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Author and Samba Team Member Gerald Carter dedicates most of this book to the processes of installing and configuring Samba, distinguishing between both Linux/Windows, and Unix/Windows-based systems. He discusses the mechanics of file sharing across the dual platforms and expertly outlines the means necessary to remedy common problems, including helping to identify which version of Samba you are running and where to look for the patch or bug fix you will need to resolve it. He also assists in locating utilities like autoconf that automatically compiles a system configuration file with common default settings. Finally, he discusses security and password issues, as well as peripheral support for server printers.
Obtaining the Latest Release of Samba
Hour 1. Introduction to Samba.A Brief Samba History Lesson. A Brief Description. What Was Life Like Before Samba? A Brief Look at Supported Platforms. The GNU General Public License (GPL). Summary. Q&A.
Hour 2. Windows Networking Concepts.NetBIOS Overview. CIFS (SMB). Windows Networking Models. Summary. Q&A. New Terms
Hour 3. Obtaining the Latest Release of Samba.Download Sites and Methods. Before Upgrading an Existing Server. Compiling Samba. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (--with-fhs). What Goes Where When I Type make install? Binary Distribution Methods. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 4. Starting Your Feet to Dance.Which Binaries? Samba's Configuration File: smb.conf. Configuring the [global] Section of smb.conf. Setting Up the Shared Group Directory. Verifying smb.conf. Starting smbd and nmbd. Command-Line Arguments. Testing the Installation. A Note Regarding Windows Clients and Our Server. Other Tools Included with Samba. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 5. Exploring Samba's smb.conf File.Layout. The [global] Section. Variables. Environment Variables. Parameters. Common [global] Parameters. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 6. SWAT and Other GUI Administration Tools.SWAT. Webmin. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 7. Security Levels and Passwords.Security Levels and the security Parameter. Usernames. Passwords. Guest Access. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 8. Samba-The File Server.Beginning Configurations and Accounts. A Basic, Group Accessible Share. A Restricted Access Service. A Publicly Accessible Share. User Home Directories. File System Quotas. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 9. Samba-The Print Server.Prerequisites. Samba's Printing Support. Configuring Our First Printer. The [printers] Share. Securing Printer Shares. Troubleshooting Printer Shares. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 10. Microsoft's DOS Network Client and Windows 95/98/ME.The Network Redirector. Microsoft Network Client Version 3.0 for MS-DOS. Windows 9x/ME. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 11. Windows NT 4.0/2000.Windows NT. Configuring the Windows 2000 Client. Conflicting Credentials. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 12. CIFS Clients for Unix.The Linux Kernel and smbfs. smbclient. The smbprint Script. Printing from Unix to Windows. Resolving Hostnames Using the NetBIOS Name Service. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 13. Troubleshooting Techniques.Egypt, Samba, and Bugs. Available Tools at Our Disposal. The Test Environment. Level 1: Beginning the Climb up the Pyramid. Level 2: Local Server and Client Software. Level 3: Remote Access to Shares. Level 4: Network Browsing. Level 5: A Wealth of Information-Log Files and Packets. Level 6: Samba Internals. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 14. Replacing a Windows NT File and Printer Server-Lock, Stock & Barrel.The Existing Network. Samba and ACLs. Configuring the Linux Server. .-with-acl-support. The Replacement Process. Managing Shares on a Samba Member Server. Microsoft's Distributed File System. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 15. Server-Side Automation.What Is Server-Side Automation? preexec and postexec Scripts. The message command Parameter. The include Parameter. Samba's Virtual File System for Shares. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 16. Managing User Accounts and Single Sign-On.Password Synchronization Between /etc/passwd and smbpasswd. Samba.-with-pam. Unix Services in a Windows Domain-pam_winbind. Single Sign-On Samba and Unix-pam_smbpass. Recording User Connections to the Unix Login Records (utmp). Samba's New.-with-ldapsam,.-with-tdbsam, and.-with-nisplussam Options. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 17. Security Tips.Authentication. Configuration File Permissions. Virus and Internet Worm Prevention. Securing Access to SWAT Via SSL. Using Samba and SSL Together. Firewalls. Samba's Very Own Bouncer. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 18. WINS and NetBIOS Name Services.WINS. The wins server Parameter. The wins support Parameter. The wins proxy Parameter. The dns proxy Parameter. The lmhosts File. The name resolve order Parameter. Name Resolution Client or Server? WINS and Windows 2000. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 19. Local Subnet Browsing.Introduction to Browsing. Samba Browsing Parameters. Browsing with OS/2 Clients. Viewing a List of Shares. Browsing Examples. Browsing Problems. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 20. Cross Subnet Browsing.Browsing Across Subnets. Designing Network Browsing. Troubleshooting Remote Browsing. Additional Browsing Parameters. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 21. Domain Control for Windows 95/98/ME.Setting Up the Samba Domain Controller. Setting Up a Windows 9x Client. Successfully Logging In to the Domain. Troubleshooting Windows 9x/ME Domain Logons. User Profiles. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 22. Domain Control for Windows NT 4.0/2000.Current Features. How to Configure a Samba PDC. Machine Trust Accounts. Creating a Machine Trust Account on a Samba PDC. Domain Admins and Domain Guests. User Profiles and System Policies. Implementing Backup Domain Controller (BDC) for a Samba-Controlled Domain. Windows 2000 Domains. Summary. Q&A. New Terms.
Hour 23. Capacity Planning and System Tuning.How Big is Big Enough? Tuning Your Server. High Availability and Fail Over. Summary. Q&A.
Hour 24. Exploring the Samba Community and Looking Down the Road.Who Is the Samba Team? Who Guides Samba Development? Future Plans for Samba. How Can I Help? Summary. Q&A.