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Helps students master Web services, an area of development that is expected to remain in exceptionally high demand for years to come.
Gives students a strong understanding of XML technologies they will use constantly in all their Web services development, regardless of language or platform.
Helps students address one of todays most challenging obstacles to Web services deployment in the enterprise.
Shows students how all the techniques and technologies of Java Web services development fit together.
Enables students to utilize limited study time as effectively as possible, by leveraging the knowledge they already have.
Gives students the benefit of pedagogical methods that have helped over a million developers learn rapidly and well.
Makes it exceptionally easy for students to understand and learn from the books code examples.
Helps students become effective Java Web services developers as rapidly as possible.
Prepares students to develop Web applications for wireless phones, pagers, PDAs, and other wireless devices—one of the fastest growing areas of Web development.
Gives students confidence that they are receiving information that is thorough, accurate, clear, and pedagogically proven.
Java™ Web Services for Experienced Programmers Java Web Services for Experienced Programmers is written for Java programmers, who want to learn Java Web Services through the intermediate level. If you already own our Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program, 1/e or Java How to Program, 4/e, Java Web Services for Experienced Programmers may be of interest to you as a supplemental reference to learn one of the hottest topics in industry, Java Web Services. The experienced Java ™ programmer¿s DEITEL ™ LIVE-CODE ™ guide tobuilding next-generation Java ™ Web services
Practical, Live-Code ™ coverage of:
Written for Java™ programmers, this new book in the DEITEL™ Developer Series applies the DEITEL™signature LIVE-CODE™ approach to Java Web services. Every important concept is presented in the contextof fully tested programs, complete with syntax highlighting, detailed line-by-line descriptions andprogram outputs. The book features 103 LIVE-CODE™ programs that contain over 13,321 lines ofproven program code.
Start with XML, the key enabling technology for Web services. XML markup, Document TypeDefinitions, the Document Object Model and XSL transformations are covered. Then move on to thecore Web-services technologies: SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. Next comes a remarkable treatment of theJava Web Services Developer Pack—Sun® Microsystems¿ integrated toolset for building, testing anddeploying Java Web services. The book then discusses Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME™) and WirelessWeb services. Finally, Web-services security and a three-part case study contain everything you needto deploy Java Web services.
Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel are the founders of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the interna-tionallyrecognized IT content-creation and corporate-training organization. Together with their col-leaguesat Deitel & Associates, Inc., they have written the successful How to Program Seriescollege textbooks that hundreds of thousands of students throughout the world have used to masterC, C++, Java, C # , Visual Basic®.NET, Perl, Python, XML and other languages.
The DEITEL ™ Developer Series is designed for practicing programmers. The series presents focusedtreatments of emerging technologies, including .NET, J2EE™, Web services and more. Each book inthe series contains the same LIVE-CODE ™ teaching methodology used so successfully in the Deitels¿How to Program Series college textbooks. The series includes a wide selection of books suitable forthree types of readers:
From a Pre-Publication Reviewer:
"The book provides excellent coverage of the main standards and protocolssupporting Web Services, such as XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. In addition,the book provides thorough coverage of the Java XML APIs used for Web-servicesdevelopment (JAXM, JAX-RPC and JAXR) through the case studiesand code examples provided." -Debra D. Scott, Java Technical Lead/Content Manager for Java CurriculumSun Educational Services, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
From a Reader of Other Deitel™ Java Publications:
"Congratulations on what may be the best programming series ever. I¿veread both your books Java How toProgram and Advanced Java 2Platform and may I say that theyare the most comprehensivebooks I have ever read, givingyou exactly what you need inorder to understand concepts andstart developing serious Javaapplications..."-Cindy Steele
Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 0130461342.pdf
1. Introduction.
2. Creating Markup with XML.
3. Document Type Definitions.
4. Document Object Model.
5. XSL.
6. Web Services Platforms.
7. WSDL.
8. UDDI.
10. JAXR.
11. JAXM.
12. Security Overview.
13. Web Services Security.
14. J2ME & Web Services.
15. Case Study Part I: Architecture and Web Services Implementations.
16. Case Study Part II: Client Applications.
17. Case Study Part III: Deployment.
A. Servlets.
B. JavaServer Pages.