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Learning Core Data for iOS with Swift: A Hands-On Guide to Building Core Data Applications, Rough Cuts, 2nd Edition

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Learning Core Data for iOS with Swift: A Hands-On Guide to Building Core Data Applications, Rough Cuts, 2nd Edition

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  • Copyright 2016
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Premium Item
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-412010-8
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-412010-2

This is the Rough Cut version of the printed book.

Get Started Fast with iOS 8 Core Data App Development using Apple’s new Swift language
Covers iOD 8 and Xcode 6

This is the second edition of Learning Core Data for iOS, which fully reflects Apple’s latest platform innovations, including its dramatic improvements to iCloud support. Hands-on from start to finish, it teaches you step-by-step as you create a modern data-driven iOS app using¿Storyboards, iOS 8, and Xcode 6.

Tim Roadley introduces new patterns and best practices designed to overcome the frustrations of Core Data development, this time with Swift. One step at a time, you’ll build and extend your skills--even mastering advanced techniques such as complex model migration, deep¿copy, background processing, integration with iCloud and finally CloudKit.

Downloadable versions of this book’s main project are provided with each chapter, so you can see exactly what your app project should look like--and get cookbook-style code for your own projects. Chapter exercises help you explore even further, whether¿you’re a self-learner or a student in an iOS development course.

If you’re an experienced iOS developer, this guide brings together all the skills, tools, code, and patterns you need to add powerful data management capabilities to any app--quickly, easily, and painlessly.

Coverage includes the following:

  • Understanding Core Data
  • Adding Core Data to an existing project
  • Designing, upgrading, and migrating data models (automatically and manually with progress indication)
  • Populating views with data, including table-views and picker-views
  • Preloading a “default data” persistent store from XML
  • Deep-copying from one persistent store to another
  • Performance tuning with Instruments, using large photos as the example
  • Background processing, using thumbnail generation as the example
  • Efficient search
  • Stable integration with iCloud--with full support for multiple accounts, seeding, and de-duplication
  • Sharing data between accounts with CloudKit

