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View a Sample VideoLesson 5: Subroutines Subroutine Arguments
Lesson 5, Subroutine Arguments
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<>Perl Fundamentals
Peter Scott
The Basic Elements of Perl Every Developer Should Learn
4+ Hours
of Video Instruction
In this unique video package, renowned Perl author and speaker Peter Scott takes you through the fundamental elements of the Perl 5 language so that you have a strong foundation for creating robust Perl programs and learning more advanced aspects of the language.
Even if you’ve never run a Perl program before, you’ll learn what you need to know to get started on every popular platform. Scott advances through the language in a logical progression, from the basics of printing strings to the use of regular expressions for pattern matching and text manipulation. In between, he covers the core components of the language, demonstrating through many examples exactly how each one works. In the final lesson, he shows the power of Perl’s objects and modules for writing web programs. A uniquely valuable aspect of this video is Scott’s demonstrations of many common pitfalls and how to avoid them. You’ll learn a carefully crafted subset of the language that enables you to create powerful, robust programs while avoiding the traps that can result from learning Perl in the wrong sequence.
These practical, easy-to-use videos allow you to get the multimedia experience of a live instructor at your own pace—whenever you want. You get the benefit of Scott’s expertise as a decade-long Perl trainer and author of Perl Medic and Perl Debugged at your fingertips, so you can get started on mastering Perl. After a few hours, you will be gaining entry into the market of thousands of jobs managing millions of lines of Perl, the world’s most popular scripting language.