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6 Hours of Video Instruction
An intuitive introduction to the latest superhuman capabilities facilitated by Deep Learning.
Machine Vision, GANs, Deep Reinforcement Learning LiveLessons is an introduction to three of the most exciting topics in Deep Learning today. Modern machine vision involves automated systems outperforming humans on image recognition, object detection, and image segmentation tasks. Generative Adversarial Networks cast two Deep Learning networks against each other in a forger-detective relationship, enabling the fabrication of stunning, photorealistic images with flexible, user-specifiable elements. Deep Reinforcement Learning has produced equally surprising advances, including the bulk of the most widely-publicized artificial intelligence breakthroughs. Deep RL involves training an agent to become adept in given environments, enabling algorithms to meet or surpass human-level performance on a diverse range of complex challenges, including Atari video games, the board game Go, and subtle hand-manipulation tasks. Throughout these lessons, essential theory is brought to life with intuitive explanations and interactive, hands-on Jupyter notebook demos. Examples feature Python and straightforward Keras layers in TensorFlow 2, the most popular Deep Learning library.
Customer Review
I enjoy Jon's material because he painstakingly walks you through the mechanics of the operation.
Skill Level
Lesson 1: Orientation
1.1 Running the Hands-On Code Examples in Jupyter Notebooks
1.2 Review of Prerequisite Deep Learning Theory
1.3 A Sneak Peak
Lesson 2: Convolutional Neural Networks for Machine Vision
2.1 Convolutional Layers
2.2 Convolutional Filter Hyperparameters
2.3 Activation Pooling and Flattening
2.4 Building A ConvNet in TensorFlow
2.5 ConvNet Model Architectures
2.6 Residual Networks
2.7 Image Segmentation
2.8 Object Detection
2.9 Transfer Learning
2.10 Capsule Networks
Lesson 3: Generative Adversarial Networks for Creativity
3.1 A Boozy All-Nighter
3.2 Latent Space: Arithmetic on Fake Human Faces
3.3 Style Transfer: Converting Photos into Monet (and Vice Versa)
3.4 Applications of GANs
3.5 Essential GAN Theory
3.6 The "Quick, Draw!" Dataset
3.7 The Discriminator Network
3.8 The Generator Network
3.9 Training the Adversarial Network
Lesson 4: Deep Reinforcement Learning
4.1 Three Categories of Machine Learning Problems
4.2 When Reinforcement Learning Becomes Deep
4.3 Applications to Video Games
4.4 Applications to Board Games
4.5 Real-World Applications
4.6 Reinforcement Learning Environments
4.7 Three Categories of Artificial Intelligence
Lesson 5: Deep Q-Learning and Beyond
5.1 The Cart-Pole Game
5.2 Essential Reinforcement Learning Theory
5.3 Deep Q-Learning Networks
5.4 Defining a DQN Agent
5.5 Interacting with an Environment
5.6 Hyperparameter Optimization with SLM Lab
5.7 Agents Beyond DQN
5.8 Datasets, Project Ideas, and Resources for Self-Study
5.9 Approaching Artificial General Intelligence