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Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours

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Sams Teach Yourself Dreamweaver CS5 in 24 Hours

EPUB (Watermarked)

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  • Copyright 2011
  • Edition: 1st
  • EPUB (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-672-33212-4
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33212-8

In just 24 lessons of one hour or less, you will be able to create a fully functional website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson offers background knowledge along with practical steps to follow, allowing even complete beginners to learn the essentials from the ground up.

Full-color figures and clear step-by-step instructions visually show you how to use Dreamweaver.

Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge.

Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn.

Learn how to...

  • Start using HTML5 in your web pages with Dreamweaver’s new HTML5 support
  • Create forms to collect information from users at your site
  • Manage your site with templates and libraries
  • Design web page layout with CSS
  • Work with WordPress and content management systems
  • Display data efficiently with tables
  • Dress up your site with Flash files and other multimedia
  • Insert scripted functionality by using Behaviors
  • Use Ajax frameworks and libraries
  • Create custom CSS for mobile devices and printing
  • Make web graphics in Fireworks CS5

Sample Content

Table of Contents


What Is Dreamweaver CS5?     1

What’s New In Dreamweaver CS5?     2

Who Should Use Dreamweaver CS5?     2

Who Should Use This Book?     2

Conventions Used in This Book     3

HOUR  1: A World Wide Web of Dreamweaver Possibilities

What Can You Do with Dreamweaver?     6

Defining the Technology     6

Dissecting Website Examples     7

Basic Web Page Elements: Text, Images, and Hyperlinks     7

Page Layout     9

Forms: Collecting Data for E-Commerce, Newsletters, or Anything Else     10

Multimedia     12

Interactivity     14

Uploading a Website to the Web     15

Reusable Code and Files     16

Summary     17

Q&A     17

Workshop     18

Quiz     18

Quiz Answers     18

Exercises     19

HOUR  2: A Tour of Dreamweaver

Acquainting Yourself with Dreamweaver     21

The Welcome Screen     22

The Workspace     24

The Menu Bar     25

The Insert Panel     26

The Document Window     39

The Document Toolbar     39

The Status Bar     41

Panels and Inspectors     42

Context Menus     45

Getting Help     45

Summary     46

Q&A     46

Workshop     46

Quiz     46

Quiz Answers     47

Exercises     47

HOUR  3: Setting Up a Website

Defining a New Website     49

Building the Site Cache     51

Using the Files Panel     51

Expanding the Files Panel     52

Creating New Files in the Files Panel     53

Editing Site Settings     55

Considering Site Organization     57

Summary     58

Q&A     59

Workshop     59

Quiz     59

Quiz Answers     59

Exercises     60

HOUR  4: Adding Text and Lists

Creating a New Page     61

Saving a File     63

Adding Text to a Web Page     64

Copying and Pasting Text from a File     64

Copying and Pasting Structural

Formatting     65

Applying Text Formatting     66

Understanding Paragraph and Break Tags     67

Setting Page Properties     68

Setting Global Page Appearance     68

Setting Global Heading Properties     73

Adding a Page Title     74

Introducing Cascading Style Sheets     75

Changing Text Attributes in the

Property Inspector     76

Selecting a Text Font     76

Changing Text Size     77

Selecting a Text Color     78

Viewing and Changing CSS Styles     78

Aligning Text     80

Creating Lists and Indenting Text     81

Adding a Separator to a Page:

