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The All-in-One Guide to Mass Transport Phenomena: From Theory to Examples and Computation
Mass transfer processes exist in practically all engineering fields and many biological systems; understanding them is essential for all chemical engineering students, and for practitioners in a broad range of practices, such as biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, material engineering, and the like. Mass Transfer Processes combines a modern, accessible introduction to modeling and computing these processes with demonstrations of their application in designing reactors and separation systems.
P. A. Ramachandran’s integrated approach balances all the knowledge readers need to be effective, rather than merely paying lip service to some crucial topics. He covers both analytical and numerical solutions to mass transfer problems, demonstrating numerical problem-solving with widely used software packages, including MATLAB and CHEBFUN. Throughout, he links theory to realistic examples, both traditional and contemporary.
Introduction to Modeling of Mass Transfer Processes
Preface xxix
About the Author xxxvii
Notation xxxix
Part I: Fundamentals of Mass Transfer Modeling 1
Chapter 1: Introduction to Modeling of Mass Transfer Processes 3
1.1 What Is Mass Transfer? 5
1.2 Preliminaries: Continuum and Concentration 7
1.3 Flux Vector 10
1.4 Concentration Jump at Interface 15
1.5 Application Examples 20
1.6 Basic Methodology of Model Development 28
1.7 Conservation Principle 29
1.8 Differential Models 30
1.9 Macroscopic Scale 32
1.10 Mesoscopic or Cross-Section Averaged Models 37
1.11 Compartmental Models 43
Chapter 2: Examples of Differential (1-D) Balances 51
2.1 Cartesian Coordinates 52
2.2 Cylindrical Coordinates 67
2.3 Spherical Coordinates 73
Chapter 3: Examples of Macroscopic Models 85
3.1 Macroscopic Balance 87
3.2 The Batch Reactor 90
3.3 Reactor–Separator Combination 96
3.4 Sublimation of a Spherical Particle 101
3.5 Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in a Stirred Tank 104
3.6 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor 106
3.7 Tracer Experiments: Test for Backmixed Assumption 110
3.8 Liquid–Liquid Extraction 112
Chapter 4: Examples of Mesoscopic Models 123
4.1 Solid Dissolution from a Wall 124
4.2 Tubular Flow Reactor 129
4.3 Mass Exchangers 134
Chapter 5: Equations of Mass Transfer 151
5.1 Flux Form 153
5.2 Frame of Reference 156
5.3 Properties of Diffusion Flux 163
5.4 Pseudo-Binary Diffusivity 165
5.5 Concentration Form 166
5.6 Common Boundary Conditions 171
5.7 Macroscopic Models: Single-Phase Systems 172
5.8 Multiphase Systems: Local Volume Averaging 175
Chapter 6: Diffusion-Dominated Processes and the Film Model 185
6.1 Steady State Diffusion: No Reaction 186
6.2 Diffusion-Induced Convection 193
6.3 Film Concept in Mass Transfer Analysis 198
6.4 Surface Reactions: Role of Mass Transfer 206
6.5 Gas–Liquid Interface: Two-Film Model 212
Chapter 7: Phenomena of Diffusion 223
7.1 Diffusion Coeffcients in Gases 224
7.2 Diffusion Coeffcients in Liquids 237
7.3 Non-Ideal Liquids 243
7.4 Solid–Solid Diffusion 246
7.5 Diffusion of Fluids in Porous Solids 248
7.6 Heterogeneous Media 254
7.7 Polymeric Membranes 256
7.8 Other Complex Effects 257
Chapter 8: Transient Diffusion Processes 265
8.1 Transient Diffusion Problems in 1-D 266
8.2 Solution for Slab: Dirichlet Case 267
