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A significant concern of datacenter personnel is the rapid deployment of systems shile maintaining consistency and control over their environment.
This BluePrint provides techniques on using JumpStart technology for automated, standardized, and secure installations of the Solaris Operating Environment. In addition, detailed examples of using JumpStart technology effectively on a day-to-day basis are provided in combination with never before documented features and functions. The materials on the included CD contain the Solaris Security Toolkit (formerly known as "JASS") and examples referenced in the book.
Building a Bootable DVD to Deploy a Solaris Flash Archive
Customizing JumpStart Framework for Installation and Recovery
Managing Solaris Operating Environment Upgrades With Live Upgrade 2.0
Using Live Upgrade 2.0 With a Logical Volume Manager
Using Live Upgrade 2.0 With JumpStart Technology and Web Start Flash
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with a Summary.)
1. Introduction.
Reasons for JumpStart Technology. Overview of JumpStart Technology. Automation for Consistent Installations. The JumpStart Framework. Examples.
Boot Process. RARP Request. DHCP Request. Second-Level Boot Process. JumpStart Server Components. Boot Server. Configuration Server. Install Server. Server Directory Architecture. Begin Directory. Drivers Directory. Files Directory. Finish Directory. FlashArchives Directory. OS Directory. Packages Directory. Patches Directory. Profiles Directory. Sysidcfg Directory. Server Installation and Configuration. Server Software Installation Steps. Configuring the Client. Automation of the Installation. Configuring the sysidcfg file. Creating the rules File. Creating the Profile. Validating the rules File. Client Installation and Configuration.
sysidcfg File. Keywords. Name Services. Keywords Specific to Intel Architecture. sysidcfg Keyword Listing. sysidcfg File Example. Client Definition. rules File. Selection Criteria. Combined Selection Criteria. Probes. Creating Rule and Probe Keywords. Validating the rules File. Profiles. Installation Types. System Types. Package Clusters. Partitioning Keywords and Disk Layout. Other Useful Profile Keywords. Complete Profile Example. Testing Profiles with pfinstall. Scripting. Begin Scripts. Finish Scripts. Automating a StarFire™ Server Domain Installation. Driver Scripts.
Package Installation Challenges. Software Package Utilities. Automation of Patch Installation. Automation of Interactive Package Installation. Automatic Interactive Configuration. Encapsulation—Brief Overview. Encapsulation—Looking Under the Hood. Licensing. vxvm-reconfig. vxencap-Created Control Files. Finish Script for Automated Encapsulation After Installation. Automated Encapsulation from the Finish Script.
Test Environment Construction. Server Installation. Client Configuration Information. Hands-Free Installations. NIS Repository. NIS+ Repository. DHCP Repository. sysidcfg File Repository. Diskette Repository.
Phase One. Phase Two. Phase Three.
Demand-Only Connection. Physical Cable Connection: Air Gap. Limitation on JumpStart Services. JumpStart Server Hardening. Network Segmentation. Segmentation in N-Tier Architectures. Segmentation in Gateway Systems. Access Control: Choke Points.
Overview. Identifying the Master Machine. Creating and Administering Archives. Additional Profile Keywords. Remote Archive Location Specifiers. Local Archive Location Specifiers. Using Flash in an Example. Creating the Flash Archive. Adding the Installation Client.
Building a Bootable Installation from CD-ROM. Bootable CD Structure. Procedure Overview. Procedure Specifics. Recovering a Failed System with JumpStart. JumpStart Recovery Techniques. $ROOTDIR Directory. Altering the Boot Process. Processing Options and Arguments During Boot. Providing Services for Recovery. Providing an Interactive Shell. Adding Utilities and Manual Pages. Adding a Recovery Tool. Adding Device Drivers. Meeting Challenges Unique to the Miniroot. Read-Only Media. Files in /var. path_to_inst File.
Toolkit Overview. Standalone Mode. JumpStart Mode. Supported Versions. Toolkit Framework. Installing the Toolkit. Compressed Tar Archive. Package Format. Configuration and Execution. Using Standalone Mode. Using JumpStart Mode. Undo Feature. Toolkit Architecture. Why Solaris Security Toolkit? Documentation Directory. Drivers Directory. Driver Script Creation. Driver Script Listing. Files Directory. The $JASS_FILES Environment Variable and Files Directory Setup. Files Directory Listing. Finish Scripts. Packages Directory. Profiles Directory. Sysidcfg Files Directory. Toolkit Support.
Using Cloning for “Disposable” Systems. Cloning with the JumpStart Framework. Implementing with WebStart Flash. Deploying Off-Network Systems. Creating a Flash Archive Installation Tape.
This book is one of an on-going series of books collectively known as the SunBluePrints program. The JumpStart Technology BluePrint details best practices forfacilitating and managing automated and consistent installations of the SolarisOperating Environment.
