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Revive: How to Transform Traditional Businesses into Digital Leaders

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Revive: How to Transform Traditional Businesses into Digital Leaders

eBook (Watermarked)

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  • Copyright 2016
  • Dimensions: 6" x 9"
  • Pages: 208
  • Edition: 1st
  • eBook (Watermarked)
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-430763-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-430763-3



  • Move from “reactive digital” to “transformative digital”
  • Use digital capabilities to fundamentally change the way you lead, direct, and structure organizations and teams
  • Stay focused on the “moving target” of digital best practices, and accelerate your progress towards digital maturity

REVIVE will help you build a core business model for creating your own digital disruptions—so you can deepen customer engagement, achieve unprecedented immediacy and efficiency, and dominate tomorrow’s markets. Packed with proven strategies, in-the-trenches techniques, and cutting-edge case studies, it will help you change the game before the game changes you.

It’s no longer enough to buy software, or even cloud services. To fully leverage the benefits of digital, you must transform your teams, processes, and how you think about your business. Jason Albanese and Brian Manning have helped dozens of top enterprises do all this. Revive shares the lessons they’ve learned, and gives you a complete, end-to-end methodology that works.

You’ll learn how to use digital to rapidly move the dial on short-term profitability. But that’s just the start. Revive will position you for long-term market leadership, by helping you capture new value from digital wherever great opportunities arise.

Most companies have only gone “skin deep” with digital—and they’ve only garnered a fraction of the value they could be earning. In Revive, two world-renowned digital business advisors show how to drive a full-scale digital transformation that breaks down organizational barriers, cuts costs, accelerates product/service delivery, and dramatically improves customer engagement.

Centric Digital co-founders Jason Albanese and Brian Manning draw on immense experience helping Fortune® 1000 companies succeed with digital strategies, platforms, and channels. They present data-backed insights into the ways midsize and large organizations are stuck hiring, managing, organizing, and leading in obsolete “analog” ways. Next, they offer proven, practical recommendations for fundamentally changing those behaviors to leverage the nearly boundless opportunities of digital.

Their complete Digital Transformation Methodology guides you through benchmarking your digital maturity, envisioning strategy, roadmapping your transformation, and implementing the capabilities you need to execute.

Revive’s multiple case studies show exactly how executives are applying these ideas to go far beyond incremental improvements, and change the game. If that’s what you want, Revive is your roadmap.


Overcoming strategic, operational, technical, and market-related causes of failure


Quickly moving from where you are to where you want to be


Helping your agile and digital transformations enable and support each other


Ensuring your readiness for the next decade’s technology revolutions

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Introduction    1

Chapter 1: The Essence of Digital    7

Industrial Revolution Similarities    7

How Digital Revolutionizes Business    10

Digital Is Core to Business    10

Digital Breaks Down Business Silos    10

Digital Gives Customers (A Loud) Voice    11

Digital Enables Big Bang Disruption    12

Chapter 2: The Difference Between Reactive and Transformative Digital    15

Defining Reactive Digital    15

Historical Reactive Digital Failures    17

Defining Transformative Digital    19

Traits Of Transformative Companies    21

Companies That Are Disrupting    23

Case Study: Uber    23

Case Study: Warby Parker    25

Case Study: Casper.com    26

Traditional Companies That Are Transforming    27

Case Study: Burberry    27

Case Study: Disney    29

Case Study: Nike    30

Case Study: UPS    32

Chapter 3: Why Traditional Companies Are Failing at Digital    34

Business Reasons Companies Fail at Digital    38

Not Capitalizing on Unique Differentiators    38

Having Digital Tactics without Digital Vision    38

Comparing Oneself to Competitors Only and Not Best Practices    39

Lack of Focus on Ongoing Customer and Client Engagement versus Just Sales    40

Marketplace Reasons Companies Fail at Digital    41

Customer Base Has Become More Digitally Sophisticated That Perceived    41

Lack of Focus on Creating Streamlined Intuitive Customer Experience    42

Lack of Understanding of How Digital Has Changed Desire for Ownership versus Sharing Economy    43

Lack of Ability to Quickly Adapt to Trends    43

Organizational Reasons Companies Fail at Digital    44

No Digital Leader with Decision Autonomy, Direct Budget, or P&L Responsibility    44

C-Suite and Leadership Not Involved in Company’s Digital Strategy    44

Digital Team Is Too Top Heavy or Bottom Heavy    44

Digital Not Embedded in Corporate Culture    45

Trying to Do Everything 100 Percent In-House or Outsourced    45

They Settle on the Wrong People in Key Digital Team Roles    45

Operational Reasons Companies Fail at Digital    46

Reliance on Traditional Heavy Processes and Reluctance to Lightweight Processes    46

Lack of Enterprise-Wide Digital Spend Oversight    47

Digital Is Controlled within Silos    47

Technology Reasons Companies Fail at Digital    48

Legacy Infrastructure Is the Excuse for Not Transforming    48

Lack of Internal Use of Social Collaboration Capabilities    48

Chapter 4: Unlocking Business Opportunity in Digital Trends    49

Reasons to Monitor Digital Trends    49

Identify New Business Models    50

Ward off Disruption    50

Better Understand Constituent Behavior    50

Predict the Future    51

Maximize Your Digital Maturity    51

Practical Steps to Put Digital Trends to Use    51

Understanding Trend Drivers    53

Consumer Behaviors Driving Trends    53

Environmental Drivers Influencing Trends    54

Innovations Enabling Trends    55

Trend Potential    56

Monitor Digital Trends    61

Identify What Matters to Your Company    61

Identify Your Customer or Constituent Personas    62

Identify the Digital Touchpoints Your Customers Most Connect with You Through    62

