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This definitive reference to the Java 1.1 class libraries from the creators of the Java technology at Sun Microsystems is an essential resource for both novice and experienced Java programmers. The information is presented in an easy-to-use, dictionary-like format. The packages covered in this book are: | |
java.lang | java.text |
java.lang.reflect | java.util |
java.math | |
The extensive class and member descriptions contain details crucial for developing robust and professional applets and applications. Each description is supplemented by an example that demonstrates the class or member in a relevant context. The 24,000 lines of code in over 600 examples facilitate learning-by-example and provide useful code fragments for your projects. Each class description includes:
List of Figures.
List of Tables.
Package Overviews.
java io.
java lang.
java lang reflect.
java math.
java net.
java text.
java util.
java util zip.
Abstract Method Error.
Arithmetic Exception.
Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
Array Store Exception.
Big Decimal.
Big Integer.
Bind Exception.
Bit Set.
Break Iterator.
Buffered Input Stream.
Buffered Output Stream.
Buffered Reader.
Buffered Writer.
Byte Array Input Stream.
Byte Array Output Stream.
Character Iterator.
Char Array Reader.
Char Array Writer.
Char Conversion Exception.
Checked Input Stream.
Checked Output Stream.
Choice Format.
Class Cast Exception.
Class Circularity Error.
Class Format Error.
Class Loader.
Class Not Found Exception.
Clone Not Supported Exception.
Collation Element Iterator.
Collation Key.
Connect Exception.
Content Handler.
Content Handler Factory.
Data Format Exception.
Datagram Packet.
Datagram Socket.
Datagram Socket Impl.
Data Input.
Data Input Stream.
Data Output.
Data Output Stream.
Date Format.
Date Format Symbols.
Decimal Format.
Decimal Format Symbols.
Deflater Output Stream.
Empty Stack Exception.
EOF Exception.
Event Listener.
Event Object.
Exception In Initializer Error.
Field Position.
File Descriptor.
File Input Stream.
Filename Filter.
Filename Map.
File Not Found Exception.
File Output Stream.
File Reader.
File Writer.
Filter Input Stream.
Filter Output Stream.
Filter Reader.
Filter Writer.
Gregorian Calendar.
GZIP Input Stream.
GZIP Output Stream.
Http URL Connection.
Illegal Access Error.
Illegal Access Exception.
Illegal Argument Exception.
Illegal Monitor State Exception.
Illegal State Exception.
Illegal Thread State Exception.
Incompatible Class Change Error.
Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
Inet Address.
Inflater Input Stream.
Input Stream.
Input Stream Reader.
Instantiation Error.
Instantiation Exception.
Internal Error.
Interrupted Exception.
Interrupted IO Exception.
Invalid Class Exception.
Invalid Object Exception.
Invocation Target Exception.
IO Exception.
Line Number Input Stream.
Line Number Reader.
Linkage Error.
List Resource Bundle.
Malformed URL Exception.
Message Format.
Missing Resource Exception.
Multicast Socket.
Negative Array Size Exception.
No Class Def Found Error.
No Route To Host Exception.
No Such Element Exception.
No Such Field Error.
No Such Field Exception.
No Such Method Error.
No Such Method Exception.
Not Active Exception.
Not Serializable Exception.
Null Pointer Exception.
Number Format.
Number Format Exception.
Object Input.
Object Input Stream.
Object Input Validation.
Object Output.
Object Output Stream.
Object Stream Class.
Object Stream Exception.
Optional Data Exception.
Out Of Memory Error.
Output Stream.
Output Stream Writer.
Parse Exception.
Parse Position.
Piped Input Stream.
Piped Output Stream.
Piped Reader.
Piped Writer.
Print Stream.
Print Writer.
Property Resource Bundle.
Protocol Exception.
Pushback Input Stream.
Pushback Reader.
Random Access File.
Resource Bundle.
Rule Based Collator.
Runtime Exception.
Security Exception.
Security Manager.
Sequence Input Stream.
Server Socket.
Simple Date Format.
Simple Time Zone.
Socket Exception.
Socket Impl.
Socket Impl Factory.
Stack Overflow Error.
Stream Corrupted Exception.
Stream Tokenizer.
String Buffer.
String Buffer Input Stream.
String Character Iterator.
String Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
String Reader.
