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iTunes and iCloud for iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch Absolute Beginner's Guide

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iTunes and iCloud for iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch Absolute Beginner's Guide

Safari PTG

  • Your Price: $24.99
Not for Sale


  • Copyright 2013
  • Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
  • Edition: 1st
  • Safari PTG
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-337161-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-337161-1


Covers iTunes 11 and iCloud for Mac and

Make the most of iTunes® or iCloud®–without being a technical expert!
This book is the fastest way to use iTunes and iCloud to enjoy your media anywhere you go, on any iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod® touch. Even if you’ve never used iTunes or iCloud before, this book will show you how to do what you want, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time. iTunes and iCloud have never been this simple!

Who knew how simple iTunes and iCloud could be?

This is today’s best beginner’s guide to using iTunes and iCloud… simple, practical instructions for doing everything you really want to do. Here’s a small sample of what you learn:

•   Explore iTunes and discover better ways to enjoy it

•   Build your iTunes library with both free content and paid iTunes media

•   Label your iTunes media with information so that finding what you want is always easy

•   Hear exactly the music you want to hear, when you want to hear it

•   Discover, subscribe, and listen to the world’s best podcasts

•   Wirelessly stream your iTunes media to other devices with AirPlay

•   Set up iCloud on your Mac, Windows PC, iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch

•   Use iCloud to automatically share your media across all your “iDevices”

•   Use Photo Stream to automatically save your photos and share them with others

•   Preview and download new music to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

•   Carry and read entire libraries of electronic books

•   Control syncing and preferences so your devices always work the way you want

Sample Content

Table of Contents


Part I iTunes

Chapter 1 Getting Started with iTunes ..................................................................................7

Installing and Maintaining iTunes on a Windows PC ............................................ 8

    Downloading and Installing iTunes on a Windows PC .................................... 8

    Maintaining iTunes on a Windows PC .............................................................11

Maintaining iTunes on a Macintosh.......................................................................12

Touring iTunes .........................................................................................................13

    Understanding the iTunes Window ..................................................................14

    Working with Different Types of Media ...........................................................17

    Moving Ahead with iTunes................................................................................22

Chapter 2 Working with the iTunes Store ...........................................................................25

Getting Started in the iTunes Store ......................................................................26

    Creating an Apple ID .........................................................................................26

    Signing In to Your iTunes Store Account ........................................................28

    Viewing and Updating Your iTunes Store Account ........................................29

Setting iTunes Store Preferences ...........................................................................32

Adding Content from the iTunes Store to Your iTunes Library .........................33

    Browsing the iTunes Store ................................................................................34

    Searching in the iTunes Store ...........................................................................36

    Previewing and Downloading Content in the iTunes Store ..........................38

Understanding Digital Rights Management (DRM) .............................................42

Chapter 3 Building Your iTunes Library ................................................................................45

Determining Where Content Is Stored .................................................................46

    Keeping Your iTunes File Organized ...............................................................46

    Changing the Location of Your iTunes Files ...................................................47

    Exploring the iTunes Media Folder ..................................................................47

Adding Music from Audio CDs to Your Library ...................................................49

    Configuring iTunes to Import Music from CDs ...............................................49

    Adding Audio CDs to Your Library in a Hurry ................................................50

Adding Content from the iTunes Store to Your Library ......................................51

    Renting Movies from the iTunes Store ............................................................51

    Subscribing to Podcasts in the iTunes Store ...................................................53

    Downloading Apps from the iTunes Store ......................................................54

Adding MP3 Music from Amazon.com to Your Library.......................................56

    Setting Up Amazon.com Music Downloads ....................................................56

    Downloading MP3 Music from Amazon.com ..................................................58

Adding Video from DVDs to Your Library ............................................................60

    Preparing DVD Content for iTunes ..................................................................60

    Importing Converted DVD Content into iTunes .............................................63

Adding Content from Other Sources to Your Library .........................................64

Chapter 4 Listening to Music with iTunes ............................................................................67

Setting Audio Playback Preferences......................................................................68

Listening to Audio the iTunes Way .......................................................................71

Selecting a Source ...................................................................................................71

Browsing for Music ..................................................................................................72

    Browsing for Music by Songs ............................................................................72

    Browsing for Music by Album ...........................................................................75

    Browsing for Music by Artist .............................................................................77

    Browsing for Music by Genre............................................................................78

    Browsing for Music by Playlist ..........................................................................79

Searching for Music .................................................................................................82

Playing Music ...........................................................................................................85

    Controlling Music from the iTunes Toolbar and Controls Menu ..................86

    Using the Information Window .........................................................................87

    Controlling Music from the Contextual Menu ................................................91

Chapter 5 Watching Video with iTunes ................................................................................95

Selecting Video Content to Play ............................................................................96

