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Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver X in 21 Days teaches the reader all the skills needed to learn how to effectively develop database-driven Web applications with Macromedia Dreamweaver X. The tutorial approach aids the reader in learning the basics quickly and then moves on to the more advanced features and concepts.
By the end of the 21 days, the reader will know how to create Web sites with dynamic content, develop a browser-based sales and inventory management system, create a discussion forum, develop a complete e-commerce solution, write custom validations and extend functionality with JavaScript, design enhanced navigation of the Web site, and make an informed decision as to which server platform is the right one for the project at hand.
Advanced HTML and Site Tools for Dreamweaver MX
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Workshop, Q&A, Quiz, Quiz Answers and Exercises.)
Week 1 - At a Glance.
Day 1. Getting Started.
The Dreamweaver MX Interface. The Interface Components. The Document Window. The Insert Panel. The Properties Panel. The Menu System. The Other Windows and Panels. Getting Help. Customizing the Dreamweaver MX Preferences.
Design Considerations. Creating Your First Web Site. Creating and Editing the Home Page. Adding Basic HTML Objects. Positioning with Tables. Other Important Functions.
Advanced Navigation. Advanced Layout and Document Control. Cascading Style Sheets. Customizing the Document Design Window. Forms: A Brief Introduction. Direct Access to the HTML. Site-Management Tools.
DHTML-What It Is and Isn't. Introducing Client Behaviors. Using Timelines. Instant Flash. Other Dynamic Elements. Advanced JavaScript Programming and Debugging.
Planning for Code Reuse. HTML Font Styles. Managing Site Assets. Working with Snippets. Recording Dreamweaver MX Commands. Creating a Distributed Editing Environment.
Dynamic Web Sites. Understanding Dynamic Sites. Creating Dynamic Sites. Database Design.
The Dreamweaver MX Application Server. Choosing a Server. Creating an ASP Application Server on Windows XP. Creating a PHP Application Server on Mac OS X. Other Things You'll Need.
Interacting with the Application Server. Setting Up a Dynamic Site Definition. Database Connections. The Databases Panel.
Traditional Databases on the Web. Standard Server Behaviors. Recordset Navigation Server Behaviors. User Authentication. Data Bindings.
From Database to Web. A Table of a Table. Adding Graphics to the Recordset. Dynamic Attributes. Additional Functionality on Dynamic Screens.
The Dreamweaver MX Application Framework. Creating an Input/Output System. Adding the Insert Behavior. Generating Detail Pages and Deleting Records. Creating Update Pages. Auto-Generating Forms and Pages.
Why We Need SQL. The Database Objects. Creating Databases and Tables. Adding/Changing Data. Querying Database Tables. Other Advanced Techniques. Advanced Queries and Dreamweaver MX.
Login Systems. Login SQL and Passwords. A Simple Login. Maintaining a Session. Using Cookies. The Dreamweaver MX Authentication System. Real Web Site Security.
A Product Catalog. Implementing the Application. Automating the Navigation Bar.
Making the Static to Dynamic Transition. Randomizing Banner Ads. Rotating Seasonal/Time-Based Images. Managing Multiple Seasonal/Time-Based Images. Getting Your User's Feedback.
Input and Output, a Messaging System Overview. Building the Main List View (listing.asp). Reading Messages (view.asp). Creating the Composition Screen (compose.asp).
Customized Web Sites. Developing the Registration and Login System. Generating the Content Screen (content.asp). Finishing the Preferences (preferences.asp and storepref.asp).
Survey and Testing Systems. Building the Login Pages (login.asp and error.asp). Creating the Question Form (question.asp). Administrative Access.
Complex Searches. Complex Queries: Finding Your Perfect Match. Creating the Login System. Creating the Update Profile Page (profile.asp). Writing the Search and Results Pages (search.asp and results.asp). Protecting Your Pages.
Coding Problems. Browser Issues. Validating Code. Finding Server Behavior Problems. Testing. Additional Troubleshooting Resources.
Advanced HTML Tools. Server Code. Dreamweaver MX Extensions. Customizing the Dreamweaver MX Environment.
Programming Concepts.
Common Data Types. Arithmetic Operations. Logical Operations. Basic Comparisons. String Comparison Functions. Mathematical Functions. String Functions. Date and Time Functions. Summarization Functions for Use with GROUP BY Clauses.
Day 8. Day 10. Day 11. Day 12. Day 13. Day 14. Day 15: Banner. Day 15: Feedback. Day 15: Time Images. Day 16. Day 17. Day 18. Day 19.