- Copyright 2006
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN-10: 0-321-30397-0
- ISBN-13: 978-0-321-30397-4
Discover many useful customizations you can do with Outlook to improve efficiency both at home and on the job.
Get more out of Outlook! The Outlook Answer Book brings together hundreds of bite-size tips and tricks for saving time, using Outlook more efficiently, uncovering its hidden power, and overcoming its quirks and pitfalls. With this book's fast-paced Q&A format, you can find new ideas and better solutions fast.
From Favorite Folders to the Journal, you'll learn how to take advantage of Outlook features you've never usedor even noticed! You'll master simple techniques for automating routine tasks...customizations that make Outlook far more powerful...easy backup and troubleshooting solutions...even new ways to protect your privacy and security. Bite-size, useful items include
FAQ 1.5 How Can I Get Outlook to Start Automatically?
FAQ 1.8 Can I Add Shortcuts to the Quick Launch Bar for Specific Outlook Tasks?
FAQ 4.54 How Can I Open Blocked E-mail Attachments?
FAQ 6.33 How Do I Share My Notes with Others?
FAQ 7.1 What Is the Difference Between Journaling and Other Outlook Features Such As Notes and Tasks?
FAQ 9.15 What Is the Research Service?
FAQ 10.10 How Do I Customize a Default Outlook Form?
FAQ 14.1 What Is Outlook Web Access (OWA)?
FAQ 14.39 How Can I Get a Map Showing the Location of
a Contact's Address?
FAQ 16.26 How Do I Recover Items from a Backup?
© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
About the Authors.
1. Setup and Configuration.
2. Categories.
3. Address Book, Contacts, and Distribution Lists.
4. E-mail and Attachments.
5. Calendar, Appointments, and Meetings.
6. Notes.
7. Journals.
8. Tasks.
9. Find, Search Folders, and the Research Service.
10. Custom Forms.
11. Visual Basic Macros.
12. Outlook Express and Newsgroups.
13. Microsoft Exchange Server.
14. Outlook Web Access.
15. Privacy, Data Security, and Virus Protection.
16. Data Archival, Backup, and Restore.
Untitled Document
Why Another Book on Outlook?
Many dozens of books have been written about using the Microsoft Outlook product.
Although many of these books are very good, none of them provided the key element
that we, as authors, wanted to focus on with this book: providing a means by which
a reader could open the book and very quickly locate an answer to a question.
This is because most Outlook books are tutorial in nature, with each chapter designed
to be read from beginning to end. But what if you simply have a question about
a given feature and don't have the time or inclination to read through an entire
chapter or paragraph searching for the answer? This is how we came up with the
idea of producing an Outlook book in FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) format.
The FAQ format, made popular in online material, enables the reader to more
quickly skim the table of contents or a chapter to locate the needed question/answer
without having to read through a lot of unrelated material. In fact, in a usability
study in which Outlook users were given several books from which to find answers
to common Outlook questions, the users found the answer three times faster using
the FAQ format!
Therefore, feel free to skim the table of contents; we're sure you'll find
that it's much easier and faster than ever to find just the information you're
looking for.
Conventions Used in This Book
To make the bookand specifically the steps to solving each issuemore
readable, the book employs the following conventions.
- Text that you enterAnytime you see text that is underlined,
this represents text that you are to enter verbatim. We chose this method
instead of using quotation marks around the text because that's always misleading
in terms of whether the reader is to actually type in the quotation marks.
By underlining the text, you can see exactly what you need to type.
- Bold keywords in step-by-step instructionsStudies have shown
that most people do not read every word in a list of directions, but instead
look for the main words of the sentence that indicate what needs to be done.
Therefore, we decided to bold the Outlook keywords, to visually break up large
amounts of text and to make following the steps much easier and faster. For
example, if the sentence states, "From the Tools menu, click the
Options button," you can easily glance over that sentence and
see the words Tools followed by Options and know what to do
without reading each word of the sentence.
- Bold dialog/form elementsMany times an item on the form is
named as a fragment, so it makes reading the sentence that refers to it difficult.
As an example, one option on the Options dialog box states "Send immediately
when connected." Therefore, for the reader to more easily discern the
name of the option from our descriptive text, the option text always appears
in boldfor example, "Turn on the option labeled Send immediately
when connected."
- Keyboard combinationWhen the reader needs to press multiple
keys to carry out a function, the specific text typically shown on the keys
is shown in bold. Therefore, if you need to hold the Ctrl button while pressing
the letter n, the text would read "Press the Ctrl N combination."
Author Feedback
As authors, we both have always strived to put our readers first. To that end,
you'll often find us in the various Exchange and Outlook support forums and newsgroups
helping users find the answers they're searching for. In addition, we've set up
a Web site specifically for supporting this book:
Therefore, if you have any questions about this book, please feel free to drop
by our Web site and post a question/comment. In addition, as with any FAQ, this
book will continue to grow as the Outlook product matures and as readers send
in questions. Therefore, please feel free to send in questions/answers that you
feel should be in our next edition.
The only thing we ask for is a bit of patience in terms of our response. Our
Exchange/Outlook training courses and customization services have proven to
be extremely popular, which means that we're often at client sites all around
the world. Therefore, we will always respond as quickly as we can, but sometimes
this can mean a delay of a day or two in getting a reply to your comment or
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