Watching Video in iTunes .......................................................................................98

    Watching Video in the iTunes Window ...........................................................99

    Watching Video in a Separate Window .........................................................102

    Watching Video in Full Screen ........................................................................103

Chapter 6 Working with Information in Your iTunes Library......................................... 105

Understanding Information in Your iTunes Library ............................................106

Viewing and Changing Information .....................................................................107

    Viewing Information in the Content Pane .....................................................107

    Viewing Information in the Info Window .......................................................108

    Changing an Item’s Information .....................................................................112

    Changing Information for Multiple Items at the Same Time .......................112

    Changing Information in the Content Pane ..................................................114

Configuring an Item’s Options.............................................................................114

    Configuring Options in the Info Window ......................................................115

    Rating Songs in the Content Pane .................................................................117

Working with Art ....................................................................................................118

Changing the Information You See .....................................................................119

Chapter 7 Creating and Using Playlists ............................................................................. 123

Understanding Playlists .........................................................................................124

Creating and Managing Playlists .........................................................................126

    Creating a Playlist .............................................................................................126

    Adding Songs to a Playlist ..............................................................................129

    Removing Songs from a Playlist .....................................................................131

    Setting the Order in Which a Playlist’s Songs Play ......................................131

Creating and Managing Smart Playlists ..............................................................132

    Creating Smart Playlists ...................................................................................133

    Changing Smart Playlists .................................................................................136

Creating and Managing Genius Playlists ............................................................137

    Starting the Genius ..........................................................................................137

    Creating a Genius Playlist ................................................................................137

    Changing a Genius Playlist ..............................................................................139

Working with Playlists ...........................................................................................139

    Listening to Playlists .........................................................................................139

    Organizing Playlists in Folders ........................................................................140

    Adding Songs to a Playlist On the Fly ...........................................................141

    Deleting Playlists ..............................................................................................142

Chapter 8 Subscribing and Listening to Podcasts ........................................................... 145

Adding Podcasts to Your iTunes Library .............................................................146

    Subscribing to Podcasts in the iTunes Store .................................................146

    Subscribing to Podcasts Outside of the iTunes Store..................................149

Listening to Podcasts ............................................................................................151

    Browsing Your Podcasts ..................................................................................151

    Playing Podcasts ...............................................................................................152

Managing Podcasts ...............................................................................................153

    Configuring Podcast Settings .........................................................................153

    Manually Managing Your Podcasts ................................................................155

Chapter 9 Streaming Music and Video Through an AirPlay Network ......................... 159

Understanding AirPlay ..........................................................................................160

Creating an AirPlay Network ................................................................................162

    Setting Up Streaming Devices ........................................................................162

    Setting Up Receiving Devices .........................................................................162

Streaming Content on an AirPlay Network ........................................................166

    Streaming Content with iTunes ......................................................................166

    Streaming Content from an iOS Device ........................................................170

Part II iCloud

Chapter 10 Obtaining and Configuring an iCloud Account ............................................. 173

Understanding iCloud ...........................................................................................174

Obtaining an iCloud Account ..............................................................................176

Configuring iCloud on a Mac ...............................................................................177

    Signing In to an iCloud Account on a Mac ...................................................177

    Setting Up Automatic Store Downloads on a Mac ......................................179

Configuring iCloud on a Windows PC ................................................................180

    Download and Installing the iCloud Control Panel ......................................181

    Signing In to an iCloud Account on a Windows PC .....................................181

    Setting Up Automatic Store Downloads on a Windows PC ........................184

Configuring iCloud on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch .....................................185

    Signing In to an iCloud Account on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch .........186

    Setting Up Automatic iTunes Store Downloads on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch ...............................................................................................188

Chapter 11 Putting Your Photos on the Cloud with Photo Stream ............................... 191

Understanding Photo Stream ...............................................................................192

Using Photo Stream with a Mac ..........................................................................194

    Using Photo Stream with iPhoto .....................................................................194

    Using Photo Stream with Aperture .................................................................204

Using Photo Stream with a Windows PC ............................................................206

Using Photo Stream on iOS Devices ...................................................................214

Removing Photos from Your Photo Stream ........................................................214

Chapter 12 Streaming Your Music with iTunes Match ...................................................... 217

Understanding iTunes Match ...............................................................................218

Setting Up iTunes Match in iTunes on Computers ............................................219

    Adding iTunes Match to Your iCloud Account .............................................220

    Adding a Computer to iTunes Match ............................................................222

    Managing iTunes Match in iTunes .................................................................223

Setting Up iTunes Match on iPads, iPhones, or iPod touches .........................224

Listening to iTunes Match Music .........................................................................225

    Listening to Your iTunes Match Music on a Computer ................................225

    Listening to Your iTunes Match Music on an iOS Device ............................226

