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1. PERFORMANCE-BASED OBJECTIVES provide a handy overview of the chapter organization and a map to student learning.
2. KEY TERMS LISTS in the chapter openings identify new terms and the pages where they are introduced. This helps the student to quickly locate the discussion on each term listed.
3. MARGIN DEFINITIONS are provided in every chapter at the point where each new term is introduced.
4. HIGHLIGHT BOXES are included in each chapter.
a. In the Field boxes help bridge the gap between theory and practice.
b.Staying Safe boxes provide important safety information.
c.Key Concept boxes reinforce important points in many of the chapters.
5. SUMMARY ILLUSTRATIONS provide a convenient description of circuit operating principles and applications. Many also provide comparisons between related circuits.
6. IN-CHAPTER PRACTICE PROBLEMS included in most examples provide students with an immediate opportunity to apply the principles and pro- cedures being demonstrated. The answers to these problems are provided on the last page of each chapter.
7. IN-CHAPTER PROGRESS CHECKS end each section of the text, providing students with the opportunity to gauge their learning.
8. DETAILED CHAPTER SUMMARIES break the material in each chapter down into a bulleted list to provide an additional study aid.
9. CHAPTER REVIEW questions at the end of each chapter provide the students with an opportunity to test their understanding of the material.
10. PRACTICE PROBLEMS. An extensive set of practice problems is provided at the end of most chapters. The answers to many of the practice problems are provided in Appendix D.
Introduction to Electricity is written from a time tested approach and provides exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, practical applications, and comprehensive coverage of essentials to provide students with a solid, accessible foundation.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 Basis Electrical Concepts
Chapter 3 Basic Electric Components and Meters
Chapter 4 Ohm’s Law and Power
Chapter 5 Series Circuits
Chapter 6 Parallel Circuits
Chapter 7 Series-Parallel Circuits
Chapter 8 Residential Electrical Circuits
Chapter 9 Source and Load Analysis
Chapter 10 Magnetism
Chapter 11 Inductors in DC Circuits
Chapter 12 Capacitors in DC Circuits
Chapter 13 Alternating Current (AC)
Chapter 14 Series Resistive-Inductive (RL) Circuits
Chapter 15 Parallel Resistive-Inductive (RL) Circuits
Chapter 16 Series Resistive-Capacitive (RC) Circuits
Chapter 17 Parallel Resistive-Capacitive (RC) Circuits
Chapter 18 RLC Circuits
Chapter 19 Frequency Response & Filters
Chapter 20 Three-Phase Power
Chapter 21 Introduction to Transformers
Chapter 22 Three-Phase Transformers
Chapter 23 DC Machines: Generators & Motors
Chapter 24 AC Machines: Alternators & Motors
Chapter 25 AC Power Transmission and Distribution
Chapter 26 Green Power
Chapter 27 Introduction to Copper Cabling
Chapter 28 Introduction to Fiber Optic Cabling
Appendix A Working with Units of Measure
Appendix B Working with Wire Tables
Appendix C Calculator Functions
Appendix D Glossary
Appendix E Answers To Selected Odd-Numbered Problems