The Horizontal Rule     82

Previewing in a Browser     83

Summary     85

Q&A     85

Workshop     86

Quiz     86

Quiz Answers     86

Exercises     86

HOUR  5: Making Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Mailto Links

Exploring Relative and Absolute Paths     87

Understanding Absolute Paths     88

Understanding Document-Relative Paths     90

Understanding Site Root—Relative Paths     92

Adding a Hyperlink Within a Website     93

Setting Link Color Preferences     96

Organizing a Long Page by Using Named Anchors     97

Understanding Invisible Elements     99

Linking to a Named Anchor     99

Adding a Mailto Link     100

Summary     101

Q&A     101

Workshop     102

Quiz     102

Quiz Answers     102

Exercises     102

HOUR  6: Displaying Data in Tables

Creating a Table for Data     103

Selecting Table Elements     105

Setting Cell Padding, Cell Spacing, and Header Options     107

Making a Table Accessible to People with Disabilities     108

Modifying a Table and Adding Content     108

Adding and Sorting Data     109

Adding and Removing Rows and Columns     110

Changing Column Width and Row Height     111

Resizing and Coloring Tables     111

Merging and Splitting Table Cells     112

Aligning Table Cell Contents     113

Adding Color to a Table     114

Exporting Data from a Table     114

Summary     115

Q&A     115

Workshop     116

Quiz     116

Quiz Answers     116

Exercises     117

HOUR  7: Looking Under the Hood: Exploring HTML

Exploring Code View     120

Exploring the Head and Body of a Web Page     121

Discovering the Coding Toolbar     124

Using the Code Inspector     126

Viewing and Editing HTML Tags by Using the Quick Tag Editor     126

Using the Edit Tag Mode     127

Using the Wrap Tag Mode     127

Using the Insert HTML Mode     128

Using the Code Navigator     128

Setting Code Preferences     129

Setting Code Color Preferences     129

Setting Code Format Preferences     130

Setting Code Hints Preferences     131

Setting Code Rewriting Preferences     132

Cleaning Up HTML Created with Microsoft Word     132

Exploring References     134

Validating Your Code     135

Summary     136

Q&A     136

Workshop     137

Quiz     137

Quiz Answers     137

Exercises     137

HOUR  8: Displaying Images

Adding an Image to a Page     139

Adding Alternative Text     141

Exploring Image Attributes     143

Aligning an Image with Text     143

Exploring Image Flavors: GIF, JPEG, and PNG     146

Editing Images Within Dreamweaver     146

Optimizing Images for Use in a Web Page     148

Creating a Linked Image     151

Creating an Image map     152

Adding a Hotspot to an Image Map     153

Aligning Hotspots     155

Creating Rollover Images     156

Summary     157

Q&A     157

Workshop     157

Quiz     157

Quiz Answers     158

Exercises     158

HOUR  9: Making Web Graphics in

Fireworks CS5

Acquainting Yourself with Fireworks     159

Modifying Images for Use in a Web Page     160

Rotating, Cropping, and Changing the Size of an Image     160

Undoing Changes     163

Creating an Image     163

Adding a Shape     164

Adding Text     167

Optimizing Graphics for the Web     169

Designing Web Layouts in Fireworks     171

Slicing Web Graphics     173

Exporting HTML and CSS from Fireworks     175

Summary     176

Q&A     176

Workshop     177

Quiz     177

Quiz Answers     177

Exercises     177

HOUR  10: Adding Flash and Other Multimedia to a Web Page

Exploring Multimedia and Bandwidth     179

Understanding Players     180

Adding Flash Files     182

Previewing a Flash Movie in the Dreamweaver Document Window     183

Setting Alternative Content for Flash Media     184

Adding a Link to a PDF File     184

Adding a Sound File to a Web Page     185

Plug-in Playback     186

Resizing a Control     187

Looping the Sound     189

Gaining Greater Control with an Embedded Player     190

Adding a Java Applet to a Web Page     192

Summary     194

Q&A     195

Workshop     195

Quiz     195

Quiz Answers     196

Exercises     196

HOUR  11: Formatting Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets

Styling Text with CSS     198

Creating a Class Selector     201

Applying a Class Selector     203

Removing a Class Selector     203

Exploring Style Settings     204

Creating a Tag Selector     209

Creating Compound Selectors     210

Editing Styles     212

Creating an External Style Sheet     213

Exporting Existing CSS Styles     213

Creating an External Style Sheet from Scratch     215

Saving CSS Styles in an External Style Sheet     216

CSS and the Property Inspector     217

Understanding the Cascade     218

Using Inspect Mode     219

