
- Reitman, J. S., 43
- Reitman, W. R., 42, 136
- Relative goal, 237
- Requirements, 21-25
- definition/specification, 21-22
- functional/nonfunctional, 22, 23-25
- Response time, 134-135, 187, 235
- Richardson, J., 155
- Rips, L. J., 44
- Rivers, D., 131
- Robertson, G. G., 207
- Rodriguez, N., 123, 163
- Rogers, J., 68, 77
- Rogers, W. A., 91n, 97, 98, 100
- Rogers, Y., 5, 174, 230
- Rosenbaum, S., 233
- Route, 135-136
- Ruddle, R. P., 141
- Salient storage, 45-47
- Salthouse, T. A., 97
- Salvendy, G., 214
- Sano, D., 131, 173
- Scanlon, T., 138-139, 143
- Scenario, 14, 21, 51-61, 234
- Schaeffer, B., 44
- Schank, R. C., 47
- Schema, 47
- Schneider, B. A., 95
- Schneider, M. L., 202
- Schneider, W., 41
- Scholtz, J., 215
- Schroeder, W., 138-139, 143, 244
- Schwartz, N., 97
- Scialfa, C. T., 105, 106
- Screen context, 198-201
- Screen density, 149
- Script, 47, 50-59
- Script orientation, 213
- Scrivener, S. A. R., 215
- Scrolling, 161
- Search, index, 61-66
- Search, Internet, 137-138
- Search engine, site, 143-144, 162
- Sears, A., 134
- Security, 144-145
- Selective attention, 41-42, 45, 79
- flashing items, 119, 156
- older users, 97
- SeniorNet, 93
- Sensory activation, 42
- Sharp, H., 5, 174, 230
- Sheppard, C., 215
- Shields, N. J., 149
- Shiffrin, R. N., 41
- Shneiderman, B., 4, 5, 106, 160, 174, 230
- Shoben, E. J., 44
- Shopping sites, 121
- content, 113
- cultural context, 221
- expression, 115, 117
- form, 120
- news format, 124-126
- Short-term memory (STM), 42-43, 47, 79
- Shum, S., 232
- Siebert, J. L., 5
- Simon, H. A., 43
- Simplicity, 61, 180-186
- Sit, R. A., 94, 104, 107
- Site context, 17
- Site environment, 47-66
- enrichment, 61-66
- mental models, 47, 50
- scenarios, 51-61
- schema/script, 47, 50-59
- See also Web site
- Site map, 135-136, 140-141, 187
- Skill level, 71-72, 76-78
- Smith, E. E., 44
- Smither, J. A., 96
- Snyder, C., 138-139, 143
- Somers, P., 194
- Sound presentation, 105, 135, 208
- Souza, R. K., 6
- Spatial navigation, 61-66
- Spaulding, V. A., 94, 104, 107
- Spool, J., 138-139, 143, 244
- Sports, 226
- Squire, L. R., 41, 44
- Starting-point strategy, 155
- Sternberg, R. J., 41
- Stevenson, R. J., 140
- Sticky icon, 104
- Storyboard, 33, 238-239, 242
- Streveler, D. J., 155
- Structural model, 47, 50, 58
- Subgenre, 110
- Subheading, 165
- Subsite, 132
- Subway representation, 47-49
- Sukel, Kayt, 189n
- Summative testing, 108
- Supermarket model, 50-61
- Survey knowledge, 135
- Survey questionnaire, 83-90, 245-248
- Sutton, K., 68
- Switching cost, 232
- Symbiosis, 3-4
- Symbol encoding, 154, 222-223
- System response time, 134-135
- Table of contents, 107, 140-141
- Tabular data, 167-168
- Tahir, M., 123
- Tan, P., 207
- Target audience, 67, 80, 214, 234
- Task analysis, 7, 28-31
- audience definition, 73
- color coding, 159
- content, 130-131, 164
- frequency hierarchy, 210
- navigational, 136-137
- task identification, 29-30
- task representation, 30-31
- task structuring, 30
- testing, 234
- types of, 28
- Tauscher, C., 139
- Tax Interactive, 184-185
- Taylor, W. K., 42
- Temporal resolution, 95-96, 106
- Testing, 8, 20, 229-248
- costs, 230
- discount usability, 239-240
- enjoyment, 229
- evaluation issues, 235-236
- expert reviews, 239-240
- FAQs, 240-248
- formative/summative, 108
- goals, 237, 240
- GUI design, 231-233
- laboratory, 239-240
- measurement, 240-244
- older users, 107-108
- paper-testing, 237-238
- participant selection, 244
- performance, 240-243
- planning, 233-236
- prototype, 239-240, 242
- questionnaires, 245-248
- stages of, 236
- storyboard, 33, 238-239, 242
- target audience, 234
- Text presentation, 105
- character case, 160, 168
- clarity, 160-161
