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Sams Teach Yourself HTML & XHTML in 24 Hours, 5th Edition is a carefully organized tutorial that teaches the beginning Web page author just what he needs to know in order to get a Web page up in the shortest time possible. The book covers only those parts of HTML and XHTML that are likely to be used on a beginner¿s Web page, and it is organized in a logical step-by-step order that reflects the natural progression a new Web page author will follow in developing a Web site. The book does not assume any previous experience with Web publishing, nor any particular familiarity with the basic concepts of how the Web works. Everything is explained in the simplest terms possible. This edition of the book has been thoroughly updated and revised to include coverage of the latest developments in HTML/XHTML and Web publishing, as well as the new generation of browsers from Microsoft and Netscape – Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6 (aka Mozilla)- and their effect on Web publishing practices.
(NOTE:Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Q&A, Workshop, Quiz, Answers, and Exercises.)
Hour 1. Understanding HTML and XHTML.What Is a Web Page? How Web Pages Work. What Happens When You Surf The Web. How to Edit Web Pages. The Many Faces of HTML.
Hour 2. Create a Web Page Right Now.A Simple Sample Page. Tags Every HTML Page Must Have. Paragraphs and Line Breaks. Headings. Peeking at Other People's Pages.
Hour 3. Linking to Other Web Pages.Linking to Another Web Page. Linking Between Your Own Pages. Relative Addresses.
Hour 4. Publishing Your HTML Pages.Setting Up an Internet Web Site. Transferring Pages to a Web Server.
Publishing Pages with Netscape. Publishing Pages with Microsoft. Publishing Pages with Microsoft FrontPage. Publishing Pages with CuteFTP.
Making a File Available for Downloading. Putting Web Pages on an Intranet. Publishing Web Pages on Disk. Testing Your Pages.
Hour 5. Text Alignment, Lists, and Special Characters.Text Alignment. Special Characters.
Putting the World in the World Wide Web. Entities.
The Three Types of HTML Lists. Lists Within Lists.
Hour 6. Advanced Text Formatting and Links.Boldface, Italics, and Special Formatting. Font Size and Color. Choosing a Typeface. Using Named Anchors. Linking to a Specific Part of Another Page. Linking Your Email Address into a Web Page.
Hour 7. Creating HTML Forms.How HTML Forms Work. Creating a Form. Text Input. Identifying Each Piece of Form Data. Including Hidden Data. Check Boxes. Radio Buttons. Selection Lists. Text Areas. Submit! Creating a Custom Submit Button.
Hour 8. Creating Your Own Web Page Graphics.Choosing Graphics Software. Graphics Basics. Preparing Photographic Images. Controlling JPEG Compression. Creating Banners and Buttons. Reducing the Number of Colors. Interlaced GIFs and Progressive JPEGs.
Hour 9. Putting Graphics on a Web Page.Placing an Image on a Web Page. Labeling an Image. Images That Are Links. Horizontal Image Alignment. Vertical Image Alignment.
Hour 10. Custom Backgrounds and Colors.Background and Text Colors. Creating Custom Colors. Background Image Tiles. Transparent Images. Creating Your Own Backgrounds.
Hour 11. Creating Animated Graphics.Software for Making Web Page Animations. Creating the Pictures You Want to Animate. Assembling the Pictures into an Animation. Putting a GIF Animation onto a Web Page. Generating Transitions and Text Effects.
Hour 12. Page Design and Layout.Web Page Design. Image Spacing and Borders. The Old Background Banner Trick. Specifying Image Width and Height.
Hour 13. Graphical Links and Imagemaps.How and Why to Avoid Using Imagemaps. Mapping Regions Within an Image. Client-Side Imagemaps. Server-Side Imagemaps. Combined Client/Server Imagemaps.
Hour 14. Advanced Layout with Tables.Creating a Simple Table. Table Size. Alignment and Spanning. Backgrounds and Spacing. Creative Page Layout with Tables.
Hour 15. Using Style Sheets.A Basic Style Sheet. CSS1 Versus CSS2. Older Web Browsers. Style Properties. Style Classes. Specifying Inline Styles. Positioning and Layers.
Hour 16. Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages.Putting Multimedia on a Web Page. Multimedia the Old-Fashioned Way. Embedding Sound in a Web Page. Embedding Video in a Web Page. Trying to Please Everybody. Multimedia the New Way.
Hour 17. Interactive Pages with Applets and ActiveX.The Old Way. Internet Programming for the Rest of Us. Strong Java. ActiveX Controls. Using ActiveX to Embed a Video. Security and ActiveX Controls. The ActiveX Control for XML.
Hour 18. Web Page Scripting for Non-Programmers.Interactive Highlighting. Preloading Images for Speed. Adding Up an Order Form. The Wide World of JavaScript.
Hour 19. Setting Pages in Motion with Dynamic HTML.Learning How to Fly. Dividing a Web Page into Layers. Offering Alternate Content in Plain HTML. Being Compatible with Incompatible Browsers. Moving a Layer Around with JavaScript. Interactive Layer Animation.
Hour 20. Multipage Layout with Frames.What Are Frames? Creating a Frameset Document. The <frame /> Tag. Linking Between Frames and Windows. Nested Frames. Margins, Borders, and Scrolling.
Hour 21. Organizing and Managing a Web Site.When One Page Is Enough. Organizing a Simple Site. Organizing a Larger Site. Including Comments in a Page.
Hour 22. Helping People Find Your Web Pages.Publicizing Your Web Site. Listing Your Pages with the Major Search Sites. Providing Hints for Search Engines. Loading Another Page Automatically. Advanced Header Tags. Documenting the Full Address of a Page.
Hour 23. Using XML to Describe Data.XML as a Metalanguage. Creating the Tags of an XML File. A Sample XML Data File. HTML and JavaScript Code to Read an XML File. Document Type Definitions (DTDs).
Hour 24. Planning for the Future of HTML.HTML Beyond the Web. From Calculators to Communicators. HTML as the New User Interface. The Digital Media Revolution. XML: Unity in Diversity. XHTML, the New HTML. HTML Applications of the Future. What You Can Do Today to Be Ready for Tomorrow.
Appendix A. Readers' Most Frequently Asked Questions.