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Get Started Fast with iOS 8 Core Data App Development using Apple’s new Swift language
Covers iOD 8 and Xcode 6
This is the second edition of Learning Core Data for iOS, which fully reflects Apple’s latest platform innovations, including its dramatic improvements to iCloud support. Hands-on from start to finish, it teaches you step-by-step as you create a modern data-driven iOS app using¿Storyboards, iOS 8, and Xcode 6.
Tim Roadley introduces new patterns and best practices designed to overcome the frustrations of Core Data development, this time with Swift. One step at a time, you’ll build and extend your skills--even mastering advanced techniques such as complex model migration, deep¿copy, background processing, integration with iCloud and finally CloudKit.
Downloadable versions of this book’s main project are provided with each chapter, so you can see exactly what your app project should look like--and get cookbook-style code for your own projects. Chapter exercises help you explore even further, whether¿you’re a self-learner or a student in an iOS development course.
If you’re an experienced iOS developer, this guide brings together all the skills, tools, code, and patterns you need to add powerful data management capabilities to any app--quickly, easily, and painlessly.
Coverage includes the following:
Preface xv
1 Your First Core Data Application 1
What Is Core Data? 1
Persistent Store Coordinator 2
Managed Object Model 4
Managed Object Context 4
When to Use Core Data 5
Introducing the Groceries Application 5
Adding Core Data to an Existing Application 6
Implementing the Core Data Helper 7
Adding Paths 10
Adding the Core Data Stack 10
Adding the Setup Section 12
Adding the Saving Section 13
Adding a Managed Object Model File 14
Summary 15
Exercises 15
2 Managed Object Model Basics 17
What Is a Managed Object Model? 17
Entities 18
Attributes 20
Integer 16/32/64 21
Float and Double 22
Decimal 23
String 23
Boolean 23
Date 23
Binary Data 23
Transformable 24
Attribute Settings 25
Subclassing NSManagedObject 27
Scalar Properties for Primitive Data Types 28
Introducing the Demo Function 29
Creating a Managed Object 29
Backend SQL Visibility 31
Fetching Managed Objects 34
Sorting Fetch Requests 36
Filtering Fetch Requests 36
Fetch Request Templates 38
Deleting Managed Objects 41
Summary 41
Exercises 42
3 Managed Object Model Migration 43
Changing a Managed Object Model 43
Adding a Model Version 45
Lightweight Migration 47
Default Migration 50
Migration Manager 54
Introducing MigrationVC.swift (Migration View Controller Code) 56
Introducing CDMigration.swift (Core Data Migration Code) 59
Summary 71
Exercises 71
4 Managed Object Model Expansion 73
Relationships 73
Delete Rules 79
Introducing CDOperation.swift (Core Data Operation) 80
Delete Rule Testing 83
Entity Inheritance 87
Summary 89
Exercises 89
5 Table Views 91
Table View Basics 91
Core Data Table Views 93
Introducing CDTableViewController 93
Expanding CDTableViewController 96
DELEGATE: NSFetchedResultsController 99
CDTableViewController Subclasses 101
Enhancing PrepareTVC 105
Preparing Test Data 107
Deletion and Cell Selection for PrepareTVC 109
Interaction for PrepareTVC 110
Introducing ShopTVC 114
Cell Selection for ShopTVC 116
Summary 118
Exercises 119
6 Views 121
View Basics 121
The Target View Hierarchy 122
Introducing ItemVC 123
Keeping Reference to a Selected Item 123
Passing a Selected Item to ItemVC 124
Configuring the Scroll View and Text Fields 125
Implementing ItemVC 129
DELEGATE: UITextField 130
The VIEW Section 131
Adding Functionality to NSManagedObject Subclasses 133
Units, Home Locations, and Shop Locations 136
Adding and Editing Units 138
Implementing UnitsTVC 141