Summary     220

Q&A     220

Workshop     221

Quiz     221

Quiz Answers     222

Exercises     222

HOUR  12: Using CSS for Positioning

Understanding the CSS Box Model     223

Exploring a CSS Page-Layout Example     225

Viewing the CSS Visually     227

Understanding Float and Clear     228

Positioning a Div     229

Inserting Divs     229

Using id Selectors     230

Creating Compound Selectors     231

Floating Page Elements     232

Creating Columns     234

Clearing the Float     236

Centering Your Design on the Page     237

Previewing with BrowserLab     239

Summary     240

Q&A     241

Workshop     241

Quiz     241

Quiz Answers     242

Exercises     242

HOUR  13: Creating CSS for Mobile Devices and Printing

Understanding the CSS Media Attribute     243

Previewing Style Rendering in Dreamweaver     245

Adding an Alternative Style Sheet     246

Setting the External Style Sheet Media Type     247

Link to a Second External Style Sheet     248

Designing CSS for Print     249

Hiding Elements     250

Modifying the Default Font     253

Identifying Style Conflicts     254

Hiding Hyperlinks     254

Adding a Print-Only Message     255

CSS for Handheld Devices     257

Using the Handheld Style Sheet and Device Central     257

Targeting the iPhone and Advanced Handhelds     258

Summary     259

Q&A     260

Workshop     260

Quiz     260

Quiz Answers     260

Exercises     261

HOUR  14: Using Site Assets, Library Items, and Templates

Managing Assets in the Assets Panel     263

Locating and Previewing Assets     265

Adding Assets to a Web Page     266

Editing Assets     267

Using Snippets     267

Creating Your Own Snippets     268

Managing Library Items and Templates in the Assets Panel     269

Creating a Library Item     269

Adding a Library Item to a Page     272

Making Changes to a Library Item     273

Creating a Template     274

Making the Template Editable     277

Making an Optional Region     279

Modifying an Editable Region     279

Creating a Web Page from a Template     280

Making Changes to a Template and Updating Pages     282

Dreamweaver and Content Management     282

Contribute     282

Summary     283

Q&A     283

Workshop     284

Quiz     284

Quiz Answers     284

Exercises     284

HOUR  15: Designing for WordPress and Content Management Systems

Setting Up Your Site     285

Site Setup within Dreamweaver     286

Locating Dynamically Related Files     289

Making Site Changes     291

Using Inspect Mode     291

Using the Code Navigator     292

Filtering Related Files     292

Using Site Specific Code Hinting     294

Summary     295

Q&A     295

Workshop     296

Quiz     296

Quiz Answers     297

Exercises     297

HOUR  16: Adding Spry Menu Bars for Navigation

Understanding Navigation     299

Inserting a Menu Bar     301

Editing the Menu Bar CSS     304

Targeting a Link to Open in a New Browser Window     307

Summary     308

Q&A     308

Workshop     309

Quiz     309

Quiz Answers     309

Exercises     309

HOUR  17: Using Dynamic HTML and AP Divs

What Is DHTML?     311

Adding an AP Div     312

Setting AP Div Positioning     314

Adding a Background Color and Background Image     315

Exploring AP Div Stacking Order     315

Changing AP Div Visibility     317

Nesting AP Divs     318

Animating an AP Div     318

Summary     320

Q&A     321

Workshop     321

Quiz     321

Quiz Answers     321

Exercises     322

Hour  18: Adding Interactivity with Behaviors

What Is a Dreamweaver Behavior?     323

Using the Reference Books     324

Exploring Dreamweaver Behaviors     325

Exploring Events     327

Attaching a Behavior to an Object     328

Showing and Hiding Elements     330

Creating a Null Link to Trigger the Behavior     330

Creating a Hidden AP Div     331

Attaching the Show-Hide Elements Behavior     331

Selecting the Event That Triggers the Behavior     333

Editing the Behavior     334

Opening a New Browser Window     334

Popping Up a Message     336

Attaching Multiple Behaviors to the Same Object     337

Setting Text in a Container     338

Using the Go to URL Behavior     339

Adding Drag and Drop with a Draggable AP Div     340

Enabling Drag and Drop     341

Summary     343

Q&A     344

Workshop     344

Quiz     344

Quiz Answers     344

Exercises     345

HOUR  19: Using Spry, the Widget Browser, and Extensions

Understanding AJAX and Widgets     347

Exploring Spry     348

External JavaScript and CSS Files     350

Adding Spry Effects     351

Applying the Squish or Shake Effect     351

Applying the Appear/Fade Effect     353

Using Spry Widgets: Tabbed Panels, Collapsible Panels, Accordions, and Tool Tips     355

