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Tomorrow's "best-of-breed" networks will combine fiber optics with Internet protocols to deliver unprecedented performance and manageability. Next Generation Optical Networks is the first comprehensive guide to optical IP networks for both the electrical and data networking engineers who must work together to build them. In this book, two Cisco engineers who are pioneering optical IP networking review the field from each key perspective: today's emerging standards, the state of the technology, and new enterprise and service provider applications. The authors show how Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) will enable powerful traffic engineering on optical IP networks. In particular, Next Generation Optical Networking presents an in-depth examination of the emerging Multiprotocol Lambda Switching Model (MPLms): its architecture, elements, and its role in real-time lightpath provisioning. The book also includes several detailed application case studies. For data networking engineers who understand IP and need to learn optical networking; and for electrical engineers who need to learn how to build IP intelligence into fiber optic networks.
1. Introduction to Carrier Network Architectures.
IP as Unifying Protocol Infrastructure. The Traditional Carrier Network Architecture. Next-Generation Carrier Networks. Summary. Recommended Reading.
Standardization Activities and Targets. Activities of the T1 Committee and Its T1X1 Subcommittee. Activities of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). Activities of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF). Activities of the IETF. Summary. Recommended Reading.
Optical Transmission Technologies. Optical Transmission Systems. Data Transmission Technologies. Network Survivability Principles. Summary. Recommended Reading.
Static IP Optical Overlay Model. Static Optical Control Plane. Restoration. Dynamic IP Optical Overlay Control Plane. Wavelength Routing Overlay Model. Architecture and Elements. Wavelength Routing Control Plane. Lightpath Provisioning. Wavelength Conversion. Restoration. Integrated IP Optical Peer Control Plane. Applicability Considerations. MPLmS Model. Architecture and Elements. MPLmS Control Plane. Lightpath Provisioning. Restoration. Summary. Recommended Reading.
Optical End-to-End Networking Design Trends. Metro Solutions. Core Solutions. Conclusions. Case Example A: Next-Generation Storage Networks. Case Example B: Next-Generation Internet Service Provider. Case Example C: Next-Generation Carrier. Summary. Recommended Reading.
We had the idea to write this book two years ago, when service providers started commonly thinking about optical technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) to increase the capacity of optical transmission systems. The need for higher bandwidth came, of course, from the growing demand generated by the Internet and all of its applications and services.
Historically, there has not been much consensus between service providers and telecommunications camps (on the one side) and Internet service providers (ISPs) and Internet users (on the other side). Obviously, the most important reason for that is that, in the past, telephony companies built Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) networks and delivered voice services to their customers. As the Internet became more popular and generated increasing amounts of traffic, new ISPs started building router networks running IP. These delivered e-mail and World Wide Web (WWW) access and, later, more advanced IP services to their customers. Also at this time, traditional telephone providers started building router networks delivering IP services like their counterparts, the ISPs. From an organizational point of view, this represents two completely separated groups of people, two completely separated business functions, two completely separated areas of responsibility, two completely separated budgets, and-last but not least-two different human generations.
However, time changed quickly and while market deregulation was introduced, a broad range of alternate service providers started to compete in a very fast-growing market with the incumbent providers. This very competitive situation now forces every single service provider to optimize its network architecture and to streamline its internal organizational structure in order to minimize its operational expenses (OPEX), one of the most important keys to success.
Suddenly, people talking about IP are also talking about WDM and the other way around. Although this is fine and a major step forward, there is still the problem that most people who have worked in the transmission space for years are experts on TDM, WDM, and all other optical transmission technologies. On the other hand, people who have worked for years in the Internet arena are experts in data networking, IP, and IP routing protocols. Both are experts but only in their tightly focused area of technology.
This is where our book is intended to enter the arenato build a bridge between the two historically separated technology areas. It first outlines the most important technologies of optical transmission space, then focuses on important IP networking technologies. Finally, it concentrates on the convergence of both optical and IP to conclude. We are sure that the reader will obtain a deep understanding of what is really behind the "IP + optical" topic, a topic already of significant interest today and one that will gain even more momentum during the next few years.
Target AudienceThe target audience for this book includes all people interested and working in the networking arena, service providers, and enterprises that are planning, designing, or deploying advanced optical IP-based infrastructures. The book is structured and written in a way that should be easily understandable for newcomers. It supplies many helpful references to standards and other literature and in-depth explanations, including information for advanced readers who want to get a complete picture of the state of the art of optical networking and the according control and provisioning mechanisms for these networks.
Structure of This BookChapter 1 of this book gives an overview about existing and possible future carrier network architectures. The architectural elements of traditional multilayer networks are described, and essential information about applied technologies such as Synchronous Optical Network/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), or Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), is included.
Chapter 2 focuses on standardization activities in the optical networking arena. A snapshot of what already has been specified by such standardization bodies as International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), or Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and what kind of proposals are to be finalized soon is provided.
Chapter 3 represents a technology backgrounder delivering in-depth knowledge about optical transmission technologies, data transmission technologies, and network survivability concepts required for understanding how next-generation networks are designed and deployed.
Chapter 4 concentrates on the overall network architecture of advanced optical IP-based infrastructures and describes the three major steps in the evolution, from static IP over optical networks to dynamic and integrated IP + optical networks.
Chapter 5 finally outlines optical end-to-end networking design trends seen in the industry. Three case examples are described to put the theory about the convergence of IP and optical technologies covered in Chapters 1 and 4 into a practical perspective.
Further Information OnlineAll readers are welcome to consult the Web site
for ongoing updated information related to this book and the authors, as well as for reading about the hot topics in the networking industry. A lot of up-to-date background information, including links to useful Web sites, industry articles, and much more online material can be found.