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Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training), Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

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Lesson 1

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 1: Introduction, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Before You Begin: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Software Used
Installing the JDK
Installing Eclipse 
Installing IntelliJ IDEA
Downloading the Code Examples and Contacting Me for Help

Dive Into NetBeans: Using NetBeans to Compile Exiting Programs and Create New Ones
Getting NetBeans, opening the IDE and configuring tabs and line numbers
Creating a project and adding existing code to the project
Creating a new program

Dive Into Eclipse: Using Eclipse to Compile Exiting Programs and Create New Ones
Getting Eclipse, opening the IDE and configuring tabs and line numbers
Creating a project and adding existing code to the project
Creating a new program

Dive Into IntelliJ IDEA: Using NetBeans to Compile Exiting Programs and Create New Ones
Getting IntelliJ, opening the IDE and configuring tabs and line numbers
Creating a project and adding existing code to the project
Creating a new program

Lesson 1: Test Driving a Java Program at the Command Line
Test-Driving the command line

Duration: 01:16:34  File Size: 168 MB


Lesson 2

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 2: Introduction to Java Applications, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 2: Introduction to Java Applications
Text-printing program
Printing a line of text with multiple statements
Printing multiple lines of text with a single statement
Displaying multiple lines with method System.out.printf
Addition program and an Introduction to using the online Java documentation
Compare integers using if statements, relational operators and equality operators

Duration: 01:05:45  File Size: 198 MB


Lesson 3

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 3: Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Strings, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 3: Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods and Strings

Account class that contains a name instance variable and methods to set and get its value
Creating and manipulating an Account object
Conceptual view of an Account object
Account class with a constructor that initializes the name instance variable
Using the Account constructor to initialize the name instance variable when each Account object is created
Adding the TextViews, EditText, SeekBar and LinearLayouts
Account class with a double instance variable balance and a constructor and deposit method that perform validation
Inputting and outputting floating-point numbers with Account objects

Duration: 01:11:16  File Size: 225 MB


Lesson 4

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 1, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 4: Control Statements, Part 1
Student Class: Nested if…else Statements
Calculating a class average using the while statement and counter-controller repetition
Calculating a class average using the while statement and sentinel-controller repetition
Arithmetic assignment operators
Prefix increment and postfix increment operators

Duration: 00:34:32  File Size: 115 MB


Lesson 5

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 5: Control Statements: Part 2, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 5: Control Statements, Part 2
Compound-interest calculations with for
do…while repetition statement
LetterGrades class that uses the switch statement to count letter grades
Demonstrating Strings in switch—Class that represents an auto insurance policy
break statement exiting a for statement
continue statement terminating an iteration of a for statement
Logical operators

Duration: 00:45:31  File Size: 163 MB


Lesson 6

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 6: Methods: A Deeper Look, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 6: Methods—A Deeper Look
static Methods, static Fields and Class Math
Programmer-declared method maximum with three double parameters
Argument Promotion and Casting
Java API Packages
Shifted and scaled random integers
Roll a six-sided die 6,000,000 times
Craps class simulates the dice game craps
Scope class demonstrates field and local-variable scopes
Overloaded method declarations

Duration: 01:24:21  File Size: 297 MB


Lesson 7

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 7: Arrays and ArrayLists, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson 7:Arrays
Initializing the elements of an array to default values of zero
Initializing the elements of an array with an array initializer
Calculating the values to be placed into the elements of an array
Computing the sum of the elements of an array
Bar chart printing program
Die-rolling program using arrays instead of switch
Poll analysis program
Card shuffling and dealing
Using the enhanced for statement to total integers in an array
Passing arrays and individual array elements to methods
GradeBook class using an array to store test grades
Initializing two-dimensional arrays
GradeBook class using a two-dimensional array to store grades
Using variable-length argument lists
Initializing an array using command-line arguments
Arrays class methods and System.arraycopy
Generic ArrayList collection demonstration

Duration: 02:06:56  File Size: 444 MB


Lesson 9

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 9: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Inheritance hierarchy UML class diagrams
Creating and using a CommissionEmployee class
Creating and Using a BasePlusCommissionEmployee Class
Creating a CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy
CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using protected Instance Variables
CommissionEmployee–BasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Instance Variables
Class Object

