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Learning to apply CSS is the HTML Web publisher¿s next developmental step toward a professional and stable Web design. A prerequisite to learning higher-level languages like Javascript, Java, and Flash, CSS is gaining increasing support among major browsers, including Netscape, Internet Explorer (together 94% market share) and newcomers Opera, Mozilla and NeoPlanet, and backwards-compatibility with older browser versions and specialized browsers.
The key to successful CSS implementation is in understanding how different browsers use and interpret CSS. This tutorial takes the unique position of teaching the reader how to make smart decisions about how and when to apply CSS, based on browser support and intended effects. In 24 straightforward, hourly lessons, the reader learns by accomplishing hands-on tasks that can be applied to his own site in every hour.
The source code for the examples developed in the book - 148 kb -- codesamples.tar.gz
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary, Q&A, Workshop, Quiz and Answers. Most chapters also contain a Browser Support Report Card and an Activity.
Hour 1. Understanding Cascading Style Sheets.What Are Cascading Style Sheets? The Origin of Cascading Style Sheets. CSS in Web Design. Browser Support.
Hour 2. Getting Started with CSS.Creating a Style Sheet. Writing CSS Rules. Linking a Style Sheet to an HTML Page. Viewing Your Style Sheet.
Hour 3. Browser Support for CSS.The Browser Problem. CSS Support in Current Browsers.
Hour 4. Using CSS with HTML.Types of HTML. Style Sheets in HTML. Classes and Ids.
Hour 5. Selectors.Simple Selectors. Combining Simple Selectors. Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements.
Hour 6. The CSS Box Model.Displaying Content in CSS. Understanding the Box Model. Box Display Properties.
Hour 7. Cascading and Inheritance.How the Cascade Works. User-defined Style Sheets. Importing CSS. Inheritance.
Hour 8. Fonts and Font Families.Specifying Font Properties. Font Families. Downloadable Fonts and Font Descriptors.
Hour 9. Text Colors and Effects.Text Colors. Special Text Effects.
Hour 10. Backgrounds and Background Colors.Setting Background Color. Using Background Images.
Hour 11. Styling Links.CSS for Link Styling. Common Link-styling Techniques.
Hour 12. Alignment and Spacing.Aligning and Indenting Text. Controlling Text Spacing.
Hour 13. Borders and Boxes.Adjusting Boxes. Displaying Boxes.
Hour 14. Lists.List Formatting.
Hour 15. Styling Tables.Table Formatting. Applying Other Styles to Tables.
Hour 16. Page Layout in CSS.Visual Formatting in CSS. Positioning Content. Floating Content. Laying Out the Page.
Hour 17. Advanced CSS Layout.Sizing Content. Content Overflow. Layered Content. Replacing HTML Layout Tables with CSS Rules.
Hour 18. Web Design with CSS.Basic Principles of Web Design. The Role of CSS in Web Design. Validating Your CSS.
Hour 19. Advanced Selectors.Attribute Selectors.
Hour 20. CSS for Printing.Media-specific Style Sheets. CSS Properties for the print Medium.
Hour 21. Accessibility and Internationalization.What Is Accessibility? Aural Cascading Style Sheets. Internationalization.
Hour 22. User Interface and Generated Content.User Interface Properties. Creating Content.
Hour 23. CSS and JavaScript.What Is JavaScript? Using JavaScript with CSS.
Hour 24. CSS and XML.What Is XML? Displaying XML. XML-based Languages and CSS.
Appendix A. How to Read W3C Recommendations.Anatomy of a W3C Recommendation. Reading the W3C Specs.
Appendix B. Replacing Presentational HTML with CSS.