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Presents students with useful building blocks to create their own Web pages, targeting novice students who want to get started building interactive Web sites.
Provides students with the latest specifications in the field.
Teaches students how to create interactive graphics and animation for the Web.
Better demonstrates XML's portability and practicality.
Teaches students how to build an interactive computer game entirely in Flash using advanced ActionScripting.
Exposes students to a WYSIWYG (X)HTML editor and additional tools that can aid in the Web application development process.
Shows students a powerful, easy-to-learn graphics package.
Gives students the ability to introduce multimedia into their presentations: Audio, Video, Speech Synthesis, and Recognition.
Allows students to build and deploy powerful Web applications and Web services with less training time and fewer lines of code than other server-side languages. Its tag-based format makes acquisition easy for students for who already know (X)HTML.
Provides students with thorough treatment of JavaScript, enabling them to easily adapt to JScript.
Enables students to more easily set up their own servers and serve Web content either locally or globally.
Enables students to be knowledgeable in the various tools available to communicate ideas and information over the Internet.
Exposes students to other topics associated with building robust applications on the Internet.
Covers for students the latest trends, business models and strategies for doing business on the Internet.
Enables students to confirm that programs run as expected. Students can also manipulate the code from the accompanying CD-ROM, the Deitel Web site ( or the book's Companion Website (
Provides students with hundreds of valuable programming tips and facilitates learning.
Allows students to apply what they've learned in each chapter.
The goal of Deitel & Associates, Inc.'s Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 3/e is to introduce readers with little or no programming experience to the exciting world of Web-based applications. This comprehensive book with accompanying CD-ROM teaches the fundamentals needed to program on the Internet. Readers will be well-prepared to build real-world, industrial-strength, Web-based applications. KEY TOPICS: In-depth coverage of introductory programming principles, various markup languages (XHTML, Dynamic HTML and XML), several scripting languages (JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, Python, PHP, ColdFusion, and FlashActionScript), Web servers (IIS and Apache), and relational databases (MySQL) provide all the skills and tools needed to create dynamic Web-based applications. This new edition contains chapters on Macromedia ColdFusion, a leading server-side scripting software package, and Macromedia Dreamweaver, a powerful WYSIWYG editor and Web application creation tool. Hundreds of LIVE-CODE examples (i.e., complete, working programs) of real applications throughout the book and on the accompanying CD allow readers to run the applications and see and hear the outputs. Readers learn to incorporate multimedia into Web pages and Web-based applications to enhance their presentations. Chapters on e-Business and Accessibility for people with disabilities expose readers to a wide range of other topics. MARKET: For Internet and Web-based computer programmers, and others in organizations and businesses who need to develop their own Websites and pages.
Text Contents.
1. Introduction to Computers and the Internet.
2. Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.
3. Adobe® PhotoShop Elements: Creating Web Graphics.
4. Introduction to XHTML: Part 1.
5. Introduction to XHTML: Part 2.
6. Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS).
7. JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting.
8. JavaScript: Control Statements I.
9. JavaScript: Control Statements II.
10. JavaScript: Functions.
11. JavaScript: Arrays.
12. JavaScript: Objects.
13. Dynamic HTML: Object Model and Collections.
14. Dynamic HTML: Event Model.
15. Dynamic HTML: Filters and Transitions.
16. Dynamic HTML: Data Binding with Tabular Data Control.
17. Macromedia Flash™ MX 2004: Building Interactive Animations.
18. Macromedia Flash™ MX 2004: Building an Interactive Game.
19. Macromedia® Dreamweaver® MX 2004.
20. Extensible Markup Language (XML).
21. Web Servers (IIS and Apache).
22. Database: SQL, MySQL, DBI and ADO.NET.
23. ASP.NET.
24. Case Study: ASP.NET and XML.
25. Perl and CGI (Common Gateway Interface).
26. PHP.
27. Macromedia® ColdFusion® MX.
28. Multimedia: Audio, Video, Speech Synthesis and Recognition.
29. Accessibility.
Appendix A: XHTML Special Characters.
Appendix B: XHTML Colors.
Appendix C: JavaScript Operator Precedence Chart.
Appendix D: ASCII Character Set.
Appendix E: Number Systems.
Appendix F: Unicode®.
CD-ROM Bonus Material.
30. Dynamic HTML: Structured Graphics ActiveX Control.
31. Dynamic HTML: Path, Sequencer and Sprite ActiveX Controls.
32. VBScript.
33. Active Server Pages (pre-.NET).
34. Case Study: Active Server Pages (pre-.NET) and XML.
35. Python.
36. Servlets: Bonus for Java Developers.
37. JavaServer™ Pages (JSP): Bonus for Java Developers.
38. e-Business and e-Commerce.
Appendix G: Career Opportunities.