8.3 Solutions for Slab: Robin Condition 276
8.4 Solution for Cylinders and Spheres 278
8.5 Transient Non-Homogeneous Problems 283
8.6 2-D Problems: Product Solution Method 285
8.7 Semi-Infinite Slab Analysis 287
8.8 Penetration Theory of Mass Transfer 294
8.9 Transient Diffusion with Variable Diffusivity 295
8.10 Eigenvalue Computations with CHEBFUN 297
8.11 Computations with PDEPE Solver 299
Chapter 9: Basics of Convective Mass Transport 309
9.1 Definitions for External and Internal Flows 310
9.2 Relation to Differential Model 311
9.3 Key Dimensionless Groups 313
9.4 Mass Transfer in Flows in Pipes and Channels 315
9.5 Mass Transfer in Flow over a Flat Plate 316
9.6 Mass Transfer for Film Flow 318
9.7 Mass Transfer from a Solid Sphere 320
9.8 Mass Transfer from a Gas Bubble 321
9.9 Mass Transfer in Mechanically Agitated Tanks 325
9.10 Gas–Liquid Mass Transfer in a Packed Bed Absorber 327
Chapter 10: Convective Mass Transfer: Theory for Internal Laminar Flow 335
10.1 Mass Transfer in Laminar Flow in a Pipe 336
10.2 Wall Reaction: The Robin Problem 344
10.3 Entry Region Analysis 348
10.4 Channel Flows with Mass Transfer 350
10.5 Mass Transfer in Film Flow 353
10.6 Numerical Solution with PDEPE 358
Chapter 11: Mass Transfer in Laminar Boundary Layers 365
11.1 Flat Plate with Low Flux Mass Transfer 366
11.2 Integral Balance Approach 376
11.3 High Flux Analysis 383
11.4 Mass Transfer for Flow over Inclined and Curved Surfaces 388
11.5 Bubbles and Drops 396
Chapter 12: Convective Mass Transfer in Turbulent Flow 403
12.1 Properties of Turbulent Flow 404
12.2 Properties of Time Averaging 406
12.3 Time-Averaged Equation of Mass Transfer 408
12.4 Closure Models 411
12.5 Velocity and Turbulent Diffusivity Profiles 413
12.6 Turbulent Mass Transfer in Channels and Pipes 417
12.7 Van Driest Model for Large Sc 425
12.8 Turbulent Mass Transfer at Gas–Liquid Interface 427
Chapter 13: Macroscopic and Compartmental Models 435
13.1 Stirred Reactor: The Backmixing Assumption 436
13.2 Transient Balance: Tracer Studies 438
13.3 Moment Analysis of Tracer Data 444
13.4 Tanks in Series Models: Reactor Performance 449
13.5 Macrofluid Models 450
13.6 Variance-Based Models for Partial Micromixing 453
13.7 Compartmental Models 454
13.8 Compartmental Models for Environmental Transport 459
13.9 Fluid–Fluid Systems 462
13.10 Models for Multistage Cascades 465
Chapter 14: Mesoscopic Models and the Concept of Dispersion 475
14.1 Plug Flow Idealization 476
14.2 Dispersion Model 478
14.3 Dispersion Coeffcient: Tracer Response Method 484
14.4 Taylor Model for Dispersion in Laminar Flow 488
14.5 Segregated Flow Model 491
14.6 Dispersion Coe[1]cient Values for Some Common Cases 493
14.7 Two-Phase Flow: Models Based on Ideal Flow Patterns 495
14.8 Tracer Response in Two-Phase Systems 503
Chapter 15: Mass Transfer: Multicomponent Systems 517
15.1 Constitutive Model for Multicomponent Transport 518
15.2 Computations for a Reacting System 520
15.3 Heterogeneous Reactions 525
15.4 Non-Reacting Systems 528
15.5 Multicomponent Diffusivity Matrix 535
Chapter 16: Mass Transport in Electrolytic Systems 543
16.1 Transport of Charged Species: Preliminaries 544
16.2 Charge Neutrality 547
16.3 General Expression for the Electric Field 548
16.4 Electrolyte Transport across Uncharged Membrane 551
16.5 Transport across a Charged Membrane 553
16.6 Transfer Rate in Diffusion Film near an Electrode 556
