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40 Years of Breakthrough Leadership Insights in One Extraordinary Book!
From The One Minute Manager® to Raving Fans, Ken Blanchard’s books have helped millions of people unleash their power and the potential of everyone around them. For 40 years, The Ken Blanchard Companies® has helped thousands of organizations become more people oriented, customer centered, performance driven, and socially responsible.
Now, in this fully updated third edition of Leading at a Higher Level, Blanchard and his colleagues bring together all they’ve learned about world-class leadership, including brand new chapters on building a high-trust workplace, collaborating for high performance, driving success through mentoring, and leading at the organizational level. You’ll discover how to create targets and visions based on the “quadruple bottom line” and make sure people know who you are, where you’re going, and the values that will guide your journey.
Leading at a Higher Level presents the definitive discussion about using SLII®–the most widely used leadership model in the world–to lead yourself, individuals, teams, and entire organizations. More important, you’ll learn how to dig deep within, discover the personal “leadership point of view” all great leaders possess, and apply it throughout your entire life. This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone. Discover how to…
Introduction xxii
Leading at a Higher Level xxiii
Why Did We Write This Book? xxiv
How This Book Is Organized xxvi
Chapter 1 Is Your Organization High Performing? 3
Don Carew, Fay Kandarian, Eunice Parisi-Carew, Jesse Stoner, and Ken Blanchard
The Right Target: The Quadruple Bottom Line 4
A High Performing Organization Scores Every Time 9
The HPO SCORES® Model 10
Leadership Is the Engine 12
The HPO SCORES® Quiz: How Does Your Organization Score? 13
Chapter 2 The Power of Vision 17
Jesse Stoner, Ken Blanchard, and Drea Zigarmi
The Importance of Vision 17
Effective Versus Ineffective Vision Statements 18
Creating a Vision That Really Works 19
A Compelling Vision Creates a Culture of Greatness 24
Vision Is the Place to Start 24
Vision Can Exist Anywhere in an Organization 26
Make Your Vision a Reality 27
Vision and Leadership 29
Chapter 3 Empowerment Is the Key 35
Alan Randolph and Ken Blanchard
What Is Empowerment? 36
The Power of Empowerment 37
How History Blocks Change to Empowerment 37
Tapping People’s Power and Potential: A Real-World Example 39
Learning the Language of Empowerment 40
The Three Keys to Empowerment 41
Chapter 4 SLII®: The Integrating Concept 53
The Founding Associates
The Three Skills of an SLII® Leader 54
Goal Setting: The First Skill 54
Diagnosis: The Second Skill 54
Matching: The Third Skill 55
Enthusiastic Beginners Need a Directing Style 58
Disillusioned Learners Need a Coaching Style 59
Capable But Cautious Performers Need a Supporting Style 60
Self-Reliant Achievers Need a Delegating Style 60
Development Level Varies from Goal to Goal and Task to Task 61
Meeting People Where They Are 62
The Importance of Partnering with People 66
Effective Leadership Is a Transformational Journey 67
Chapter 5 Self Leadership: The Power Behind Empowerment 69
Susan Fowler, Ken Blanchard, and Laurence Hawkins
Creating an Empowered Workforce 70
Creating Self Leaders Through Individual Learning 71
The Three Skills of a Self Leader 72
Chapter 6 One-on-One Leadership 81
Fred Finch and Ken Blanchard
Establishing an Effective Performance Management System 81
One-on-One Leadership and the Performance Management System 85
Partnering as an Informal Performance Management System 100
One-on-Ones: An Insurance Policy for Making One-on-One Leadership Work 101
Chapter 7 Essential Skills for One-on-One Leadership 103
Ken Blanchard and Fred Finch
One Minute Goal Setting 103
Areas of Accountability 104
Performance Standards 105
One Minute Praisings 110
One Minute Re-Directs 113
The Fourth Secret of the One Minute Manager 116
Chapter 8 Building Trust 119
Ken Blanchard, Cynthia Olmstead, and Randy Conley
The High Cost of Low Trust 119
The Benefits of Trust 120