Sun BluePrints ProgramThe mission of the Sun BluePrints Program is to empower Sun's customers with thetechnical knowledge required to implement reliable, extensible, and secureinformation systems within the datacenter using Sun products. This programprovides a framework to identify, develop, and distribute best practices informationthat applies across the Sun product lines. Experts in technical subjects in variousareas contribute to the program and focus on the scope and usefulness of theinformation.
The Sun BluePrints Program includes books, guides, and online articles. Throughthese vehicles, Sun can provide guidance, installation and implementationexperiences, real-life scenarios, and late-breaking technical information.The monthly electronic magazine, Sun BluePrints OnLine, is located on the Web at
. To be notified about updates to the SunBluePrints Program, please register yourself on this site.
This book is primarily intended for readers with varying degrees of experience orknowledge of JumpStart technology. Detailed examples of using JumpStarttechnology effectively every day are provided in combination with never-before-documentedfeatures and capabilities.
Before You Read This BookYou should be familiar with the basic administration and maintenance functions ofthe Solaris Operating Environment (hereafter, Solaris OE). You should also have anunderstanding of standard network protocols and topologies.Since this book is designed to be useful to people with varying degrees of experienceor knowledge of JumpStart technology, your experience and knowledge are thedetermining factors of the path you choose through this book.
How This Book Is OrganizedThis book is structured with Chapters 2 through 5 providing increasing depth intothe configuration and use of JumpStart technology.
Depending on your level of experience and knowledge of JumpStart technology, youcan skip Chapter 2 "JumpStart Overview," or use it as a review. If you are anexperienced JumpStart user, you can skim Chapter 3 "JumpStart Customizations," oruse it as a review.
Read the remaining chapters either sequentially for an overall comprehension ofJumpStart or as your need dictates.
Chapter 1, "Introduction," provides a high-level overview of the structure and useof the JumpStart framework.
Chapter 2, "JumpStart Overview," presents the core components of the basicJumpStart architecture. The chapter focuses on how to get an automated JumpStartenvironment up and running as quickly as possible.
Chapter 3, "JumpStart Customizations" examines in depth the key components thatwere briefly touched on in Chapter 2, adding the information and recommendationsnecessary to best perform complex installations of the Solaris OE. Additionally, thischapter details the techniques and mechanisms necessary to provide the basics ofhow to extend the JumpStart framework to best suit the needs of your datacenter.
Chapter 4, "Postinstallation Procedures," builds on the advanced JumpStarttechnology techniques presented in Chapter 3 "JumpStart Customizations." Itexamines some of the lesser known (but more powerful) configuration options of theJumpStart application to perform a site-standard, hands-free installation of theSolaris OE and a hands-free installation of unbundled software applications, such asVERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) and software patches. The chapter providescomplete examples of automating the installation of the Solaris OE and additionalunbundled (third-party) software applications.
Chapter 5, "Automating Installations," describes how JumpStart softwareinstallations can be automated through the use of repositories such as Dynamic HostControl Protocol (DHCP), Network Information System (NIS), Network InformationSystem Plus (NIS+), files, and diskettes. To illustrate the configuration processes ofthese various JumpStart software techniques, this chapter presents a labenvironment in which the various alternatives are implemented and described.
Chapter 6, "JumpStart Internals," applies the concepts presented in Chapter 2 andChapter 3 to a SPARC-based automated JumpStart software installation by lookingat the sequence of network traffic that was generated. The chapter examines theinternals of the JumpStart technology process: its three phases based on the networkprotocols encountered.
Chapter 7, "JumpStart Security," recommends ways to securely incorporate theJumpStart framework into your environment.
Chapter 8, "WebStart Flash," provides an overview and tutorial on WebStart Flash,a powerful new facility of JumpStart technology available with the release of Solaris8 4/01 (Update 4) OE. Flash can create a system archive (a snapshot of an installedsystem) and install the Solaris OE from that archive.
Chapter 9, "Customizing JumpStart Framework for Installation and Recovery,"examines several of the more powerful, yet often overlooked, aspects of theJumpStart system. The chapter explains how to use JumpStart technology from aCD-ROM and how to extend the JumpStart framework into a platform for rapidsystem recovery.
Chapter 10, "Solaris Security Toolkit," details the Solaris Security Toolkit (Toolkit).This Toolkit automates the process of securing Solaris OE systems. In addition to itsnetwork-based or JumpStart-based mode, the Toolkit can also be run in standalonemode. This chapter focuses on the parts of the Toolkit used during a network orJumpStart-based software installation.
Note - The Solaris Security Toolkit was formerly known as the jass SecurityToolkit.
Chapter 11, "System Cloning," refers to the rapid re-creation or reinstallation of asystem. This chapter presents techniques for system cloning and rapid deploymentof systems. This technique is especially useful in providing business continuity anddisaster recovery.
Appendix A, "Using JumpStart Technology to Install Solaris OE for IntelArchitecture," provides an example of using JumpStart technology to install Solaris8 OE for the Intel Architecture on an Intel x86-based client from a Sun EnterpriseE420r JumpStart server.Glossary is a list of terms and acronyms used frequently in describing JumpStarttechnology.
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