Part III iPads/iPhones/iPod touches

Chapter 13 Downloading Content onto iPads, iPhones, or iPod touches .................... 229

Setting iTunes and App Store Preferences ........................................................230

Using the iTunes App to Download Music .........................................................231

    Browsing for Music with the iTunes App .......................................................234

    Searching for Music with the iTunes App ......................................................237

    Previewing and Downloading Music with the iTunes App ..........................240

    Managing Purchased Music with the iTunes App ........................................243

Using the iTunes App to Download Movies and TV Shows .............................244

Using the App Store App to Download Apps ...................................................246

    Downloading Apps with the App Store App ................................................247

    Managing Apps with the App Store App ......................................................249

Downloading Content from Other Sources ........................................................251

Chapter 14 Synchronizing iTunes Content with iOS Devices .......................................... 253

Understanding the Sync Process .........................................................................254

Configuring Sync Options ....................................................................................254

    Configuring Summary Options .......................................................................256

    Configuring Music Syncing..............................................................................259

    Configuring Movie Syncing .............................................................................262

    Configuring TV Show Syncing .......................................................................264

    Configuring Podcast Syncing ..........................................................................266

    Configuring Book Syncing ...............................................................................267

    Configuring Photo Syncing .............................................................................269

Managing the Sync Process .................................................................................272

Chapter 15 Listening to Music with the Music App .......................................................... 275

Setting Music Preferences ....................................................................................276

Finding Music You Want to Listen To .................................................................278

    Using the Cover Flow Browser to Find Music (iPhone/iPod touch) ............278

    Using Playlists to Find Music ...........................................................................280

    Using Artists to Find Music .............................................................................282

    Using Other Ways to Find Music ....................................................................284

    Downloading iTunes Match Music .................................................................286

    Searching for Music ..........................................................................................288

Listening to Music .................................................................................................290

    Playing Music on an iPhone/iPod touch ........................................................290

    Playing Music on an iPad ................................................................................293

    Controlling Volume ..........................................................................................296

    Playing Music While You Do Something Else ...............................................297

    Controlling Music When a Device Is Locked ................................................298

    Using Siri to Play Music ...................................................................................299

Working with the Genius ......................................................................................300

Listening to Music with AirPlay ............................................................................302

Chapter 16 Listening to Podcasts with the Podcasts App ............................................... 305

Configuring the Podcast App’s Settings .............................................................306

Building Your Podcast Library ..............................................................................308

    Browsing for Podcasts Using Top Stations ....................................................308

    Browsing or Searching for Podcasts in the Store .........................................310

    Previewing and Subscribing to Podcasts .......................................................314

    Working with Your Podcast Library ................................................................315

Listening to Audio Podcasts .................................................................................320

    Finding Podcasts to Which You Want to Listen ............................................320

    Working with a Podcast’s Episode List ..........................................................321

    Using the Podcast App’s Now Playing Screen ..............................................323

Chapter 17 Watching Video with the Videos App ............................................................ 327

Configuring Video Settings ..................................................................................328

Selecting Video to Watch .....................................................................................328

    Selecting Video on an iPad .............................................................................329

    Selecting Video on an iPhone/iPod touch.....................................................332

Watching Video .....................................................................................................334

Using AirPlay to Stream Video onto Other Devices ..........................................338

Deleting Video .......................................................................................................340

Chapter 18 Reading Books with the iBooks App .............................................................. 343

Configuring iBooks Settings .................................................................................344

Downloading Books from the iBookstore ...........................................................346

    Browsing the iBookstore..................................................................................348

    Searching the iBookstore ................................................................................350

    Downloading Books .........................................................................................352

Working with Your iBooks Library ........................................................................355

    Choosing a Book Collection ...........................................................................355

    Browsing for Books ..........................................................................................356

    Searching for Books .........................................................................................358

    Creating Your Own Collections ......................................................................359

    Managing Your Collections .............................................................................360

    Removing Books from the Library ..................................................................360

Reading Books in iBooks ......................................................................................361

Chapter 19 Working with Photos and Video with the Camera and Photos Apps ...... 369

Setting Photo Preferences ....................................................................................370

Using the Camera App to Take Photos and Video ...........................................371

    Taking Photos ...................................................................................................372

    Taking Video .....................................................................................................378

Working with Photos Using the Photos App ......................................................379

    Viewing Photos Individually ............................................................................379

    Viewing Photos as a Slideshow.......................................................................384

    Editing Photos ..................................................................................................386

    Organizing Photos in Albums .........................................................................389

    Sharing Photos ..................................................................................................391

    Using Your Photo Stream ................................................................................393

    Deleting Photos ................................................................................................397

Working with Video Using the Photos App ........................................................398

    Watching Video ................................................................................................398

    Editing Video ....................................................................................................399

    Sharing Video ...................................................................................................400

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