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9 Hours of Video Instruction
Hands-on approach to learning the probability and statistics underlying machine learning
Probability and Statistics for Machine Learning (Machine Learning Foundations) LiveLessons provides you with a functional, hands-on understanding of probability theory and statistical modeling, with a focus on machine learning applications.
Customer Review
I enjoy Jon's material because he painstakingly walks you through the mechanics of the operation.
About the Instructor
Jon Krohn is Chief Data Scientist at the machine learning company untapt. He authored the book Deep Learning Illustrated, an instant #1 bestseller that has been translated into six languages. Jon is renowned for his compelling lectures, which he offers in person at Columbia University and New York University, as well as online via O'Reilly, YouTube, and the SuperDataScience podcast. Jon holds a PhD from Oxford and has been publishing on machine learning in leading academic journals since 2010; his papers have been cited over a thousand times.
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Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Machine Learning (Machine Learning Foundations) LiveLessons
Lesson 1: Introduction to Probability
1.1 Orientation to the Machine Learning Foundations Series
1.2 What Probability Theory Is
1.3 Events and Sample Spaces
1.4 Multiple Observations
1.5 Factorials and Combinatorics
1.6 Exercises
1.7 The Law of Large Numbers and the Gambler's Fallacy
1.8 Probability Distributions in Statistics
1.9 Bayesian versus Frequentist Statistics
1.10 Applications of Probability to Machine Learning
Lesson 2: Random Variables
2.1 Discrete and Continuous Variables
2.2 Probability Mass Functions
2.3 Probability Density Functions
2.4 Exercises on Probability Functions
2.5 Expected Value
2.6 Exercises on Expected Value
Lesson 3: Describing Distributions
3.1 The Mean, a Measure of Central Tendency
3.2 Medians
3.3 Modes
3.4 Quantiles: Percentiles, Quartiles, and Deciles
3.5 Box-and-Whisker Plots
3.6 Variance, a Measure of Dispersion
3.7 Standard Deviation
3.8 Standard Error
3.9 Covariance, a Measure of Relatedness
3.10 Correlation
Lesson 4: Relationships Between Probabilities
4.1 Joint Probability Distribution
4.2 Marginal Probability
4.3 Conditional Probability
4.4 Exercises
4.5 Chain Rule of Probabilities
4.6 Independent Random Variables
4.7 Conditional Independence
Lesson 5: Distributions in Machine Learning
5.1 Uniform
5.2 Gaussian: Normal and Standard Normal
5.3 The Central Limit Theorem
5.4 Log-Normal
5.5 Exponential and Laplace
5.6 Binomial and Multinomial
5.7 Poisson
5.8 Mixture Distributions
5.9 Preprocessing Data for Model Input
5.10 Exercises
Lesson 6: Information Theory
6.1 What Information Theory Is
6.2 Self-Information, Nats, and Bits
6.3 Shannon and Differential Entropy
6.4 Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Cross-Entropy
Lesson 7: Introduction to Statistics
7.1 Applications of Statistics to Machine Learning
7.2 Review of Essential Probability Theory
7.3 z-scores and Outliers
7.4 Exercises on z-scores
7.5 p-values
7.6 Exercises on p-values
Lesson 8: Comparing Means
8.1 Single-Sample t-Tests and Degrees of Freedom
8.2 Independent t-Tests
8.3 Paired t-Tests
8.4 Applications to Machine Learning
8.5 Exercises
8.6 Confidence Intervals
8.7 ANOVA: Analysis of Variance
Lesson 9: Correlation
9.1 The Pearson Correlation Coefficient
9.2 R-Squared Coefficient of Determination
9.3 Correlation versus Causation
9.4 Correcting for Multiple Comparisons
Lesson 10: Regression
10.1 Independent versus Dependent Variables
10.2 Linear Regression to Predict Continuous Values
10.3 Fitting a Line to Points on a Cartesian Plane
10.4 Linear Least Squares Exercise
10.5 Ordinary Least Squares
10.6 Categorical "Dummy" Features
10.7 Logistic Regression to Predict Categories
10.8 Open-Ended Exercises
Lesson 11: Bayesian Statistics
11.1 Machine Learning versus Frequentist Statistics
11.2 When to use Bayesian Statistics
11.3 Prior Probabilities
11.4 Bayes' Theorem
11.5 Resources for Further Study of Probability and Statistics
Summary of Probability and Statistics for Machine Learning (Machine Learning Foundations) LiveLessons