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The up-to-date primer for every INFORMIX SQL/4GL database developer! This example-rich primer covers everything you need to know to successfully design, implement, and maintain databases with Informix's version of SQL.
You'll quickly review the basics of database design, with easy-to-understand explanations of normalization, indexing strategies, and more. Then discover the SQL working environment, DB-Access, and the unique capabilities and features of Informix's SQL implementation; and how INFORMIX-SE and INFORMIX-OnLine compare. Walk step by step through creating and maintaining a database, reviewing database statements, data types, insert, update, delete, load/unload, dbexport/dbimport, locking, and select. Then take a close look at the 4GL programming environment, both r4gl and c4gl, including:
Programming Informix SQL/4GL presents detailed, end-to-end coverage of screen forms, options, creating context-sensitive help, and error handling. You'll learn how to make the most of advanced Informix capabilities, including user-defined searches, input array statements, complex screen I/O, matrix, and multi-part reporting, stored procedures, and triggers. Discover sophisticated SQL techniques, including views, synonyms, aggregates, subqueries, and query optimization. Learn how and when to mix C with 4GL. This new edition includes a full chapter on the INFORMIX-4GL Interactive Debugger.
If you need an in-depth understanding of the realities of Informix database programming, you don't have to wade through all those huge Informix manuals. All the answers are right here—in Programming Informix SQL/4GL.
Anyone who has used Informix manuals knows their indexes can be difficult to use because there are so many of them and sometimes the references are quite difficult to locate if they are there at all. Programming Informix SQL/4GL includes a comprehensive index making topics easy to find.
1. Relational Database Design.
What is a Relational Database? Elements of a Database: Tables, Columns, and Rows. Tables. Columns. Rows. Primary Keys. Foreign Keys. Types of Relationships. One-to-One or Zero. One-to-Many (or Many-to-One). Many-to-Many. What Is Normalization? Formal Normalization. First Normal Form. Second Normal Form. Third Normal Form. Intuitive Normalization. Indexing Strategies. Composite Indexes. Unique Indexes. Duplicate Indexes. Shorter Is Better. Numeric versus Character Indexes. Clustered Indexes. Small Tables. Description of the Sample Database. Summary.
About Informix's Implementation of SQL. About DB-Access. Setting UNIX Environment Variables. Environment Variables Needed by Informix. Optional Environment Variables. Using DB-Access. DB-Access Options with Ring Menus. Getting Around in Informix Ring Menus. Choosing Options from a List. Working From the Command Line. Viewing Error Messages. Summary.
The Database Administrator. INFORMIX Database Engines. Database Statements. Data Types. Character and String Data Types. Numer Data Types. Date, Time, and Interval Data Types. Extra data types for INFORMIX-OnLine. Summary of Data Type Conversions. Tables. Creating a New Table. Changing an Existing Table. Deleting a Table. Renaming Tables and Columns. Privileges. Granting Database Privileges. Granting Table Privileges. Revoking Privileges. Roles. Creating Schema Authorization. Indexes. Creating the Sample Database. Viewing the Database. Summary.
Update Statistics. Checking Database Integrity. INFORMIX-SE Database Integrity. INFORMIX-OnLine Database Integrity. Database Backups. INFORMIX-SE Backups. INFORMIX-OnLine Backups. Logging. What Is a Transaction? Transaction Logging in INFORMIX-SE. Transaction Logging in INFORMIX-OnLine. Audit Trails-INFORMIX-SE Only. Summary.
Insert. Update. Delete. Locking. Locking a Database. Locking a Table. Set Lock Mode. INFORMIX-OnLine Table Option. Load and Unload. Loading Data. Unloading Data. dbload. The Command File. Examples. dbexport and dbimport. dbexport. dbimport. Tips for Faster Data Loads. Summary.
Overview of the Select Statement. Select. From. Where. Conditional Expressions. Matches and Like. Other Conditionals. Group By. Having. Order By. Into Temp. Union. Joins. Outer Joins. Output To. Summary.
INFORMIX-4GL Flavors: r4gl and c4gl. INFORMIX-4GL File Name Suffixes. Menu Driven Development. Command Line Development. Compiling and Running 4GL Code in the Rapid Development System. Compiling and Running Compiled 4GL Code. Compiling Informix Screen Forms. Make Files. Make Rules. The Make File. Prototyping. Summary.
