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Clustering is the final component of MySQL that makes it truly enterprise-level and able to compete fully with proprietary databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. The increased number of high-demand, high-productivity corporations and institutions choosing MySQL, including MIT, the Department of Homeland Security, NASA, and Nokia, to name a few, need the benefit of clustering databases for high performance and scalability.
MySQL AB has stepped up to the plate to offer advanced, high-availability, reliable clustering. As this demand has increased, so has the need for information. MySQL Clustering offers thorough, authoritative instruction on setting up and administering a MySQL Cluster from the developers of the cluster itself. You will learn about everything from installation and configuration to performance and troubleshooting in this authoritative reference guide to MySQL clustering.
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Installation 21
2 Configuration 67
3 Backup and Recovery 99
4 Security and Management 109
5 Performance 129
6 Troubleshooting 151
7 Common Setups 163
Appendix A MySQL Cluster Binaries 173
B Management Commands 179
C Glossary of Clucster Terminology 187
Index 191