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Pure JSP gives a very concise conceptual overview of the JavaServer Pages technology and its related components. Once you have a firm foundation with the JSP technology, related topics such as JavaBeans, JDBC and Servlets are covered at a very high level. The book moves on to explain a large number of JSP techniques, which were determined by studying problems faced by JSP users in the professional world. The final section covers the more technical aspects of the JSP technology. Topics include related API's, server configuration, and charts and diagrams related to developing JSP applications.
1. JSP Overview: The Components of a JavaServer Page.The Components of a JavaServer Page. Directives. Actions. Implicit Objects. JSP Scripting. Summary.
2. Java Servlets.Practical Applications for Java Servlets. The Java Servlet Architecture. GenericServlet and HttpServlet. The Life Cycle of a Servlet. init(). service(). destroy(). A Basic Servlet. The BasicServlet Source. The HTML Required to Invoke the Servlet. Dissecting the BasicServlet. Where Does the BasicServlet Fit into the Servlet Framework? The Methods Overridden by the BasicServlet. Summary.
3. JavaBeans and JSP Concepts.Adding JavaBeans to JavaServer Pages. JavaBean Standard Actions. A JSP Example Using JavaBeans. Summary.
4. JDBC and JSP Concepts.Two- and Three-Tier Database Access Models. JDBC Driver Types. Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge, Plus ODBC Driver. Type 2: Native-API Driver. Type 3: JDBC-Net, Pure Java Driver. Type 4: Native-Protocol, Pure Java Driver. JDBC Basics. Installing and Setting Up a Type 1 Driver. Establishing a Database Connection. Performing the Basic SQL Commands. Using the JDBC in JavaServer Pages. Summary.
5. Configuring the JSP Server.Installing the Tomcat Server. Creating the PUREJSP Web Application. The Directory Structure. Adding the PUREJSP Web Application. Summary.
6. Handling JSP Errors.JSP Translation Time Errors. JSP Request Time Errors. Creating a JSP Error Page. Using a JSP Error Page. Summary.
7. Using the include Directive.The include Directive. Example: A Standard Title Bar. Creating the JSP. Summary.
8. JavaServer Pages and Inheritance.The Superclass. The JSP Subclass. Summary.
9. Using the JSP's Implicit Objects.request. response. pageContext. session. application. Testing the JSPs. out. config. page. exception. Summary.
10. Using JSP Standard Actions.<jsp:param>. <jsp:include>. <jsp:forward>. <jsp:plugin>. Summary.
11. JSPs and JavaBean request. session. application. Summary.
12. JSP and HTML Forms.What Is an HTML Form? The <form> Tag. The <input> Tags. Using a JSP to Create an HTML Form. Retrieving Form Data with a JSP. Summary.
13. JSP and a Shopping Cart.Creating a Shopping Cart. Integrating the Shopping Cart. Creating a Shopping Cart JSP. Summary.
14. JSP and a JDBC Connection Pool Bean.Using a JDBC Connection Pool. A Pooled JDBC Connection. A JDBC Connection Pool. Using the Connection Pool in a JSP. Summary.
15. JSP and XML.XML and Java. The SAX API. Using XML in a JSP. Summary.
16. JSP Communication with Servlets.A Servlet-Only Application Model. A JSP-Only Solution. A Server-Side Implementation of the MVC. A Server-Side Example Using the MVC. Summary.
17. JSP and JavaMail.Configuring JavaMail. A JavaMail Example. Using JavaMail in a JSP. Summary.
18. The javax.servlet.jsp Package.Interfaces. HttpJspPage Interface. JspPage Interface. Classes. JspEngineInfo Class. JspFactory Class. JspWriter Class. PageContext Class. Exceptions. JspError Exception. JspException Exception.
19. The javax.servlet.jsp.tagext Package.Classes. BodyJspWriter Class. Tag Class. TagAttributeInfo Class. TagData Class. TagExtraInfo Class. TagInfo Class. TagLibraryInfo Class. VariableInfo Class.
20. The javax.servlet Package.javax.servlet Interfaces. RequestDispatcher Interface. Servlet Interface. ServletConfig Interface. ServletContext Interface. ServletRequest Interface. ServletResponse Interface. SingleThreadModel Interface. Classes. GenericServlet Class. ServletInputStream Class. ServletOutputStream Class. Exceptions. ServletException Exception. UnavailableException Exception.
21. The Javaservlet.http Package.Interfaces. HttpServletRequest Interface. HttpServletResponse Interface. HttpSession Interface. HttpSessionBindingListener Interface. Classes. Cookie Class. HttpServlet Class. HttpSessionBindingEvent Class. HttpUtils Class.