- clutter, 149
- cryptic, 210
- genres, 115
- home page, 163
- line length, 120, 154, 160
- link labels, 138-139
- page titles, 142
- placement, 155, 176-177
- wireless devices, 207-209
- Thacker, P., 149
- Thanh, D. V., 193
- ThinkPad 600E, 194-196
- Thomas, J., 4
- Thompson, D. M., 44
- Throndyke, P. W., 135
- Thumbnails, 207-208
- Thurstone scale, 246
- Time format, 224
- Title, page, 142, 166
- Tobmaugh, J., 134
- Tolerance level, 74
- Training wheels method, 152
- Transaction page, 166-171, 187
- Transaction-oriented task analysis, 28-30
- Trash can, 221
- Tratinsky, N., 174
- Treisman, A., 42, 149
- Trinity Mirror Digital Media, 227
- Tullis, T. S., 180
- Tulving, E., 44
- Tun, P. A., 105
- Turban, E., 123
- Typing skills, 71
- Ukelson, J., 108
- Universite de Savoie, 201-204
- University of Michigan, 112, 151, 162
- Updating, 166
- U.S. Department of Commerce, 93
- USA Today, 111, 116, 120
- Usability, 5-6
- Useful field of view (UFOV), 97, 106
- User
- characteristics, 2
- context, 17, 149
- culture, 26-31
- interface, 4-5
- types of, 73-74, 76-77
- user-centered design, 7, 18-19
- See also Audience
- User environment, 37-47
- goals/intentions, 40-41
- long-term memory, 42-47
- physical objects, 38-39
- selective attention, 41-42, 45
- short-term memory, 42-43, 47
- thoughts, 40
- working memory, 42-43, 45
- User experience, 2, 11
- audience definition, 27
- learning styles, 72-73
- testing, 235
- Userview process, 13, 18-35
- audience definition, 26-27
- design guidelines, 31-33
- documentation, 20-21, 25
- environmental context, 27-28
- goals, 22-23
- modeling, 33-35
- principles, 18-21
- requirements, 21-25
- task analysis, 28-31
- Van Dam, A., 4
- Vanderbilt University, 118
- Vercruyssen, M., 95
- Vincente, K. J., 75
- Vinson, N., 141
- Vinze, A. S., 214
- Visual acuity, 96
- Visual closure, 152
- Visual noise, 184
- Visual search, 97, 106
- Vora, P., 123
- Walker, N., 94, 95, 104, 107
- Wallace, R., 44
- Wallace, V. L., 4
- Wasserman, A. I., 155
- Waugh, N. C., 41
- Way, D., 140
- Web. See World Wide Web
- Web clipping, 208-209
- Web ecology, 38
- Web page, 147-171
- coherence, 149-154
- color, 156-160
- consistency, 148-149
- content page, 163-166
- design principles, 148
- home page, 161-163, 235
- information coding, 155-156
- information placement, 155
- links, 165-166
- mental models of, 232
- response time, 134
- short/long, 104, 107-108
- testing, 237-238
- text clarity, 160-161
- titles, 142, 166
- transaction page, 166-171
- See also Text presentation
- Web site, 127-146
- content positioning, 130-133
- context, 17
- design guidelines, 31-33
- map, 135-136, 140-141, 187
- modeling, 33-35
- navigation, 135-144
- personalization, 128-130, 144
- point of entry, 232-233
- privacy/security, 144-145
- quality, 146
- response time, 134-135
- search engines, 143-144
- subsites, 132
- testing, 238-239
- visibility, 145
- See also Site environment
- Web tablet, 194
- Wehrle, N., 207
- Weise, E., 123
- Wetherell, A., 136
- White space, 151-152, 154
- Whiteside, J., 18
- Wickens, C. D., 135, 156
- Wilkinson, L., 186
- Williges, R. C., 75
- Willis, M., 98
- Wingfield, A., 105
- Winograd, T., 193, 210
- Wireless application protocol (WAP), 192
- Wireless device, 189-212
- context, 194, 197-198
- design guidelines, 211-212
- information presentation, 207-209
- mobile phones, 189-191, 206-208
- PDAs, 189-191
- protocols, 192-193
- screen size, 191, 198-206
- study of, 194-197
- Wireless markup language (WML), 192
- Word selection, 160
- Worden, A., 95, 104
- Working memory (WM), 42-43, 45, 151-152
- World Wide Web, 6
- and GUIs, 8-10
- information processing, 79
- older users, 93-94
- Xerox Star, 4
- Yeo, A., 214