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10 Hours of Video Instruction
A clear, practical introduction to web application development with Angular 6, Angular 7, and Angular 8
Angular is a powerful framework for building web applications for today's modern browsers. It's a comprehensive system that makes both development and testing easier by providing a complete development environment.
Marc Wandschneider has more than two decades of experience as a developer and is the author of two programming books and two other LiveLessons video training. In this video training, Marc uses a live-coding approach throughout to show developers how to start from scratch and work their way up to building a meaningful, yet not overly complicated application. He currently works for Google as a software engineer.
Marc starts by introducing Angular and showing how to install it along with related tools like Node.js, TypeScript, Bootstrap, Angular CLI, and Visual Studio Code. After a quick tutorial on TypeScript, the video course next shows how to create an Angular application from scratch while explaining the primary pieces of an Angular application and see how they work together. Using lots of examples, the core parts of Angular are introduced, such as Components, Directives, the Router, Services, and Pipes and Directives.
Skill Level
Lesson 1: Getting Started
1.1 Install Node.js
1.2 Install TypeScript tools
1.3 Install Bootstrap
1.4 Install Angular CLI
1.5 Create your first Angular app
1.6 Set up a development environment: Visual Studio Code
Lesson 2: TypeScript
2.1 Get started with TypeScript
2.2 Learn about types and declarations
2.3 Look quickly at type unions
2.4 Review flow control
2.5 Learn about all the new things in functions
2.6 Review strings and arrays in TypeScript
2.7 Get a complete overview of interfaces, classes, and inheritance
Lesson 3: Get Started on Your Recipe App
3.1 Learn about what you're going to be building
3.2 Create your working project
3.3 Create a model for your recipe app
3.4 Update your app to show a recipe
3.5 Add images to your recipes
3.6 Add support for more than one recipe with *ngFor
3.7 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 4: Learn More About Components and Directives
4.1 Learn about directives and components and create a new component
4.2 Further clean up your application with yet another component
4.3 Clean up the styles in your application.
Lesson 5: All About Binding in Angular
5.1 Add a new recipe form to your application
5.2 Learn about all the types of binding in Angular
5.3 Create and send events from your components
5.4 Use Angular's special class binding capabilities
5.5 Use Angular's special style binding capabilities
5.6 Learn about the *ngIf structural directive
5.7 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 6: Support Multiple Pages with Routing
6.1 Create a recipes list page in your app
6.2 Create a recipe details page
6.3 Create a new recipe form page
6.4 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 7: Services and Components
7.1 Learn about services and create a recipe service
7.2 Update your user interface to handle slow network requests
7.3 Install the AngularRecipeServer and update your app to use HTTP
7.4 Handle network errors in your application
7.5 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 8: Forms
8.1 Add manual validation to your new recipe form
8.2 Use template-drive forms to validate user input
8.3 Implement Reactive Form Design in our new recipe form
8.4 Add support for images to your application
8.5 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 9: Pipes and Directives
9.1 Learn about pipes
9.2 Write your own pipe in Angular
9.3 Write your own directive and pass data to it
Lesson 10: Adding Major Functionality
10.1 Add edit functionality to your recipe forms
10.2 Add the ability to delete recipes from your ap
10.3 Clean up the styles in your application
Lesson 11: Deployment and Testing
11.1 Learn the basics of deploying your Angular app
11.2 Write some basic tests in the Angular CLI environment
11.3 Mock a service in the Angular CLI