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WYSIWYG Web page editors like Netscape Composer, Microsoft FrontPage, and many others have made it extremely easy to create and edit Web pages. No longer do aspiring Web publishers have to have an extensive understanding of HTML, scripting languages, and CGI scripting. This book teaches the beginning Web page author just what he needs to know to get a Web page up in the shortest time possible, using the tools that come packaged on the book¿s CD. It starts out introducing the reader to the included WYSIWYG tool (Netscape Composer), and moves into the steps necessary to design, create, and publish a page on the World Wide Web. The reader does not need to know anything about HTML. This edition of the book has been thoroughly updated and revised to include all new examples for better clarity and reader appeal, coverage of the latest release of Netscape 6, and more coverage of finding a place to host a Web site.
Hour 1. Understanding Web Authoring.Anatomy of a Web Page. How a Web Page Works. Pictures, Sound, and Other Media. Extensions: Love 'Em!, Hate 'Em! Ways to Organize a Web Site. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 2. Getting Started with a Web Authoring Program.Opening Composer. Exploring the Composer Toolbars. Starting a New Web Page. Saving and Naming Files. About Web Page Filenames. Editing Pages You've Saved. Checking Out Your New Page in a Web Browser. Printing Pages. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 3. Wizarding Up a Personal Home Page.Should I Create My Web Site Online? Where Are the Wizards? What Does It Take to Make a Basic Page with a Wizard? Understanding Publishing. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 4. Starting Pages in Other Programs.Starting in Your Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, or Other Program. Working with Templates. Editing a Template into Your Own Page. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 5. Choosing a Title, Text Colors, and Other Page Basics.About Page Properties. Choosing an Effective Page Title. Helping Search Pages Catalog Your Page. Choosing Custom Colors for a Whole Page. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 6. Adding and Editing Text.Understanding Paragraphs and Their Properties. Understanding What Each Paragraph Property Does. Entering Text and Assigning Properties. Aligning and Indenting Text. Editing Your Text. Checking Your Spelling. Tips for Good Text Design. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 7. Formatting Text.Working with Lists. Dressing Up Text with Character Properties. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 8. Organizing Text with Tables and Rules.About Horizontal Lines. About Tables. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 9. Understanding Links.What's in a Link? What's Linkable? Web Pages. Anchors in Pages. Local Files. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 10. Making Links.Creating New Links. Creating a Signature (Linking to Email). Copying Links from Other Pages. Checking That Links Lead Where They're Supposed To. Editing Links. Delinking Text. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 11. More Ways to Link.Understanding Targets. Creating Targets in a Page. Deleting Targets. Linking to Targets. Creating Links that Download Files. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 12. Using Links to Build a Web Site.The Basic Act: Linking One Page to Another. Linking from One Page to a Target in Another. Site-Design Tips. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 13. Getting Pictures for Your Page.About Inline Images. Creating and Acquiring Image Files. Using Images from the CD-ROM. Previewing Images in Windows. Important Stuff to Know About Inline Images. Creating Images in Paint Shop Pro. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 14. Adding Pictures (and Picture Backgrounds).Inserting a GIF or JPEG Image in Composer. Using the Same Image Multiple Times. Deleting an Image. Choosing an Image's Size and Other Properties. Entering Images in Table Cells. Inserting Fancy Bullets and Rules. Using an Image As a Link. Adding a Picture Background. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 15. Snazzing Up Your Page with Sound, Video, and Special Effects.About External Media. Understanding Media Types. Tips for Proper Presentation. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 16. Creating Your Own Animations.About Animated GIFs. Inserting Animated GIFs into Pages. Creating Your Own Animated GIFs. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 17. Editing HTML.Reading an HTML File. Viewing the HTML Source Code of a Document. Using Composer to Insert an HTML Tag. Adding Attributes with the Composer Advanced Edit Buttons. Editing an HTML Source File Directly. About HTML Assistant Pro. Editing Composer Pages in HTML Assistant Pro. Using HTML Assistant Pro to Add Sound and Video to Your Web Pages. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 18. Dividing a Page into Frames.What Does It Take to Make a Frames Page? Using HTML Assistant Pro to Create a Frames Page. Creating Frames in HTML. Specifying the Frame in Which a Linked Page Opens. Accommodating the Frame-Intolerant. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 19. Designing Fill-in-the-Blanks Forms.Understanding Forms. Creating the Visible Form. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 20. Putting Multiple Links in One Picture.About Imagemaps. Server-Side Versus Client-Side. Choosing (or Creating) Images Suited for Imagemapping. Creating an Imagemap. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 21. Publishing Your Page.About Web Servers. How Much Space Do I Need? Preparing to Publish. Publishing from Composer. Viewing Your Page Through the Internet. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 22. Announcing Your Web Presence.Listing Your Page in Web Search Pages. Getting in Multiple Search Pages at Once. Publicizing Your Page off the Web. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 23. Testing and Maintaining Your Page Online.Testing Your Pages. Evaluating Your Page's Ergonomics. Updating Your Page. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 24. Developing Your Authoring Skills.Getting Your Own Domain (Your Own Dot-Com). Advancing to New Authoring Tools and Techniques. How to Grow as a Web Author. For Further Reading. Summary.
Appendix A. Using the Programs on the Bonus CD-ROM.Setting Up the Programs. What's on the CD-ROM?
Appendix B. Online Resources for Web Authors.Browsers and Other Net-Surfing Programs. General Web Authoring. Clip Art, Animation, and Templates. Java. General-Purpose Software Download Sites. Plug-Ins, Helpers, and Other Browser Accessories.