String Tokenizer.
String Writer.
Sync Failed Exception.
Thread Death.
Thread Group.
Time Zone.
Too Many Listeners Exception.
Unknown Error.
Unknown Host Exception.
Unknown Service Exception.
Unsatisfied Link Error.
Unsupported Encoding Exception.
URL Connection.
URL Encoder.
URL Stream Handler.
URL Stream Handler Factory.
UTF Data Format Exception.
Verify Error.
Virtual Machine Error.
Write Aborted Exception.
Zip Entry.
Zip Exception.
Zip File.
Zip Input Stream.
Zip Output Stream. 0201310023T04062001
This book is intended as a reference rather than a tutorial. Its format is similar to a dictionary's in that it is designed to optimize the time it takes for you to look up information on a class or class member. For a tutorial-style presentation of the class libraries, see The JavaTM Tutorial, by Mary Campione and Kathy Walrath. The JavaTM Class Libraries does not explain any part of the Java language. There are several books you can use to learn the language. These include The JavaTM Programming Language, by Ken Arnold and James Gosling, and The JavaTM Language Specification, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele.
Following is an overview of this book.
This part briefly describes each package and all of the classes in it. Also included are diagrams that show the inheritance hierarchy of the classes that appear in a package.
This part covers the alphabetical listing of the classes from the following packages:
Probably the most notable aspect about the structure of this book is the order in which the classes appear. Most Java books that contain an API alphabetically order the classes within a package and then alphabetically order the packages. The problem with this format is that it always takes two or more steps to locate a class. If you do not know which package contains the class you're looking for, you basically need to review each package looking for the class. If you do know which package, you first need to find the package and then find the class.
The classes in this book are ordered alphabetically without regard to package name. This makes looking up a class as straightforward as looking up a word in a dictionary.
Each class is described in its own chapter. Each chapter contains a picture of the class hierarchy, a class description, a class example, a member summary, and descriptions for every member in the class.
We include a class diagram for each class in the Java API. The class diagram shows all of the ancestors of the class, its siblings, its immediate descendents, and any interfaces that the class implements. In these diagrams, if a package name precedes a class or interface name, the class or interface is not in the same package as the current class.
In the diagrams, we visually distinguish the different kinds of Java entities, as follows:
Most of these elements are shown in Figure i. The class or interface being described in the current chapter is shaded grey. A solid line represents extends, while a dotted line represents implements
In the class descriptions, we describe all of the properties of the class. For example, the properties of the Graphics
class include the current color, font, paint mode, origin, and clipping area. Describing in one place all of a class's available properties and how the properties behave makes learning all of the capabilities of a class much easier than if the property descriptions were scattered throughout the member descriptions.
Any terminology used in the member descriptions is introduced and described in the class descriptions. If you find that the member description lacks detail, go to the class description for more information.
Ideally, we would have included a unique example for every single member in the Java API. We simply did not have enough time. So we tried to make sure that every member appeared in at least one example.
We worked to make the examples as useful as possible so that they demonstrate the member as it would typically be used. For example, in the example for a button we not only show how a button is created; we also show how button events are handled. In some cases, we also try to demonstrate some other class in the Java API. For example, in the Graphics.draw-Oval()
example, we demonstrate not only how to draw an oval; we also show how to use the BufferedReader
class to read integers from standard input that are used to locate the oval. We feel that gently introducing other classes in the Java API is a good way to help you become aware of all available classes in the Java API, as long as the introduction does not confuse the example.
The Member Summary section for each class is intended to help the reader quickly grasp the key points of the class. It groups the members of the class into categories that are specific to that class. For example, in the List
class the Selection Methods category lists all methods having to do with selections. It is meant to be a quick summary of the class's members, so it does not contain any syntax information other than the name of the member.
The member descriptions appear in alphabetical order within a class chapter regardless of what kind of method or field they are. This was done to make locating a member proceed as fast as possible.
Overloaded methods are placed together in one member description because they share very similar functionality. The different overloaded forms are typically provided as a convenience for the programmer when specifying parameters. For instance, some overloads eliminate parameters by providing common defaults. To describe overloads with missing parameters, we use a phrase of the form "if the parameter p is not specified, it defaults to the value 3.14." Other overloads take different representations of a value. For example, one overload could take a particular parameter as an integer, while another could take the same parameter as a string containing an integer.