Adding a Tabbed Panel     355

Adding a Collapsible Panel     356

Adding an Accordion     357

Adding ToolTips     357

Editing the Spry Panel CSS     359

Using Spry to Display XML and HTML Data in a Web Page     360

What Is XML?     360

Displaying XML Using a Spry Data Set     361

Reusing HTML Data with the Spry Data Set     363

Using Third Party Widgets with the Widget Browser     366

Installing the Widget Browser     367

Installing Widgets     368

Customizing and Configuring Widgets     369

Inserting Widgets in your Pages     370

Using External AJAX Widgets     371

Using Lightview     371

Using Dreamweaver Extensions     373

Finding Extensions     374

Installing and Managing an Extension     375

Summary     376

Q&A     376

Workshop     377

Quiz     377

Quiz Answers     377

Exercises     378

HOUR  20: Using the Dreamweaver HTML5 Features

Using HTML5 in Dreamweaver     379

What is HTML5?     380

Creating HTML5 Documents     382

Using HTML5 Tags     383

Previewing Documents and Configuring Media Queries     384

Getting HTML5 Help     386

Summary     387

Q&A     387

Workshop     387

Quiz     387

Quiz Answers     388

Exercises     388

HOUR  21: Creating a Form and Collecting Data

Creating a Form     389

Adding Text Fields to Forms     392

Applying Text Field Attributes     394

Adding Radio Buttons and Check Boxes to Forms     396

Radio Button Groups     396

Check Boxes     397

Adding Lists and Menus to Forms     399

Adding Push Buttons and Image Buttons to Forms     401

Adding Submit and Reset Buttons to Forms     402

Adding an Image Button to Forms     403

Adding Generic Buttons to Forms     403

Structuring a Form with Labels and Fieldsets     404

Creating a Jump Menu to Navigate to Different URLs     404

Summary     405

Q&A     406

Workshop     406

Quiz     406

Quiz Answers     407

Exercises     407

HOUR  22: Sending and Reacting to Form Data

Validating a Form’s Data Using the Validate Form Behavior     409

Using the Spry Framework Validation Objects     412

Receiving Information from a Form     414

Preparing a Page to Interact with ASP, ASPNET, JSP, PHP, or CFML     415

Setting Form Properties     416

Adding a Hidden Field to a Form     417

Uploading a File from a Form     418

Exploring Submission Security     419

Summary     420

Q&A     420

Workshop     421

Quiz     421

Quiz Answers     421

Exercises     422

HOUR  23: Uploading, Sharing, and Managing Web Projects

Enabling Server Connection     423

Adding Your Remote Site     423

Moving a Site onto a Remote Server     428

Understanding Dreamweaver’s Website Management Capabilities     430

Enabling Check In/Check Out     430

Transferring Files     431

Importing an Existing Website     433

Subversion Version Control     434

Understanding Subversion     434

Getting Started with Subversion     435

Summary     436

Q&A     436

Workshop     437

Quiz     437

Quiz Answers     437

Exercises     438

HOUR  24: Maintaining a Website

Managing the Local and Remote Sites     439

Synchronizing Your Files on the Local and Remote Sites     439

Managing Your Links     443

Using, Saving, and Sharing Searches     445

Adding Design Notes to Pages     447

Sharing Your Screen with Adobe ConnectNow     450

Generating Reports About a Website     451

Summary     452

Q&A     453

Workshop     453

Quiz     453

Quiz Answers     454

Exercises     454

Index    455


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