Sample Content

Table of Contents

Preface     xv
1   Your First Core Data Application     1
What Is Core Data?     1
     Persistent Store Coordinator     2
     Managed Object Model     4
     Managed Object Context     4
When to Use Core Data     5
Introducing the Groceries Application     5
Adding Core Data to an Existing Application     6
     Implementing the Core Data Helper     7
     Adding Paths     10
     Adding the Core Data Stack     10
     Adding the Setup Section     12
     Adding the Saving Section     13
Adding a Managed Object Model File     14
Summary     15
Exercises     15
2   Managed Object Model Basics     17
What Is a Managed Object Model?     17
Entities     18
Attributes     20
Integer 16/32/64     21
Float and Double     22
     Decimal     23
     String     23
     Boolean     23
     Date     23
     Binary Data     23
     Transformable     24
Attribute Settings     25
Subclassing NSManagedObject     27
Scalar Properties for Primitive Data Types     28
Introducing the Demo Function     29
Creating a Managed Object     29
Backend SQL Visibility     31
Fetching Managed Objects     34
     Sorting Fetch Requests     36
     Filtering Fetch Requests     36
     Fetch Request Templates     38
Deleting Managed Objects     41
Summary     41
Exercises     42
3   Managed Object Model Migration     43
Changing a Managed Object Model     43
Adding a Model Version     45
Lightweight Migration     47
Default Migration     50
Migration Manager     54
     Introducing MigrationVC.swift (Migration View Controller Code)     56
     Introducing CDMigration.swift (Core Data Migration Code)     59
Summary     71
Exercises     71
4   Managed Object Model Expansion     73
Relationships     73
Delete Rules     79
     Introducing CDOperation.swift (Core Data Operation)     80
     Delete Rule Testing     83
Entity Inheritance     87
Summary     89
Exercises     89
5   Table Views     91
Table View Basics     91
Core Data Table Views     93
Introducing CDTableViewController     93
     Expanding CDTableViewController     96
     DATASOURCE: UITableView     98
     DELEGATE: NSFetchedResultsController     99
     CDTableViewController Subclasses     101
Enhancing PrepareTVC     105
     Preparing Test Data     107
     Deletion and Cell Selection for PrepareTVC     109
     Interaction for PrepareTVC     110
Introducing ShopTVC     114
     Cell Selection for ShopTVC     116
     INTERACTION for ShopTVC     116
Summary     118
Exercises     119
6   Views     121
View Basics     121
The Target View Hierarchy     122
Introducing ItemVC     123
     Keeping Reference to a Selected Item     123
     Passing a Selected Item to ItemVC     124
     Configuring the Scroll View and Text Fields     125
     Implementing ItemVC     129
     DELEGATE: UITextField     130
     The VIEW Section     131
     Adding Functionality to NSManagedObject Subclasses     133
Units, Home Locations, and Shop Locations     136
     Adding and Editing Units     138
     Implementing UnitsTVC     141
     Implementing UnitVC     143
     Segueing from UnitsTVC to UnitVC     145
     Adding and Editing Home or Shop Locations     146
     Configuring the Home Location Views     147
     Configuring the Shop Location Views     148
Summary     150
Exercises     150
7   Picker Views     151
Picker View Basics     151
Introducing CDPickerTextField     152
Introducing UnitPickerTF     157
     Creating the Unit Picker     159
     Connecting the Unit Picker     160
     Configuring ItemVC for the Unit Picker     161
Introducing LocationAtHomePickerTF     165
Introducing LocationAtShopPickerTF     167
Using the Location Pickers     168
     Connecting the Location Pickers     169
     Configuring ItemVC for the Location Pickers     170
Picker-Avoiding Text Field     173
Summary     176
Exercises     176
8   Preloading Data     177
Including Default Data     177
Indicating Whether an Import Is Required     178
Importing from XML     182
Creating an Import Context     184
Preventing Duplicate Default Data     185
Triggering a Default Data Import     186
Finding or Creating Managed Objects     188
Mapping XML Data to Entity Attributes     192
Importing from a Persistent Store     195
     Using the Default Data Store as the Initial Store     196
Summary     199
Exercises     200
9   Deep Copy     201
The Deep Copy Process     201
Configuring a Source Stack     204
     Configuring the Source Coordinator     204
     Configuring the Source Context     205
     Configuring the Source Store     205
Enhancing CDImporter     206
     Identifying Unique Attributes     207
     Object Info     207
     Copying a Unique Object     208
     Establishing a To-One Relationship     210
     Establishing a To-Many Relationship     211
     Establishing an Ordered To-Many Relationship     212
     Copying Relationships     213
     Deep Copy Entities     215
Triggering a Deep Copy     216
Summary     219
Exercises     219
10   Performance     221
Identifying Performance Issues     221
Implementing the Camera     222
     Implementing the Image Picker Controller Delegates     224
Generating Test Data     228
     Merge Policies     230
Measuring Performance with SQLDebug     232
Measuring Performance with Instruments     233
Improving Performance     236
     Model Optimization     238
     Handling Large Objects     239
Cleaning Up     246
Summary     246
Exercises     247
11   Background Processing     249
Implementing Background Save     249
Configuring an Import Context Parent     253
Faulting Objects     254
Generating Thumbnails     257
Summary     261
Exercises     261
12   Search     265
Updating CDTableViewController     266
Updating PrepareTVC     268
Search Optimization     269
Summary     270
Exercises     270
13   iCloud     271
iCloud Basics     271
Enabling iCloud     273
Updating CDHelper for iCloud     274
     Adding an iCloud Store     275
     Handling iCloud Notifications     277
The Debug Navigator     280
Summary     281
Exercises     282
14   Taming iCloud     283
De-Duplication     283
     Identifying Duplicates     284
     Deleting Duplicates     286
     Triggering De-Duplication     291
Seeding     292
     Preparing Seed Variables     293
     Adding Seed Helper Functions     295
Developing with a Clean Slate     300
Configurations     302
Summary     303
Exercises     303
15   CloudKit Sync: Uploading Objects     307
Introducing CloudKit     307
CloudKit Database Synchronization Limitations     309
Introducing CDCloudSync     309
Public Data Groups     311
Cache Status     316
CloudKit Building Blocks     320
Uploading New Records and Relationships     325
Adding Synchronization Logic     327
Preparing the Managed Object Model for Sync     331
Summary     335
Exercises     335
16   CloudKit Sync: Downloading Changes and Handling Deletions     337
CloudKit Building Blocks (Continued)     337
Change Synchronization     342
Deletion Synchronization     350
Quality Assurance     354
Testing the Network     357
Updating Synchronization Logic     359
Adding CDCloudSync to Your Own Applications     361
Summary     367
Exercises     367
Thank You!     367
A   Preparing the Groceries Application     369
New Xcode Project     369
Storyboard Design     370
App Icons and Launch Images     373
Introducing GenericVC     374
B   Finalizing the Groceries Application     377
New Features     377
Photo Library and Photo Deletion Support     378
Favorites     380
Icon Badge     384
Location De-Duplication Logic     385


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