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A Comprehensive Process for Defining Software Architectures That Work
A good software architecture is the foundation of any successful software system. Effective architecting requires a clear understanding of organizational roles, artifacts, activities performed, and the optimal sequence for performing those activities.
With The Process of Software Architecting, Peter Eeles and Peter Cripps provide guidance on these challenges by covering all aspects of architecting a software system, introducing best-practice techniques that apply in every environment, whether based on Java EE, Microsoft .NET, or other technologies. Eeles and Cripps first illuminate concepts related to software architecture, including architecture documentation and reusable assets. Next, they present an accessible, task-focused guided tour through a typical project, focusing on the architect’s role, with common issues illuminated and addressed throughout. Finally, they conclude with a set of best practices that can be applied to today’s most complex systems.
You will come away from this book understanding
Architecture, Architect, Architecting
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Foreword xvii
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxiii
About the Authors xxv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Applying the Process 2
The Process in Brief 2
Scope 8
Summary 8
Chapter 2: Architecture, Architect, Architecting 9
Architecture 9
Architect 21
The Benefits of Architecting 35
Summary 40
Chapter 3: Method Fundamentals 43
Key Concepts 43
Method Content 46
Process 50
Summary 59
Chapter 4: Documenting a Software Architecture 61
The End Game 62
Key Concepts 64
Viewpoints and Views 65
Models 72
Characteristics of an Architecture Description Framework 75
An Architecture Description Framework 81
The Software Architecture Document 87
Summary 88
Chapter 5: Reusable Architecture Assets 89
Sources of Architecture 89
An Architecture Asset Metamodel 90
Asset Types 94
Attributes of an Architecture Asset 103
Other Reuse Considerations 106
Summary 106
Chapter 6: Introduction to the Case Study 107
Applying the Process 107
Scope of the Case Study 110
Application Overview 115
The YourTour Vision 118
Summary 123
Chapter 7: Defining the Requirements 125
Relating Requirements to Architecture 128
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements 130
Techniques for Documenting Requirements 131
Applying the Process 132
Understanding the Task Descriptions 133
Define Requirements: Activity Overview 134
Task: Collect Stakeholder Requests 136
Task: Capture Common Vocabulary 141
Task: Define System Context 143
Task: Outline Functional Requirements 149
Task: Outline Non-Functional Requirements 156
Task: Prioritize Requirements 160
Task: Detail Functional Requirements 164
Task: Detail Non-Functional Requirements 171
Task: Update Software Architecture Document 174
Task: Review Requirements with Stakeholders 175
Summary 176
Chapter 8: Creating the Logical Architecture 179
Moving from Requirements to Solution 182
How Much Logical Architecture? 185
Applying the Process 188
Create Logical Architecture: Activity Overview 188
Task: Survey Architecture Assets 192
Task: Define Architecture Overview 194
Task: Document Architecture Decisions 200
Task: Outline Functional Elements 204
Task: Outline Deployment Elements 222
Task: Verify Architecture 228
Task: Build Architecture Proof-of-Concept 232
Task: Detail Functional Elements 234
Task: Detail Deployment Elements 245
Task: Validate Architecture 251
Task: Update Software Architecture Document 256
Task: Review Architecture with Stakeholders 258
Summary 260
Chapter 9: Creating the Physical Architecture 261
Moving from Logical to Physical Architecture 263
Applying the Process 265
Creating the Physical Architecture: Activity Overview 266
Task: Survey Architecture Assets 269
Task: Define Architecture Overview 270
Task: Document Architecture Decisions 273
Task: Outline Functional Elements 274
Task: Outline Deployment Elements 289
Task: Verify Architecture 292
Task: Build Architecture Proof-of-Concept 293
Task: Detail Functional Elements 294
Task: Detail Deployment Elements 296
Task: Validate Architecture 300
Task: Update Software Architecture Document 301
Task: Review Architecture with Stakeholders 301
Summary 302
Chapter 10: Beyond the Basics 303
The Architect and the Project Team 303
The Architect and External Influences