- Copyright 2004
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN-10: 0-13-141463-1
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-141463-1
Continuous media applications have exceptionally stringent QoS requirements, and QoS for multimedia will remain a challenge well into the future. The solution begins with service-differentiated networks capable of providing appropriate grades of service to each application. This book takes the next step, showing how continuous media applications and QoS-enabled networks can interact, and offering a leading-edge framework in which applications and the network can cooperatively optimize end-to-end QoS.
Coverage includes:
- New video-categorization schemes for assigning video-packet-to-network differentiated service classes
- Adaptive packet-forwarding mechanisms that improve cooperation between multimedia applications and networks
- Dynamic QoS mapping-control schemes that let DiffServ networks deliver variable media streams with consistent quality
- Fine-Grained Scalable MPEG-4-based video streamingoseamlessly integrating rate adaptation, prioritized packetization, and loss-based differential forwarding
- Joint-source-network approach: layered video combining application-level UEP with network-level QoS support
- New network service models for layered video multicasting across DiffServ networks
Whether you're a multimedia researcher, designer, developer, or implementer, these advanced techniques can help you optimize performance, content categorization, and quality control.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.
Significance of the Research. Scope of the Research. Contribution of the Research. Outline of this Book.
2. Qualityofservice(QoS)Provision:An Overview. Introduction. QoS Performance Parameters. IP-Based QoS-Providing Mechanisms. Architectural Model for Differentiated Services. Service Differentiation for Proper QoS Provision. Approaches to Increasing Service Assurance and Quality.
3. General QoS Mapping Framework. Introduction. Overall Proposed QoS Mapping Framework in a DiffServ Network. Video Packet Categorization Based on the Relative Priority Index (RPI). QoS Mapping Problem Formulation and Solution. Experimental Results. Conclusions.
4. Packet-Forwarding Mechanism with Static QoS Mapping. Introduction. Stable and Persistent Service Differentiation Based on Active Queue Management (ACM) and Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ). QoS Mapping Scenarios. Experimental Results. Conclusions.
5. Dynamic QoS Mapping Control for CM Streaming. Introduction. Proposed QoS Mapping Control Architecture. Dynamic QoS Mapping Mechanism for Aggregated Flows. An Analysis of the Aggregated Traffic Marker. Performance Evaluations. Conclusions.
6. Sourcepriority Packetization and Rate Adaptation for MPEG-4 Video. Introduction. Overview of the Proposed System. Detailed Components of Proposed Systems. Experimental Results. Conclusions.
7. Videostreaming Using FEC over QoS-Controlled Networks. Introduction. Background. JSN Approach. Analysis of Proposed JSN. Performance Evaluations. Conclusions.
8. Enhanced Service Differentiation for Layered Video Multicast. Introduction. Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast (RLM) and DiffServ Networks. Enhanced AQM for Join Experiment. Hierarchical Priority Marking on Layered Video. Experimental Results. Conclusions.
9. Conclusions. Bibliography. Index.
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