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JavaScript Developer's Dictionary covers all the essential functions, methods, and objects of JavaScript in an easy-to-find, logical order.
JavaScript, and each different version of JavaScript, interacts very differently with each variety of Web browser, leaving Web developers scrambling to write code that will work in all the major browsers. JavaScript Developer's Dictionary brings all these variants into one volume, breaking down every object in the JavaScript language and how it applies to each browser.
Wherever possible, the book also provides workarounds for earlier versions of JavaScript and for direct inconsistencies. The emphasis throughout this book is on compatibility across many versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer.
JavaScript Arrays: Properties and Methods
1. Object( ).Description. Creating a New Object. Properties. Methods. Example: Creating a Persistent Reference to this.
2. Function( ).Description. Executing a Function. Properties. Methods. Example: Using the Function( ) Objects' Source Codes.
3. Array( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: An Extensible switch Function.
4. String( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Strings in HTML.
5. Boolean( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Shorthand for an if Statement.
6. Date( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Detecting Daylight Savings Time.
7. Number( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Implementing Complex Numbers in JavaScript.
8. Math.Description. Properties. Methods. Example: A Logarithm Function for Multiple Bases.
9. RegExp( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Regular Expressions and Text Exercises.
10. Error( ).Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Creating and Using Errors.
11. The Global Object and Statements.Top-Level Objects. Top-Level Functions. Statements. Controlling How a Script Runs.
12. Operators.The Primary Assignment Operator. Arithmetic Operators. Comparison Operators. Boolean Operators. Bitwise Operators. Word Operators.
13. JavaScript Syntax.Parentheses, Square Brackets, and Curly Braces. Quote Marks. Semicolons, Colons, Commas, and Periods. Literals. ASCII and Unicode. Comment Lines //, /* ... */.
14. Conditional Compilation in Internet Explorer.Description. Statements. Objects. Compatibility with Netscape Browsers.
15. Window.Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLFrameSetElement /<frameset>...</frameset>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLFrameElement/<frame />. Description. Methods. HTMLIFrameElement/<iframe />. Description. Properties. Methods. Example: A Basket of Windows.
16. location.Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Sending Information from One Page to Another.
17. history.Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Moving a Separate Frame Back.
18. navigator.Description. Browser Sniffing, the Incorrect Way. Properties. Methods. Example: Browser Sniffing, the Correct Way.
19. screen.Description. Properties. Example: Redirecting Based on Screen Resolution.
20. Core DOM Objects.Attr. CDATASection. CharacterData. Comment. Document. DocumentFragment. DocumentType. DOMImplementation. Element. Entity. EntityReference. Node. NamedNodeMap. NodeList. Notation. ProcessingInstruction. Text.
21. HTMLElement.Description. Elements That Are HTMLElement Objects. Properties. Methods. Methods.
22. HTMLHtmlElement.Description. Properties. Methods.
23. HTMLDocument/document.Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLBodyElement/<body>...</body>. Description. Properties. Methods.
24. Head Elements.HTMLHeadElement Interface/<head>...</head>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLBaseElement/<base />. Description. Properties. HTMLMetaElement/<meta />. Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Automatic Refreshing. HTMLTitleElement Interface/<title>...</title>. Description. Properties. Methods.
25. Form Elements.HTMLFormElement interface/<form>...</form>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLButtonElement Interface/<button>...</button>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLFieldSetElement Interface/<fieldset>...</fieldset>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLIsIndexElement Interface/<isindex />. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLLabelElement/<label>...</label>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLLegendElement/<legend>...</legend>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLOptGroupElement/<optgroup>...</optgroup>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLOptionElement/<option />. Description. Properties. Methods. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTextAreaElement/<textarea>...</textarea>. Description. Properties. Methods.
26. Form Input Elements: HTMLInputElement.Description. Properties. Methods.
27. List Elements.HTMLDirectoryElement Interface. Properties. Methods. HTMLDListElement Interface. Properties. Methods. HTMLLIElement Interface. Properties. Methods. HTMLMenuElement Interface. Properties. Methods. HTMLOListElement Interface. Properties. Methods. HTMLUListElement Interface. Properties. Methods.