Each member description contains some or all of the following fields:
PURPOSE | A brief description of the purpose of this member |
SYNTAX | The syntactic declaration of this member |
DESCRIPTION | A full description of this member |
PARAMETERS | The parameters accepted by this member, if any, listed in alphabetical order |
RETURNS | The value and its range returned by this member, if any |
EXCEPTIONS | The exceptions and errors thrown by this member, if any, listed in alphabetical order |
SEE ALSO | Other related classes or members, if any, listed in alphabetical order |
OVERRIDES | The method that this member overrides, if any |
EXAMPLE | A code example that illustrates how this member is used. This is sometimes a reference to an example that illustrates the use of this method in another member example or class example. |
A method or class is deprecated if its use is no longer recommended. A deprecated method appears in the Member Summary under the Deprecated Methods section. In the chapter body, the deprecated method is annotated by a "deprecated" tag in its method heading. For example, Component.size()
is a deprecated method. It has the following method heading:
If not all of the overloaded forms of the method are deprecated, a "deprecated" tag appears beside the syntax of the deprecated forms. For example, one of the two forms of BorderLayout.addLayoutComponent()
is deprecated. The second form shown below--the one with the "deprecated" tag--is deprecated.
SYNTAX | public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object location) |
DEPRECATED | public void addLayoutComponent(String location, Component comp) |
The method description contains a deprecation section with instructions on how to replace the usage of the deprecated method, like this:
DEPRECATION A description of how to replace the usage of this deprecated method
All of the code examples in this book have been compiled and run on the FCS version of Java 1.1.4, either on Solaris or Windows NT or both. Most of the complete examples are available on-line. You can access them and other information about this book by using the URL
Lucida Sans Typewriter is used for examples, syntax declarations, class names, method names, values, and field names. Italic is used when defining a new term and for emphasis.
We want to thank the many people who made this book possible.
Mike Hendrickson, the Executive Editor for this book, helped coordinate the many tasks and people needed to complete this book.
Lisa Friendly, the series editor, was relentless in garnering reviewers for this book and providing all kinds of cheerful assistance.
The accuracy and quality of this book were improved immensely as the result of the astonishingly thorough reviews by the following individuals: Steve Byrne, John Rose, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Fialli, and Roger Riggs. Other reviewers who gave us helpful feedback include Calvin Austin, David Connelly, Li Gong, Brian Preston, Mark Reinhold, Nakul Saraiya, Roland Schemers, and Kathy Walrath.
Laura Michaels persevered through over 1,900 pages of manuscript under tremendous time pressure to improve the readability of this book. Sarah Weaver, Rosemary Simpson, Tracy Russ, Marina Lang, and Jason Jones all played a part in the production of this book and were wonderful to work with.
Patrick ChanI have many people to thank for supporting me in contributing the java.text package to this book.
First, my co-authors, Patrick and Rosanna, flattered me by asking me to contribute to this book. I considered their previous edition to be the very best reference available on the Java API, bar none. So I feel very fortunate and honored to add to their accomplishments.
Lisa Friendly is my manager at JavaSoft and has fully supported not only my efforts at work, but also this extracurricular project to dig in and really learn Java. You couldn't ask for a more supportive and encouraging manager. Thank you, Lisa.
The Internationalization team helped improve the quality of this book immeasurably. Mark Davis of the Unicode Consortium personally contributed time, words, and instruction. The Taligent team, headed up by Mark, provided very detailed and constructive feedback. This includes Alan Liu, Helena Shih, Rich Gillam, and Laura Werner. The JavaSoft engineers also helped at key times, giving direction and answering questions: Brian Beck, Norbert Lindenberg, John O'Conner, and our tester, Cindy Cjao.
Some Japanese text was contributed by Etsuko Ishida. French translations were provided by Isabelle and Lionel Gilet. Writing is a very detailed, exacting, and laborious task. Lady, my precious dog, and those to whom I have dedicated the book have been my joy throughout these exhausting times.
I also thank Mike Hendrickson and the same production team that Patrick and Rosanna have mentioned previously.
Lastly, the other book authors in my family: my father and mother, Chuck and Jan. They have inspired me to be the best I can be, both in love and at work.
Douglas Kramer