Identify Trend-Related Research and Data Sources    62

Define a Trend Scoring Model    62

Set a Recurring Trend Analyzation Process    63

Quantify Trend Opportunities to Prioritize Where to Focus    63

Action Steps    63

Chapter 5: Benchmarking Your Digital Capabilities and Maturity    64

The Layers of Digital Capabilities    64

Digital Channels    66

Digital Ecosystem    69

Digital Experience    74

Digital Features    77

Digital Platforms    78

Benchmark Your Capabilities    80

Anchor to a Digital Maturity Scale    80

Benchmark Best Practices, Not Just Competitors    83

Focus on Capabilities You Need to Win in    84

Repeat the Benchmark Regularly    84

Action Steps    85

Chapter 6: Envisioning Your Digital Strategy    86

Profile Your Digital Audience    86

A New Model to Understand Your Audience    86

Put a Digital Lens on Your Customer Segments    89

Align Users’ Needs and Business Goals    89

Journey Map Your Experience    91

Your Journey Map and Your User Base    91

Identify Key Touchpoints    93

Identifying/Defining Use Cases    94

Defining Enterprise Digital Strategy    95

The Importance of Visualizing Strategy    96

Visual Stories Pack More Details into Easily Digested and Sharable Information    97

Leverage Strategic Frameworks    97

Create Rapid Prototypes    97

How to Bring Your Strategy to Life Quicker    97

Use Sketches    99

Create Design Mockups    99

Build Responsive HTML Prototypes    100

Digital Demands Dynamic, Not Static Planning    100

Let Analytics Drive Your Strategy    100

Action Steps    103

Chapter 7: Roadmapping Your Digital Transformation    105

Objectives of a Digital Roadmap    105

A Digital Roadmap Is Easily Accessible    105

A Digital Roadmap Is Dynamic    106

A Digital Roadmap Is Social    106

A Digital Roadmap Is Visual    107

A Digital Roadmap Is Aligned to Business and Technology Roadmaps    107

A Digital Roadmap Is Easy to Understand    108

Components of a Digital Roadmap    108

Initiatives Are Organized by Release Dates    109

Initiatives Are Grouped by Categories    109

Initiative Costs Are Represented    109

Initiative Complexity Is Represented    109

Initiative Impact Is Represented    110

Prioritization of Initiatives and Features Is Represented    110

Technology Represented as Enabling Business Capabilities    110

Views of a Digital Roadmap    111

Quantifying Value    111

Action Steps    113

Chapter 8: Organizational Capabilities to Drive Digital Transformation    114

Choose the Right Digital Organization Model    116

Centralized Digital Team    116

Shared Digital Resources    117

Managed Digital Resources    118

Federated Digital Resources    118

Decentralized Digital Resources    118

Establish a Digital Center of Excellence    120

Appoint A Chief Digital Officer    121

Choosing the Right Candidate for CDO    122

Sharing Responsibilities with Similar Executive Roles    122

Define Standard Digital Team Roles    124

Example: Digital Strategy    124

Example: Product Management    125

Example: Digital Operations    125

Build Digital Talent and Culture    126

Development and Training    128

Leveraging Global Talent Remotely    128

Compete for the Right Digital Talent    129

Establishing a Digital First Culture    131

Cultivating Thought Leaders    132

Containing the Impact of Digital Resistors    133

Implement Enterprise-Wide Digital Governance Processes    135

Digital Budget Approvals    135

Digital Roadmap Prioritization    135

Digital Strategic Planning    136

Digital Results Measurement    136

Digital Program Communication    137

Action Steps    139

Chapter 9: Why Agile Transformation Is Critical to Achieving Digital Transformation    140

Agile Benefits Over Traditional Methodologies    141

Agile Gives Your Company/Team Real feedback from Real People in Real Time    142

Faster Time to Market with Greater Predictability    143

Agile Produces a Better Quality    143

Agile Gives You Early ROI and Early Risk Reduction    144

Agile Is Efficient    144

Leverage Common Agile Concepts    145

Sprints or Iterations    145

Product Owner    145

Scrum Team    145

ScrumMaster or Project Manager    146

Product Backlog    146

Sprint Planning Meeting    146

Daily Scrum or Standups    146

Sprint Review Meeting    147

Sprint Retrospective    147

Codeathons and Hackathons    147

Leverage Agile Tools    147

Action Steps    148

Epilogue: Examples of Digital Trends Accelerating the Digital Revolution    149

Industrial Internet of Things    150

Big Data Visualization    153

Universal Streaming Media    154

Virtual Care    155

Non-Banks    157

Autonomous and Connected Vehicles    158

Drones    160

Virtual Reality    161

Biometric Identification    162

Paperless and Cashless    163

Wi-Fi And Wireless Power Duo    164

Robotics    166

Index    169


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Last Update: November 17, 2020