Duration: 01:03:42  File Size: 201 MB


Lesson 12

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 12: GUI Components: Part 1, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Using Java's Nimbus Look-and-Feel
Simple GUI-Based Input/Output with JOptionPane
Common superclasses of the lightweight Swing components
Displaying Text and Images in a Window
Text Fields and an Introduction to Event Handling with the ActionListener interface Nested Classes
Common GUI Event Types and Listener Interfaces
How Event Handling Works
Buttons That Maintain State: JCheckBox and the ItemListener interface
Buttons That Maintain State: JRadioButton and the ItemListener interface
JComboBox and the ItemListener interface; Using an Anonymous Inner Class for Event Handling
JList and the ListSelectionListener interface
Multiple-Selection Lists
Mouse Event Handling with the MousListener and MouseMotionListener interfaces
Adapter Classes in Event Handling: Mouse Event Handling with the MouseAdapter class
Custom JPanels
Key Event Handling
Using Panels to Manage More Complex Layouts
JTextArea and JScrollPane

Duration: 03:53:00  File Size: 722 MB


Lesson 19

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 19: GUI Components, Part 2, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson Introduction JSlider Using menus with JFrames JPopupMenu Pluggable look-and-feel Multiple-document interfaces with JDesktopPane and JinternalFrame JTabbedPane BoxLayout layout manager GridBagLayout Layout Manager GridBagLayout Layout Manager: Using GridBagConstraints RELATIVE and REMAINDER

Duration: 01:23:47  File Size: 169 MB


Lesson 22

Java Fundamentals LiveLessons Parts I, II, III, and IV (Video Training): Lesson 22: Java FX, Part 1, Downloadable Version, 2nd Edition

Lesson Introduction Tools Used in This Lesson: FXML, JavaFX Scene Builder and the NetBeans IDE JavaFX App Window Structure Welcome App–Displaying Text and an Image Creating the App’s Project NetBeans Projects Window–Viewing the Project Contents and Adding an Image to the Project Opening JavaFX Scene Builder from NetBeans and Preparing to Build the Welcome App Changing to a VBox Layout Container and Configuring the Layout Adding and Configuring a Label Adding and Configuring an ImageView and Running the App Welcome.java--Creating the GUI from the FXML file Tip Calculator App Test Drive–Introduction to Event Handling Tip Calculator Technologies Overview Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI: fx:id values for the app's controls Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI: Creating the project Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 1: Changing the Root Layout from an AnchorPane to a GridPane Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 3: Adding the Controls to the GridPane Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 4: Right-Aligning GridPane Column 0’s Contents Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 5: Sizing the GridPane Columns to Fit Their Contents Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 7: Sizing the Button and Previewing the GUI Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 8: Configuring the GridPane’s Padding and Horizontal Gap Between Its Columns Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 9: Making the tipTextField and totalTextField Uneditable and Not Focusable Building the Tip Calculator App's GUI, Step 10: Setting the Slider’s Properties and Previewing the Final Layout TipCalculator Subclass of Application TipCalculatorController Class: import Statements TipCalculatorController Class: static Variables and Instance Variables TipCalculatorController Class: calculateButtonPressed Event Handler TipCalculatorController Class: initalize Method

Duration: 01:41:50  File Size: 185 MB


  • Copyright 2021
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Downloadable Video
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-348934-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-348934-7

40+ hours of video instruction.

The professional programmer’s Deitel® video guide to Java™ SE 7 and SE 8 development with the powerful Java™ platform

Written for programmers with a background in high-level language programming, this LiveLesson applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java™ language and Java™ APIs in depth. The LiveLesson presents concepts in the context of fully tested programs, not code fragments. The LiveLesson features hundreds of complete Java™ programs with thousands of lines of proven Java™ code, and hundreds of tips that will help you build robust applications.

Skill Level

What you Will Learn
Start with an introduction to Java™ using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including GUI, graphics, exception handling, lambdas, streams, functional interfaces, object serialization, concurrency, generics, generic collections, JDBC™ and more. You’ll enjoy Deitels’ classic treatment of object-oriented programming and the object-oriented design ATM case study, including a complete Java™ implementation. When you’re finished, you’ll have everything you need to build industrial-strength object-oriented   Java™ SE 7 and SE 8 applications. 

Practical, Example-Rich Coverage of:

• Java™ SE 7 and SE 8

• Lambdas, Streams, Functional Interfaces with Default and Static Methods

• Classes, Objects, Encapsulation,  Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces

• Swing and JavaFX GUIs; Graphics

• Integrated Exception Handling

• Files, Streams, Object Serialization

• Multithreading and Concurrency for Optimal Multi-Core Performance

• Generics and Generic Collections

• Database (JDBC™, SQL and JavaDB)

• Using the Debugger and the API Docs

• Industrial-Strength, Object-Oriented Design ATM Case Study and more.

Who should take this course?
Programmers experienced in a high-level programming language and interested in building industrial-strength applications in Java

Course requirements
Familiarity with any high-level programming language, including C, C++, C#, JavaScript, etc...


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