Part II: Reacting Systems 565
Chapter 17: Laminar Flow Reactor 567
17.1 Model Equations and Key Dimensionless Groups 568
17.2 Two Limiting Cases 572
17.3 Mesoscopic Dispersion Model 575
17.4 Other Examples of Flow Reactors 577
Chapter 18: Mass Transfer with Reaction: Porous Catalysts 585
18.1 Catalyst Properties and Applications 586
18.2 Diffusion-Reaction Model 588
18.3 Multiple Species 605
18.4 Three-Phase Catalytic Reactions 607
18.5 Temperature Effects in a Porous Catalyst 610
18.6 Orthogonal Collocation Method 615
18.7 Finite Difference Methods 617
18.8 Linking with Reactor Models 622
Chapter 19: Reacting Solids 635
19.1 Shrinking Core Model 636
19.2 Volume Reaction Model 644
19.3 Other Models for Gas–Solid Reactions 651
19.4 Solid–Solid Reactions 654
Chapter 20: Gas–Liquid Reactions: Film Theory Models 661
20.1 First-Order Reaction of Dissolved Gas 662
20.2 Bulk Concentration and Bulk Reactions 668
20.3 Bimolecular Reactions 672
20.4 Simultaneous Absorption of Two Gases 684
20.5 Coupling with Reactor Models 688
20.6 Absorption in Slurries 692
20.7 Liquid–Liquid Reactions 697
Chapter 21: Gas–Liquid Reactions: Penetration Theory Approach 705
21.1 Concepts of Penetration Theory 706
21.2 Bimolecular Reaction 712
21.3 Instantaneous Reaction Case 714
21.4 Ideal Contactors 717
Chapter 22: Reactive Membranes and Facilitated Transport 727
22.1 Single Solute Diffusion 729
22.2 Co- and Counter-Transport 736
22.3 Equilibrium Model: A Computational Scheme 739
22.4 Reactive Membranes in Practice 742
Chapter 23: Biomedical Applications 749
23.1 Oxygen Uptake in Lungs 751
23.2 Transport in Tissues: Krogh Model 757
23.3 Compartmental Models for Pharmacokinetics 760
23.4 Model for a Hemodialyzer 763
Chapter 24 Electrochemical Reaction Engineering 775
24.1 Basic Definitions 776
24.2 Thermodynamic Considerations: Nernst Equation 781
24.3 Kinetic Model for Electrochemical Reactions 786
24.4 Mass Transfer Eects 791
24.5 Voltage Balance 793
24.6 Copper Electrowinning 795
24.7 Hydrogen Fuel Cell 798
24.8 Li-Ion Battery Modeling 800
Part III: Mass Transfer–Based Separations 809
Chapter 25: Humidification and Drying 811
25.1 Wet and Dry Bulb Temperature 812
25.2 Humidification: Cooling Towers 815
25.3 Model for Counterflow 817
25.4 Cross-Flow Cooling Towers 825
25.5 Drying 827
25.6 Constant Rate Period 830
25.7 Falling Rate Period 833
Chapter 26: Condensation 845
26.1 Condensation of Pure Vapor 846
26.2 Condensation of a Vapor with a Non-Condensible Gas 850
26.3 Fog Formation 855
26.4 Condensation of Binary Gas Mixture 857
26.5 Condenser Model 861
26.6 Ternary Systems 864
Chapter 27: Gas Transport in Membranes 871
27.1 Gas Separation Membranes 872
27.2 Gas Translation Model 879
27.3 Gas Permeator Models 881
27.4 Reactor Coupled with a Membrane Separator 890
Chapter 28: Liquid Separation Membranes 897
28.1 Classification Based on Pore Size 898
28.2 Transport in Semi-Permeable Membranes 900
28.3 Forward Osmosis 907
28.4 Pervaporation 908
Chapter 29: Adsorption and Chromatography 919
29.1 Applications and Adsorbent Properties 920
29.2 Isotherms 921
29.3 Model for Batch Slurry Adsorber 924
29.4 Fixed Bed Adsorption 931
29.5 Chromatography 938
Chapter 30: Electrodialysis and Electrophoresis 945
30.1 Technological Aspects 946
30.2 Preliminary Design of an Electrodialyzer 951
30.3 Principle of Electrophoresis 955
30.4 Electrophoretic Separation Devices 957
References 965
Index 979