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<>A Hands-On Guide to Equinox and the OSGi FrameworkIn OSGI and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems, three leading experts show developers—for the first time—exactly how to make the most of these breakthrough technologies for building highly modular dynamic systems.
You’ll quickly get started with Eclipse bundle tooling, create your first OSGi-based system, and move rapidly to sophisticated production development. Next, you’ll master best practices and techniques for creating systems with exceptional modularity and maintainability. You’ll learn all about OSGi’s Declarative Services and how to use them to solve a wide variety of real-world problems. Finally, you’ll see everything that you’ve learned implemented in a complete case study project that takes you from early prototype through application delivery.
For every Eclipse developer, regardless of previous experience, this book
Foreword xxi
Preface xxv
Acknowledgments xxix
About the Authors xxxiii
Part I: Introduction 1
Chapter 1: OSGi, Equinox, and Eclipse 3
1.1 A Bit of History 3
1.2 Collaboration 4
1.3 Modularity and Freedom of Action 5
1.4 Platforms 7
1.5 Ecosystems 7
1.6 OSGi in Context 8
1.7 OSGi and Equinox in Practice 10
1.8 Summary 11
Chapter 2: OSGi Concepts 13
2.1 A Community of Bundles 13
2.2 Why OSGi? 15
2.3 The Anatomy of a Bundle 18
2.4 Modularity 19
2.5 Modular Design Concepts 21
2.6 Lifecycle 22
2.7 Collaboration 24
2.8 The OSGi Framework 26
2.9 Security 27
2.10 OSGi Framework Implementations 27
2.11 Summary 28
Part II: OSGi by Example 29
Chapter 3: Tutorial Introduction 31
3.1 What Is Toast? 31
3.2 The Evolution of Toast 34
3.3 Development Environment Installation 36
3.4 Sample Code 36
3.5 Target Platform Setup 39
3.6 Learning by Example 46
3.7 Summary 48
Chapter 4: Hello, Toast 49
4.1 A Simple Scenario 49
4.2 Slicing Toast into Bundles 56
4.3 Summary 65
Chapter 5: Services 67
5.1 Moving to Services 67
5.2 Registering the GPS Service 69
5.3 Registering the Airbag Service 75
5.4 Acquiring Services 79
5.5 Launching 81
5.6 Troubleshooting 82
5.7 Summary 83
Chapter 6: Dynamic Services 85