Implementing UnitVC 143
Segueing from UnitsTVC to UnitVC 145
Adding and Editing Home or Shop Locations 146
Configuring the Home Location Views 147
Configuring the Shop Location Views 148
Summary 150
Exercises 150
7 Picker Views 151
Picker View Basics 151
Introducing CDPickerTextField 152
Introducing UnitPickerTF 157
Creating the Unit Picker 159
Connecting the Unit Picker 160
Configuring ItemVC for the Unit Picker 161
Introducing LocationAtHomePickerTF 165
Introducing LocationAtShopPickerTF 167
Using the Location Pickers 168
Connecting the Location Pickers 169
Configuring ItemVC for the Location Pickers 170
Picker-Avoiding Text Field 173
Summary 176
Exercises 176
8 Preloading Data 177
Including Default Data 177
Indicating Whether an Import Is Required 178
Importing from XML 182
Creating an Import Context 184
Preventing Duplicate Default Data 185
Triggering a Default Data Import 186
Finding or Creating Managed Objects 188
Mapping XML Data to Entity Attributes 192
Importing from a Persistent Store 195
Using the Default Data Store as the Initial Store 196
Summary 199
Exercises 200
9 Deep Copy 201
The Deep Copy Process 201
Configuring a Source Stack 204
Configuring the Source Coordinator 204
Configuring the Source Context 205
Configuring the Source Store 205
Enhancing CDImporter 206
Identifying Unique Attributes 207
Object Info 207
Copying a Unique Object 208
Establishing a To-One Relationship 210
Establishing a To-Many Relationship 211
Establishing an Ordered To-Many Relationship 212
Copying Relationships 213
Deep Copy Entities 215
Triggering a Deep Copy 216
Summary 219
Exercises 219
10 Performance 221
Identifying Performance Issues 221
Implementing the Camera 222
Implementing the Image Picker Controller Delegates 224
Generating Test Data 228
Merge Policies 230
Measuring Performance with SQLDebug 232
Measuring Performance with Instruments 233
Improving Performance 236
Model Optimization 238
Handling Large Objects 239
Cleaning Up 246
Summary 246
Exercises 247
11 Background Processing 249
Implementing Background Save 249
Configuring an Import Context Parent 253
Faulting Objects 254
Generating Thumbnails 257
Summary 261
Exercises 261
12 Search 265
Updating CDTableViewController 266
Updating PrepareTVC 268
Search Optimization 269
Summary 270
Exercises 270
13 iCloud 271
iCloud Basics 271
Enabling iCloud 273
Updating CDHelper for iCloud 274
Adding an iCloud Store 275
Handling iCloud Notifications 277
The Debug Navigator 280
Summary 281
Exercises 282
14 Taming iCloud 283
De-Duplication 283
Identifying Duplicates 284
Deleting Duplicates 286
Triggering De-Duplication 291
Seeding 292
Preparing Seed Variables 293
Adding Seed Helper Functions 295
Developing with a Clean Slate 300
Configurations 302
Summary 303
Exercises 303
15 CloudKit Sync: Uploading Objects 307
Introducing CloudKit 307
CloudKit Database Synchronization Limitations 309
Introducing CDCloudSync 309
Public Data Groups 311
Cache Status 316
CloudKit Building Blocks 320
Uploading New Records and Relationships 325
Adding Synchronization Logic 327
Preparing the Managed Object Model for Sync 331
Summary 335
Exercises 335
16 CloudKit Sync: Downloading Changes and Handling Deletions 337
CloudKit Building Blocks (Continued) 337
Change Synchronization 342
Deletion Synchronization 350
Quality Assurance 354
Testing the Network 357
Updating Synchronization Logic 359
Adding CDCloudSync to Your Own Applications 361
Summary 367
Exercises 367
Thank You! 367
A Preparing the Groceries Application 369
New Xcode Project 369
Storyboard Design 370
App Icons and Launch Images 373
Introducing GenericVC 374
B Finalizing the Groceries Application 377
New Features 377
Photo Library and Photo Deletion Support 378
Favorites 380
Icon Badge 384
Location De-Duplication Logic 385