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Gives students and instructors a brief introduction to the new .NET technology.
Prepares students to address these issues in their future programming.
Allows students to relate to, appreciate, and feel comfortable with the material.
Gives students access to additional examples, exercises, and programming projects.
Teaches students good programming practices that are in-step with modern programming methodology.
Reinforces what students have learned and challenges them to make original connections.
Gives students many opportunities to practice recently learned concepts.
Reinforces understanding and encourages students to explore applications.
Assuming no prior computer programming knowledge on the part of the reader, the updated edition of David Schneider's best-selling Visual Basic 6 book now includes an introduction to Visual Basic.NET. This book uses Visual Basic 6.0 to explore the fundamentals of programming in general and to explain how to use Visual Basic as a front end to take control of major applications such as Microsoft Office. A broad range of examples, case studies, exercises, and programming projects gives readers significant hands-on experience. KEY TOPICS: Introducing good programming practices that are in-step with modern programming methodology, this book uses well-chosen examples to illustrate every new concept. It includes carefully designed examples that both reinforce the text and challenge the reader to make original connections. The book also incorporates real, current, and sometimes humorous data throughout to add fun and interest to the overall presentation. The updated edition of Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic 6 includes the addition of "named constants" throughout the book, an update of all the data, and the addition of new programming projects in each chapter. MARKET: An essential reference for every programming professional.
Most chapters and with a Summary and a Programming Projects sections.
1. An Introduction to Computers and Visual Basic.
An Introduction to Computers. Using Windows. Files and Folders. An Introduction to Visual Basic. Biographical History of Computing.
Program Development Cycle. Programming Tools.
Visual Basic Controls. Visual Basic Events. Numbers. Strings. Input and Output.
Subprograms, Part I. Subprograms, Part II. Functions. Modular Design.
Relational and Logical Operators. If Blocks. Select Case Blocks. A Case Study: Weekly Payroll.
Do Loops. Processing Lists of Data With Do Loops. For...Next Loops. A Case Study: Analyze a Loan.
Creating And Accessing Arrays. Using Arrays. Control Arrays. Sorting and Searching. Two-Dimensional Arrays. A Case Study: Calculating with a Spreadsheet.
Sequential Files. Using Sequential Files. A Case Study: Recording Checks and Deposits.
User Defined Data Types. Random-Access Files.
Introduction to Graphics. Line Charts. Bar Charts. Pie Charts.
List Boxes and Combo Boxes. Nine Elementary Controls. Five Additional Objects.
An Introduction to Databases. Relational Databases and SQL. The Data Grid Control; Creating and Designing Databases.
Objects and Classes. Collections and Events. Class Relationships.
OLE. Accessing the Internet with Visual Basic. Web Page Programming with VBScript.
Fundamentals of Visual Basic .NET. Arrays, Sequential Files, and Databases.