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Procedural programming just isn't ideal for certain types of problems, and as a result object-oriented programming has become dominant in many areas of computing today. Objective-C is an example of an object-oriented language. In this "digital short" eBook, top OS X and iOS developer Robert Clair describes the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, illustrating how object-oriented concepts are implemented in Objective-C. He also lists the additions that Objective-C makes to the C language.
This eBook is an adapted excerpt from Learning Objective-C 2.0: A Hands-on Guide to Objective-C for Mac and iOS Developers, 2nd Edition (ISBN 9780321832085). The content of this digital short may differ slightly from the content in the book. Purchasers of this digital short are invited to use coupon code clairoopintro, good for 30% off the list price of the book on InformIT exclusively.
Object-Oriented Programming
Classes and Instances
What Is the Point of an Object-Oriented Language?
An Introduction to Objective-C
Defining a Class
Class Names as Types
Messaging (Invoking a Method)
Class Objects and Object Creation
Memory Management
Objective-C Additions
Message Expressions
Compiler Directives
Literal Strings
Objective-C Keywords
Framework Numeric Types