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Question 1: When I try to install the PENDRAGON software, a screen comes up with a message that says it needs a password for the INSTALL SHIELD.
Solution 1: The password can be found in the documentation for the software on the CD-ROM. To extract the documentation from the CD, search the CD-ROM for the file Extract all the files in the zip file to a temporary folder and open the index.htm file.
Question 2: Author website?
Solution 2: The author's website can be found at
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Glen Bachmann¿s Palm Programming is a straightforward tutorial which teaches developers to create applications using the CodeWarrior development environment. Topics covered include Palm programming fundamentals, user interface development, working with databases, memory management, infrared exchange, networking support, and programming for the new Palm VII wireless device. Written by developer, for developers, this book is a must have for anyone interested in creating customized applications and forms to be used on a PDA running the Palm OS. Professionals developing custom applications for corporations and business as well as hobbyists developing applications for their own use will find this book a valuable resource for Palm Programming.
1. Introduction to Palm Programming and CodeWarrior.The Palm Computing Platform. What Is a Palm Application? How Are Palm Applications Written? The CodeWarrior Tools. The Palm SDK. Summary.
2. Anatomy of a Palm Application.<F35014M>PilotMain and the Smallest Palm Program Ever. The Main Form. Hello Palm! The Source Code. Creating a CodeWarrior Project for "Hello Palm". Building and Running "Hello Palm". Summary.
3. Rapid Development Using the Palm Emulator.Why Palm Development Is Slow. But First, a Short Detour.... Effective Debugging Techniques for the Palm. Summary.
4. Creating and Managing Resources.What Is a Palm Resource? Why Use Constructor? Creating a Resource Project File in Constructor. What's a Resource Fork? Version Control Considerations. Example: "Hello Palm" Revisited. Summary.
5. Interacting with the User: Forms.The Palm User Interface. What Is a Form? Programming with Forms. Using Forms to Capture User Input. More Complex Forms: Event Handlers. Summary. Chapter 6 - Button Controls.
What Is a Control Object? What Is a Button? Button. Push Button. Repeating Button. Check Box. Pop-Up Trigger. Selector Trigger. Guidelines for the Use of Buttons. Using Buttons in Your Application. Survey Says: A Simple Survey Application. Summary.
7. Labels and Fields.What Is a Label? What Is a Field? Using Constructor to Create Labels and Fields. Using Labels and Fields in Your Application. Just What the Doctor Ordered. Summary.
8. Giving the User a Choice: Lists and Pop-Up Triggers.Lists in the Palm Environment. Guidelines for Using Lists in an Application. Creating List Resources. Creating Pop-Up List Resources. Adding List and Pop-Up List Handling to Your Application. A Shopping List Revisited. Summary.
9. Menus.What Is a Menu? Guidelines for Menu Usage. Using Constructor to Create Menus. Handling Menu Events in Your Application. Summary.
10. Drawing Graphics.The Palm Display. Graphics Primitives. The Palm OS Window Model. PalmDraw: A Graphics-Drawing Demonstration Program. Summary.
11. Handling Pen Events.What Is a Pen Event? How Pen Events and Control Events Coexist. What About Graffiti? Doodle: A Pen-Drawing Program. Even More Fun: Tic-Tac-Toe. Summary.
12. Understanding Databases.The Palm Database Model. The Palm Data Manager. Using the Data Manager to Create and Manipulate Databases. Browsing Palm Databases with DBBrowse. Summary.
13. Palm Databases: Record Management.How Are Databases and Records Connected? Using the Data Manager with Records. Querying Database Records. Manipulating Database Records. Fish List: A Record Management Sample Application. Summary.
14. Tables.What Is a Table? Table Functionality. When to Use Tables Instead of Lists. Adding Tables to Your Program. Putting It All Together: FishTable. Summary.
15. Categories.What Is a Category? Palm SDK Support for Categories. How to Add Category Support to Your Application. Fish List Revisited: What Kind of Fish Is That? Summary.
16. Saving Program State: Application Preferences.The Problem with Application Switching. What Are Application Preferences? When Should I Use Application Preferences? Using the Palm SDK Functions to Handle Application Preferences. System Preferences. Summary.
17. Palm OS Memory Management. Overview of the Palm OS Memory Manager. Allocating and Using Memory. Memory Allocation Functions. Memory Manipulation. Summary.How Large Is Too Large? Other Options for Alleviating Size Problems. Summary.
19. Shared Libraries: Extending the Palm OS. Encapsulating Functionality: Shared Libraries. The Palm Shared Library Model. Implementing a Shared Library. Example--ShrLib--A Simple Shared Library. Summary.The Hardware. The Software. Serial Manager Essentials. PalmTalk: A Palm OS Serial Terminal Application. Summary.
21. Using the Communications Libraries, Part 2: Infrared.The Standard. Implementing Infrared Connectivity in a Palm Application. IrDemo: Building a Palm OS IR Application. Summary.
22. The Internet in Your Hand: Introduction to the Palm VII.What Is the Palm VII? The Problem with Wireless Internet Connectivity. Enter Web Clipping and Palm.Net. Wireless Email: iMessenger. What's New for Developers. Summary.
23. Creating Palm Query Applications.What Is a PQA? What Works, What Doesn't. Steps Involved in Creating a PQA. A Sample PQA: <F35014M>Palm Programming Information Kiosk. Summary.
24. Conduits.What Is a Conduit? How Does Hot-Sync Interact with Conduits? How to Obtain the Conduit SDK. Development Tools and Programming Environment. Other Conduit Development Options. Summary.
Appendix A. Directory of Palm Development Resources.Where to Find Development Tools and Helpful Utilities.