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Web Services is the latest trend to hit the software industry. It promises to promote interoperability among disparate applications; i.e., applications written in different languages and running on diverse platforms. This book covers Web services protocols SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and the J2EE APIs that are used with these protocols including: JAX-RPC, JAXM, JWSDL, and JAXR. The author explains in detail how to use these Java APIs with the J2EE platform and also provides detailed information on security issues and interoperability between J2EE platforms and .NET. The book also includes a primer on XML, XSD and JAXP (the Java XML API), which is necessary basis for understanding how to process SOAP messages.
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Are Web Services Important?
What Do I Need to Know to Read This Book?
What Does This Book Cover?
How Is This Book Organized?
What Doesn't This Book Cover?
The J2EE Platform.
The Technologies of Web Services.
The J2EE Web Service APIs.
Wrapping Up.
2. XML Basics.XML Primer.
XML Namespaces.
Wrapping Up.
3. The W3C XML schema language.XML Schema Basics.
Advanced XML Schema.
Wrapping Up.
4. SOAP.The Basic Structure of SOAP.
SOAP Namespaces.
SOAP Headers.
The SOAP Body.
SOAP Messaging Modes.
SOAP Faults.
Wrapping Up.
5. WSDL.The Basic Structure of WSDL.
WSDL Declarations: The definitions, types, and import Elements.
The WSDL Abstract Interface: The message, portType, and operation Elements.
WSDL Messaging Exchange Patterns.
WSDL Implementation: The binding Element.
WSDL Implementation: The service and port Elements.
WS-I Conformance Claims.
Wrapping Up.
6. The UDDI Data Structures.The businessEntity Structure.
The businessService and bindingTemplate Structures.
The tModel Structure.
The publisherAssertion Structure.
UUID Keys.
WS-I Conformance Claims.
Wrapping Up.
7. The UDDI Inquiry API.General Information about UDDI SOAP Messaging.
The Inquiry Operations.
Wrapping Up.
8. The UDDI Publishing API.Operation Definitions and Payloads.
Fault Messages.
Wrapping Up.
9. JAX-RPC Overview.The Server-Side Programming Models.
The Client-Side Programming Models.
Other JAX-RPC Topics Covered.
Wrapping Up.
10. JAX-RPC Service Endpoints.A Simple JSE Example.
The JSE Runtime Environment.
Multi-threading and JSEs.
Wrapping Up.
11. JAX-RPC EJB Endpoints.An Enterprise JavaBeans Primer.
Enterprise JavaBeans Web Services.
Wrapping Up.
12. JAX-RPC Client APIs.Generated Stubs.
Dynamic Proxies.
Wrapping Up.
13. SAAJ.A Simple SAAJ Example.
Creating a SOAP Message.
Working with SOAP Documents.
Working with SOAP Faults.
Sending SOAP Messages with SAAJ.
SAAJ 1.2 and DOM 2.
Wrapping Up.
14. Message Handlers.A Simple Example.
Handler Chains and Order of Processing.
The Handler Runtime Environment.
Wrapping Up.
15. Mapping Java to WSDL and XML.Mapping WSDL to Java.
Mapping XML Schema to Java.
Faults and Java Exceptions.
Wrapping Up.
16. Getting Started with JAXR.Using a UDDI Test Registry.
Connecting to a UDDI Registry.
Using the RegistryService and BusinessLifeCycleManager.
The BulkResponse Type.
Wrapping Up.
17. The JAXR Business Objects.The RegistryObject Interface.
The Organization Information Object.
Wrapping Up.
18. The JAXR Technical Objects.The Service and ServiceBinding Information Objects.
The Concept Information Object.
The SpecificationLink Information Object.
The Association Information Object.
Predefined Enumerations.
Wrapping Up.
19. The JAXR Inquiry and Publishing APIs.Mapping JAXR to the UDDI Inquiry API.
Mapping JAXR to the UDDI Publishing API.
Wrapping Up.
20. SAX2.Parsing with SAX: XMLReaderFactory and XMLReader.
The ContentHandler and DefaultHandler Interfaces.
Validating with W3C XML Schema.
Wrapping Up.
21. DOM 2.Parsing with DOM: DocumentBuilderFactory and DocumentBuilder.
Building a DOM Document.
Copying Nodes.
Wrapping Up.
22. J2EE Deployment.Overview of the J2EE Deployment Process.
J2EE Web Services Deployment.
Deploying JSEs.
Deploying EJB Endpoints.
Service References.
Wrapping Up.
23. Web Service Descriptors.The wsdl-file and wsdl-port Elements.
The port-component-name Element.
The service-endpoint-interface Element.
The service-impl-bean Element.
The jaxrpc-mapping-file Element.
The handler Element.
Wrapping Up.
24. JAX-RPC Mapping Files.Conditions for a Lightweight JAX-RPC Mapping File.
A Lightweight Example.
A Heavyweight Example.
Anatomy of a Mapping File.
Wrapping Up.
Appendix A. XML DTDs.Character Sets.
Other Meta-characters.
Real-World Examples.
Appendix C. Base64 Encoding.The soap:encodingStyle Attribute.
The Operation Structs.
Simple Types.
Complex Types.
Array Types.
Wrapping Up.
Appendix E. SOAP Messages with Attachments.Understanding MIME.
Using MIME with SOAP.
Wrapping Up.
Appendix F. SAAJ Attachments.The Java Activation Framework.
SAAJ and JAF: AttachmentPart.
The SOAPPart.
The SOAPEnvelope.
Wrapping Up.
Appendix G. JAX-RPC and SwA.JAF Revisited: DataContentHandler and DataSource Types.
A Simple Example.
Mapping MIME Types to Java.
Using DataHandler and DataSource Types.
Wrapping Up.
Appendix H. Using JAX-RPC DII without a WSDL Document.
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