Overview. Database. Globals. Main. Modules. Functions. Exit Program. Comments. Summary.
4GL Data Types. Character and String Data Types. Numeric Data Types. Date, Time, and Interval Data Types. BLOB Data Types. INFORMIX-4GL Only Data Types and Indirect Typing. Defining Variables. Scope of Variables. Use of Nulls. Operators in 4GL. Converting between Data Types. Character and String Data Types. Numeric Data Types. Date, Time, and Interval Data Types. Formatting Data with the using Clause. Formatting Dates. Formatting Numbers. Summary.
Overview of Menus. A Simple Ring Menu. Menu Simplicity and Consistency. Menu Features. Command Keys. Help. Next Option. Continue Menu. Hidden Menu Options. Hide Option. Show Option. Before Menu. Summary.
Overview. Assignment. Output. Display. Error. Message. Prompt. Sleep. Conditionals. If-then-else. case. Looping. for. while. goto-label. Running UNIX Commands. Summary.
What Is a Screen Form? Screen Form Design. Screen Form Implementation. Database. Screen. Tables. Attributes. Instructions. Example of an INFORMIX-4GL-Generated Form. Example of a Modified Generated Form. Single Record Form. Multiple Record Form. Combination Form. Form Attributes. upscol. Summary.
Window Handling. Displaying Forms. Overview of Display. Display. Display Example. Sample Module. Display Array. Display Array Example. Scroll. Sample Module. Display a One-to-Many Relationship. Summary.
Overview of Options. Output Lines. Keys. Help File. Attributes. Input Wrap. Field Order. Sql Interrupt. Line or Form Mode. Example. Summary.
About Context-Sensitive Help. Help Files. mkmessage. Using Help. Summary.
Defer Interrupt. Defer Quit. Whenever. Error Log. Sample Main Program and Error Function. Summary.
INFORMIX-4GL Functions Called from 4GL. INFORMIX-4GL Functions Called from C. INFORMIX-4GL Constants. INFORMIX-4GL Global Variables. Summary.
Input Overview. Editing the Input. Data Validation. Adding/Changing a Row. Summary.
Using Direct SQL in 4GL. prepare. execute. declare. foreach. open. fetch. where current of. put. flush. close. free. Summary.
Views. Synonyms. Expressions. Operators. Columns. Literal Constants. Built-in Functions. Aggregates. Using Aggregate Functions. Subqueries. Subqueries with Relational Operators. in and not in. exists and not exists. all, any, and some. insert. update. delete. Self-Joins. Query Optimization. Set explain on. Temp Tables. or versus union. Indexes. Forcing Use of Indexes. Pattern Matching and Substrings. Subqueries. INFORMIX-OnLine Topics. Accessing Tables in Other Databases on the Same INFORMIX-OnLine System. Isolation Levels. Summary.
Stored Procedures. dbinfo. Sample Stored Procedures. Privileges. Changing and Deleting Existing Stored Procedures. Update Statistics. Triggers. Examples. Looking at Existing Triggers. Changing and Deleting Existing Stored Procedures. Summary.
Overview. From the User's Perspective. Constructing a where Clause. Construct Features. Completing the select Statement. Sample Function. Summary.
Input Array Overview. 4GL Functions. Editing the Input. Data Validation. Sample Function. Summary.
One-to-Many Input Overview. Sample Module. Summary.
Report Overview. Getting the Report Data. Formatting the Report. Output. Order by. Control Blocks. On every row. Headers and Footers. Aggregates. Grouping. Final Totals. Sample Report. Summary.
Using Temp Tables, Unions, and Other SQL Tricks. Matrix Reports. Multi-Part Reports. Summary.
Overview. Get Me Started, Quick! Environment. DBSRC. Debugger Files (.4db). fgldb Command Line Options. Creating a Custom Debugger Runner. Debugger Commands. Summary.
Calling C Functions from 4GL. Linking Compiled 4GL Code. Linking Rapid Development System Code. Calling 4GL Functions from C. Linking Compiled 4GL Code. Linking Rapid Development System Code. Summary.
CD Contents. Software Contributors.
Books on Informix. Informix Manuals. General Database.
Preface Conventions used in this book.
About This Book.
Are you tired of wading through all those Informix manuals? This book will take you step-by-step from database design to working with Informix's implementation of SQL, and finally, to implementing programs in INFORMIX(-4GL.