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Separation Process Engineering, Fourth Edition, offers student- and faculty-friendly coverage of all currently important methods for chemical engineering separation. It teaches via detailed examples, using real data to solve real engineering problems, all organized in a common format to streamline learning. This edition also provides new homework problems, spreadsheet-based exercises, and well-tested, laboratory-style computer simulations that make it far easier to teach an up-to-date course.
Earlier editions focused on classical chemical engineering separations of distillation, absorption, stripping and extraction. These remain important, but this new edition has expanded coverage to include newer methods. The fourth edition's extensive coverage and realistic examples also encompass these industrially important techniques: flash distillation; continuous column distillation, including extractive and azeotropic distillation; batch distillation; membrane separations, adsorption, ion exchange, and chromatography. This edition also adds an entirely new chapter on crystallization, including population balances and pharmaceutical applications.
Updated throughout for the latest research, this fourth edition also incorporates expanded coverage of the fundamentals of mass transfer, together with a broader range of problems. This enables chemical engineering programs to teach mass transfer from the same textbook they use for separations.
Chapter 1: Introduction Separation Process Engineering
Chapter 2: Flash Distillation
Chapter 3: Introduction to Column Distillation
Chapter 4: Binary Column Distillation: Internal Stage-by-Stage Balances
Chapter 5: Introduction to Multicomponent Distillation
Chapter 6: Exact Calculation Procedures for Multicomponent Distillation
Chapter 7: Approximate Shortcut Methods for Multicomponent Distillation
Chapter 8: Introduction to Complex Distillation Methods
Chapter 9: Batch Distillation
Chapter 10: Staged and Packed Column Design
Chapter 11: Economics and Energy Conservation in Distillation
Chapter 12: Absorption and Stripping
Chapter 13: Liquid-Liquid Extraction
Chapter 14: Washing, Leaching, and Supercritical Extraction
Chapter 15: Introduction to Diffusion and Mass Transfer
Chapter 16: Mass Transfer Analysis for Distillation, Absorption, Stripping, and Extraction
Chapter 17: Crystallization from Solution
Chapter 18: Introduction to Membrane Separation Processes
Chapter 19: Introduction to Adsorption, Chromatography, and Ion Exchange
Appendix A: Aspen Plus Troubleshooting Guide for Separations
Appendix B: Instructions for Fitting VLE and LLE Data with Aspen Plus
Appendix C: Unit Conversions and Physical Constants
Appendix D: Data Locations
Answers to Selected Problems