28. Text Formatting Elements.Five Unusual But Significant Text Formatting Elements. HTMLAnchorElement/<a>...</a>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLBaseFontElement Interface/<basefont>...</basefont>. Description. Properties. HTMLBRElement/<br />. Description. Properties. HTMLDivElement/<div>...</div>. Description. Properties. HTMLFontElement Interface/<font>...</font>. Description. Properties. HTMLHeadingElement Interface / <hN>...</hN>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLHRElement Interface / <hr />. Description. Properties. Layer( )/<layer>...</layer> / <ilayer>...</ilayer>. Description. Properties. Methods. <marquee>...</marquee>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLModElement Interface/<ins>...</ins>/<del>...</del>. Description. <nobr>...</nobr>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLParagraphElement/<p>...</p>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLPreElement Interface / <pre>...</pre>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLQuoteElement Interface / <q>...</q>. Description. Properties. Methods. <wbr />. Description. <xmp>...</xmp>. Description. Properties. Methods.
29. Table Elements.HTMLTableElement / <table>...</table>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTableCaptionElement/<caption>...</caption>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTableCellElement/<td>...</td> / <th>...</th>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTableColElement/<colgroup>...</colgroup> / <col />. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTableRowElement/<tr>...</tr>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLTableSectionElement/<thead>...</thead> / <tfoot>...</tfoot> / <tbody>...</tbody>. Description. Properties. Methods.
30. Image Elements.HTMLImageElement/<img />. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLInputElement/<input type="image" />. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLMapElement/<map>...</map>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLAreaElement/<area />. Description. Properties.
31. Programmable Elements.LiveConnect: Netscape's Bridge to Java. HTMLAppletElement/<applet>...</applet>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLEmbedElement/<embed>...</embed>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLObjectElement/<object>...</object>. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLParamElement/<param />. Description. Properties. Methods. HTMLScriptElement/<script>...</script>. Description. Properties. Methods. Example: Reorganizing a Script.
32. DOM-2 Events and Event Handlers.DOM-2 Events Introduced: Listeners and Interfaces. Events in Internet Explorer. Netscape 4 and Events. Event Interface (DOM)/Event. Description. Properties. Methods. EventTarget Interface (DOM). Description. Properties. Methods. DocumentEvent Interface (DOM). Description. Properties. Methods. Events in Netscape and Internet Explorer.
33. Styling for HTML Elements.The Basics of CSS. Simple Selectors in CSS. Compound Selectors in CSS. The Order of Precedence in Styling, from Elements. The Order of Precedence in Styling, from Style Sheets. Activating and Deactivating Style Sheets. The !important Style Sheet Attribute. Style Sheet Property Names in JavaScript. Object Models and Cascading Style Sheets. Netscape 4 and JavaScript Styling. Twelve CSS Properties. HTMLStyleElement/<style>...</style>. Properties. Methods. HTMLLinkElement/<link />/<?xml-stylesheet ?>. Properties. Methods.
34. DOM-2 Range.What Is A Range? Boundary Points for Element and Document Nodes. Boundary Points for Text Nodes. Range. Description. Properties. Methods. DocumentRange Interface (DOM). Description. Properties. Methods. nsISelection Interface. Description. Properties. Methods.
35. Cookies.Cookies, HTTP, and JavaScript. The Syntax of Cookies. Using Cookies. John Krutsch's Cookie Jar. Best Practices for Using Cookies.
36. XML-Related Technologies and Their DOMs.XML 1.0. DTD. XHTML 1.0: eXtensible HyperText Markup Language. Namespaces in XML. Scripting an XML Document: <html:script />. Modularization of XHTML and XHTML 1.1. Xlink. XSLT 1.0: eXtensible Stylesheet Language, Transformations. XML Schemas. MathML 2.0: Mathematics Markup Language. SVG 1.0: Scalable Vector Graphics. XForms. XQuery. SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol. Other XML Languages. Conclusion to the JavaScript Developer's Dictionary.
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