The Four Elements of Trust 120
Creating a High Trust Environment 121
The Transparency Challenge 124
Repairing Broken Trust 126
The Ripple Effect 128
Chapter 9 Coaching: A Key Competency for Leadership Development 131
Madeleine Homan Blanchard and Linda Miller
Definition of Coaching 131
Five Applications of Coaching 132
Application One: Performance Coaching 133
Application Two: Development Coaching 135
Application Three: Career Coaching 137
Application Four: Coaching to Support Learning 140
Application Five: Creating an Internal Coaching Culture 142
Chapter 10 Mentoring: The Key to Life Planning 145
Ken Blanchard and Claire Díaz-Ortiz
Obstacles to Beginning a Mentoring Relationship 146
Choosing a Mentoring Partner 147
Essence Versus Form 147
The MENTOR Model: Elements of a Successful Mentoring Partnership 148
Creating a Mentoring Program in Your Organization 151
Tailoring Mentoring to Career Stages 152
Chapter 11 Team Leadership 155
Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-Carew, Lael Good, and Ken Blanchard
Why Teams? 156
Obstacles to High Performance 158
An Effective Team Leadership Approach 159
Providing Leadership Behaviors That Match the Team’s Needs 168
Strategies for Higher Team Performance 173
The Power of Teams 176
Chapter 12 Collaboration: Fuel for High Performance 179
Jane Ripley, Eunice Parisi-Carew, and Ken Blanchard
Collaboration Is Not Coordination, Cooperation, or Teamwork 179
Creating a Collaborative Framework 181
Collaboration Versus Competition 183
What It Takes to Be Collaborative 184
Collaboration: Fuel for High Performance 189
Chapter 13 Organizational Leadership 191
Ken Blanchard, Jesse Stoner, Don Carew, Eunice Parisi-Carew, and Fay Kandarian
Real Life Examples of HPO SCORES® 191
Determining the Appropriate Leadership Style for Your Organization 198
Diagnosing Your Organization’s Development Level 198
Results and Relationships: The Determinants of a High Performing Organization 198
Matching Leadership Style to Your Organization’s Development Stage 201
Applying the Appropriate Leadership Style at Each Development Level 203
The Importance of Diagnosis and Matching 206
A History-Making Organizational Turnaround 207
Chapter 14 Organizational Change: Why People Resist It 209
Pat Zigarmi, Judd Hoekstra, and Ken Blanchard
The Importance of Leading Change 209
Why Is Organizational Change So Complicated? 210
When Is Change Necessary? 211
Why Change Gets Derailed or Fails 212
Focus on Leading the Journey 214
Surfacing and Addressing People’s Concerns 215
Different People Are at Different Stages of Concern 223
The Importance of Involving Those Who Are Being Asked to Change 223
Chapter 15 Leading People Through Change 225
Pat Zigarmi and Judd Hoekstra
Five Change Leadership Strategies 225
The Importance of Reinforcing the Change 247
Chapter 16 Managing a Successful Cultural Transformation 249
Garry Demarest, Chris Edmonds, and Bob Glaser
Gung Ho!: A Starting Point 250
Managing a Successful Cultural Transformation 255
Critical Success Factors for Cultural Transformation 261
Chapter 17 Serving Customers at a Higher Level 265
Ken Blanchard, Kathy Cuff, Vicki Halsey, and Jesse Stoner
Getting Legendary SCORES from Your Customers 265
Creating Legendary Service 267
Serving Customers at a Higher Level 272
Permitting People to Soar 281
Wallowing in a Duck Pond 282
Giving Your People Wings 282
Chapter 18 Servant Leadership 287
Ken Blanchard, Scott Blanchard, and Drea Zigarmi
What Is Servant Leadership? 287
Applying Servant Leadership 290
Great Leaders Encourage People to Bring Their Brains to Work 293
What Kind of Leadership Impacts Performance the Most? 294
Being a Servant Leader Is a Question of the Heart 298
Driven Versus Called Leaders 299
The Plight of the Ego 300
Ego Antidotes 302
What Servant Leaders Do 304
Servant Leadership: A Mandate or a Choice 307
Chapter 19 Determining Your Leadership Point of View 313
Margie Blanchard, Pat Zigarmi, and Ken Blanchard
Elements of a Leadership Point of View 314
Developing Your Own Leadership Point of View 323
Become a Higher Level Leader 332
Endnotes 333
Acknowledgments 347
About the Authors 349
Services Available 371
Index 375