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Web Edition + 2 Hours of Free Video + Content Update Program
This Web Edition is available for free with the purchase of a My Windows® 10 Book or eBook. A Web Edition is an electronic version of the book, which can be accessed with any Internet connection from your account. Web Editions cannot be viewed on an eReader. To view on an eReader, please purchase an eBook.
My Windows® 10 is an easy, full-color tutorial on the latest operating system from Microsoft. It includes 2 hours of FREE step-by-step video tutorials to help you learn how to navigate and customize the new Windows 10 desktop.
In addition, this Web Edition is part of Que’s Content Update Program. As Microsoft updates features of Windows 10, sections of this Web Edition will be updated or new sections will be added to match the updates to the software.
Author Katherine Murray has been writing about technology for more than 25 years and has worked with every consumer version of Windows since Windows 3.1. Murray will help you learn how to: