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Informix Handbook, The

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Informix Handbook, The


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  • Copyright 2000
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-012247-5
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-012247-6

From the Foreword "I think that this is the one book that you should have on your shelf to help you excel in your Informix work, and I highly recommend it."
Dr. Michael Stonebraker
Vice President and Informix CTO

The all-in-one reference for Informix administrators, developers, and DBAs.

The Informix Handbook is the most comprehensive Informix desktop reference ever published. No matter what platform or version of Informix you use, here are the complete, results-focused answers you'd have to search through piles of documentation for—if you could find them at all! Whether you're a developer, DBA, manager, Web professional, or end user, this is the one Informix resource that delivers it all:

  • Core concepts, history, and background
  • Easy-to-use functional sections cover NT, UNIX, & Linux—and versions 5.x through Informix Internet Foundation.2000
  • Server administration, configuration, backup, recovery, and "under the hood" insights into Informix products
  • In-depth coverage of application development, SQL, 4GL, Dynamic 4GL, and performance tuning
  • Object-relational databases and data warehouses
  • Web/E-commerce solutions with Informix Internet Foundation.2000, i.Sell, and Informix Dynamic Server.2000
Book-CD-Web Package

Six functional areas make it easy to find exactly what you need, when you need it!

  • Core Concepts and History of Informix
  • Performance Tuning
  • Informix SQL
  • Application Development
  • Server Administration
  • Object-Relational Databases and the Web

This exclusive Web site is integrated with the book and provides up-to-the-minute coverage that's never out of date.

  • Updated technical information for each chapter
  • Web links that supplement the book's material
  • An E-newsletter providing Informix news and book updates

Awesome CD-ROM contains the most Informix resources ever assembled in one place!

  • Fully functional versions of Informix Dynamic Server for NT and Linux-free and unrestricted for non-commercial use
  • An extensive library of ready-to-run Informix shell scripts, programs, and SQL code
  • Informix manuals for server administration and SQL
  • A complete Informix SmartForce training module

Sample Content

Downloadable Sample Chapter

Click here for a sample chapter for this book: 0130122475.pdf

Table of Contents


1. Informix: Past, Present, and Future.
2. History of Informix: Live from Silicon Valley.
3. Building Your First Stores Database.
4. Understanding Informix Architecture.
5. Unique Features of INFORMIX-SQL.
6. Getting at Your Data: Interfaces.
7. Informix and Data Warehousing.


8. Creating Databases and Tables.
9. The Select Statement.
10. Inserts, Updates, and Deletes.
11. Creating and Optimizing Indexes.
12. Handling Transactions and Locking.
13. Stored Procedures and Triggers.
14. Database Privileges.
15. Other SQL Commands.
16. Informix Dynamic Server 7.30 Feature Enhancements.


17. Setting Up Test and Production Informix Environments.
18. Installing Informix Products.
19. Setting Up INFORMIX-SE.
20. Networking Informix Database Servers.
21. Setting Up UNIX Database Servers.
22. Setting Up Online Server 5.x.
23. Configuring Informix on Linux.
24. Using Informix on NT and Windows 2000.
25. Working with the Operating System.
26. Administration Utilities (the on* Commands).
27. Backup Strategies.
28. Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your Servers.
29. Administering Data Warehouses, Data Mines, and Other Large Databases.
30. Ongoing Needs of the Data Warehouse.


31. Application Tuning.
32. SMI and the sysmaster Database.
33. System Tuning.
34. Configuring Client Connections.


35. Application Development Strategies.
37. Understanding Dynamic 4GL (D4GL).
38. Ace Reports and Forms.
39. Using Shell Scripts and SQL.
40. Reporting Tools for Informix (Focus on Seagate Info).


41. Web Application Overview.
42. Building Web/Database Applications.
43. Architectural Overview of IDS.2000 and IIF.2000.
44. Using IDS.2000 and Informix Internet Foundation.2000 (IIF.2000).
45. Creating and Using DataBlades.
Appendix A: Schema of the stores Database.
Appendix B: Informix Utilities.
Appendix C: Using Informix Online Resources: IDN, Answers Online, Informix byExample, and TechInfo Center.
Appendix D: Finding Information about Informix.
Appendix E: The International Informix User Group and Your Local Group.
Appendix F: Quick Up-and-Running Guide.
Appendix G: Sample Administration Files.
Appendix H: Quick SQL Syntax and Sample SQL Commands.
Appendix I: Command-Line Utilities: Quick Syntax Guide.


Introduction: How to Use This Book

What Makes This Book Unique

This book is intended to be a comprehensive reference to Informix products. It provides a substantial amount of detail as well as reference information. You can find much of this information in the many Informix manuals, but this book organizes it into one place and helps you find additional information. In addition, the book works in conjunction with its CD and Web site (www.informixhandbook.com) to provide a complete and long-term, ongoing reference.

We want this to be one reference that can be on the shelf of any Informix developer or administrator. The information is organized into various functional groups, simplifying the process of finding what you need. My vision in designing this book is this:

Create one reference that will help every level of Informix database administrator, application developer, system administrator, and end user. Organize the information in an easy-to-find fashion for all major Informix product lines. In conjunction with the book, its CD, and Web site, provide appropriate examples and detail, directing the readers to additional places to look for information. Supply a reasonable amount of "behind-the-scenes" information but focus on functionality. Use authors that specialize in particular Informix products and are well known in the Informix world. Make this the book to choose if you would like one reference on Informix.

That's a pretty tall order, isn't it? This book does not claim to be "everything to everybody" but it can help you on many different levels. If it can't provide a specific answer, it will tell you where to find the answer. One of the major values with this book is that its Web site (www.informixhandbook.com) provides updated reference material for each chapter as well as numerous links that help you find more information. Many comprehensive Informix references in the world just don't exist--at least not one-volume references--and I'm one Informix devotee who wants to fill that gap.

The book also spans different versions of Informix. We provide plenty of information to get you up and running with older versions of the product, including INFORMIX-SE and OnLine Server (version 5.x). We offer more of a focus on the family of Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) products, including IDS versions 7.x, IDS.2000, Informix Internet Foundation.2000, and the data warehouse products.

You may already know the names of many of the authors of this book. They were chosen from the local and international user groups as well as Internet newsgroups, ensuring that you will learn from some of the most knowledgeable Informix experts in the world. When choosing authors, I considered critical the fact that they had a special focus in the areas about which they wrote. In addition, all authors worked within the design and vision of this book, helping provide a consistent look and feel. To ensure overall consistency, I read and edited all of the chapters after they were submitted.

We make this book more enjoyable by sprinkling it with amusing stories from Informix employees and others in the industry. These stories help add spice and make your learning experience much more enjoyable.

All the way from this introduction to the CD-ROM to the Web site, we are crafting this book to meet the needs of Informix users worldwide. Please learn how to use it and have fun with it!

The Web Site: An Ongoing Reference

This book was designed by technologists who believe in using the best tools for the job (I guess that's why we choose Informix products!). One of the major values that I think you can find with this book is that it has a very useful Web site. The site is designed to enhance and supplement the book on an ongoing basis. Using it in conjunction with this book, you will always be "current" on what is going on with Informix and the particular products. The site is found at www.informixhandbook.com and includes the following:

  • Many informational Web site links about Informix and its products
  • Enhanced and current information for each chapter—for example, if a product has changed or enhanced, we discuss it
  • Further Web site links for each chapter
  • Errata (error corrections, if any!) for each chapter
  • Ability to use our monthly e-newsletter, which provides news and information about Informix and the book
  • The latest Informix announcements and product information

When the next edition of the book is released, most of the updates for each chapter will be included in the book.

I truly intend the site to make this book a long-term, complete reference for your Informix needs. Please be sure to view the site and learn how to use it. If you want monthly news and updates about Informix, be sure to subscribe to our e-newsletter. As you read through each chapter, be sure to check the Web site for any new or updated information. I think that the site will prove to be a great value you are receiving by purchasing this book.

Our Target Readers

This book is designed to be an excellent tool for all levels of Informix users, including:

  • Application developers
  • Database administrators
  • Informix server administrators
  • End users

The information is designed and organized in such a way that it should be easily accessible by all of these groups. As you'll soon see, the book is divided into six major functional sections, placing related information together. In addition, each chapter has numerous cross-references that help you know where to find more information. The book can help all types of users because it provides many levels of instructional information, detailed reference and review materials, and links for where to get more information. The remainder of this introduction explains how to use the book to its fullest capacity.

What You Can Gain from This Book

This book helps you understand current and future products and technologies related to Informix. We describe "how Informix works" and how to use Informix servers and their application development tools. We help you with database administration, server setup, and operating system interaction. We also discuss new technologies like Web/database applications and Informix Internet Foundation.2000 and how they fit into the future of Informix.

As previously described, one of the main values of this book is its Web site. The site turns the book into an ongoing reference--it provides updated information on each chapter, errata (correction of errors in the book), and numerous Web site links that are grouped by functional category.

The book provides references and working examples of the main functional areas of Informix. Our intent is to let you use the book in many different ways, each helping you find information for the Informix product lines. The extensive cross-referencing helps train you where to look for more complete answers.

By consulting with many others in the Informix world, we believe that the organization of the book provides a long-desired "one-stop shopping" reference for Informix. This is accomplished by:

  • Organizing the sections into major functional areas
  • Creating a Web site that provides ongoing information about Informix and its products
  • Selecting writers that are well known in the Informix world
  • Providing examples that apply to major areas of Informix usage, spanning different products and servers
  • Supplying excellent cross-references to finding more detailed information by using other reading materials and the World Wide Web
  • Using the CD-ROM to efficiently allow searching and referencing information

The design of this book follows these principles and should allow you to know exactly how to find the information you need, be it from this book or another reference.

How to Use This Book, the CD, and the Web Site

This book provides a unique way to get the information you need about Informix. From its beginnings, the book itself was structured to help you understand the core information about various aspects of Informix. But as the book progressed, so did the Web and other technologies. At that point, I decided to create an even better way to get the information to you. Here's how it works:

  1. This book usually serves as your starting point. You can try to find the exact information that you need in the appropriate chapter. If you can't, each chapter has references that direct you to more information elsewhere in the book, Informix manuals, the Web, or other books. If convenient, you can check the other books or manuals, or continue with the rest of this list.
  2. Check the book's Web site for the specific chapter. You might find updated information about the material or Web site links to direct you to more information. In addition, you can use the site's search feature to try to find an answer. After that, you can use the site's "Information about Informix" links. Finally, the site offers an e-newsletter that will keep you updated on news about Informix and the book.
  3. Check the book's CD-ROM for additional answers. You can use the well-organized information in the CD to find documentation or tools that you'll need. Also, be sure to watch the Web site for CD-ROM upgrades and search capabilities for the CD.

All in all, the book, its CD, and Web site should help you find the answers you need. The following sections provide detail about each of these items.

How This Book Is Organized

Let's take a look at the organization of this book. The book is broken into six major functional sections. You will be able to easily determine where to look for answers. Within each of the six sections, chapters provide more detail. Here is a summary of the sections:

I. Core Concepts of Informix

This section describes the Informix Corporation, its products, and the future plans of Informix. We begin by giving a history of the Informix Corporation and how it evolved into what it is today. We describe the different types of Informix databases and tools and how they fit into your needs. Chapter 3 helps you get started; it teaches you how to use Informix's sample stores database and its utilities. Chapter 4 provides an extremely detailed view of what's behind the architecture of Informix, now and into the future. Chapter 5 describes the Informix version of SQL and how to use it. Finally, the last two chapters in this section show you how to access data in Informix databases and describe Informix's data warehousing direction.

II. Informix SQL

In this section, we provide detail about how to use Informix's version of SQL. We describe and show you how to create databases, tables, and indexes. We give detailed examples and tips about how to use the Informix SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Stored procedures and triggers are discussed, as well as other miscellaneous Informix commands. Finally, Chapter 16 explains some of the additions to Informix in version 7.30. All in all, this section gets you "online" with Informix and allows you to access data.

III. Server Administration

This section explains how to administer Informix database servers. The section is split into two sub-sections: Setting Up Informix and Ongoing Administration. We describe everything from simple INFORMIX-SE installations to detailed Informix Dynamic Server administration. We provide detail about how to set up and debug various servers on UNIX, NT, and Windows 2000, and describe how to work with the operating system. We help you set up your configuration parameters (the onconfig file, for example) and troubleshoot problems. We provide a comprehensive functional reference of the command-line utilities, such as onstat (complete syntax for this command is given in the appendix). Finally, we help you learn how to keep your servers up and running and how to back them up. As always, we tell you where to find more detailed information.

IV. Performance Tuning

The Performance Tuning section describes performance tuning both for application developers and Informix administrators. We explain how to use the tools that Informix provides, how to interpret the output, and how to make changes. For application developers, we offer a summary of fundamental design and tuning issues, and information about how to work with Informix tuning methodologies such as SET EXPLAIN and UPDATE STATISTICS. We give a detailed description of how to use the newer tuning tools, including SMI and the sysmaster database. For administrators, detailed sections explain how to work with a number of tools and methodologies and how to continue to monitor performance.

V. Application Development

This section explores the application development tools and methodologies available for Informix products. We explain how to make your databases work on a network by using Informix connectivity tools. We describe overall strategies for application development and how to plan for the future. Detailed sections are available about specific Informix tools like 4GL, Dynamic 4GL, Ace Reports, Perform Screens, and reporting tools.

VI. Web Applications and Object Relational Databases

This section focuses mostly on Web applications and how object relational database management systems (ORDBMSs) might fit into your future. Simply put, no one can deny that objects and the Web will enable database systems well into the 21st century. This section goes into detail about what these methodologies mean, how they are used, and how they might be used with Informix products. The first two chapters provide an overview of current Web technologies and how to use them in a database-enabled Web application. After that, we describe how to use Informix Internet Foundation.2000, its DataBlades, and other tools. Again, we help point you to the right resources so that you can remain on top of object technologies and how they fit into your future.

VII. Appendices

The appendices provides copies of many useful reference materials, Web site addresses, tools, and other information. The appendices alone will serve as an excellent desktop reference for just about any Informix user! We include Informix utilities (which are also on the CD-ROM) and describe how they work. We show you how to maximize the Informix resources like Informix Developer's Network, user groups, newsgroups, and the Web. The appendices also provides a comprehensive glossary of Informix-related terms and a more complete reference on INFORMIX-SQL and command-line utilities. Don't miss Appendix F, "Quick Up-and-Running Guide," which provides a quick reference of how to install and configure Informix products from the box to being online. After that, a list of sample queries and command line utilities help you see how to implement various Informix commands. Finally, the extremely detailed Glossary explains a large number of Informix-related terms and concepts.

As you can see, we have very carefully split the sections of this book so that information is easy to find. We fully intend to provide an excellent reference for your Informix needs and make it very easy to use, now and long into the future. Now, let's find out about Informix and why we're doing this in the first place.

Structure of Each Chapter

The chapters are formatted to make finding information easy. Here is a summary of the items in each chapter:

  • Summary of the information in the chapter. At the beginning of each chapter is a brief overview followed by a list of the major topics that are included in the chapter.
  • List of topics, split functionally into subcategories. Within each chapter are several small sections, each explaining a certain category of information. Within each of these sections are sub-sections, providing details. By looking at the table of contents, you should be able to quickly find what you need.
  • Notes, tips, warnings, Web links, and other chapters, code listings, and diagrams. The chapters are rich with specific items of interest (notes, tips, warnings) and references to other chapters, books, and Web sites. In addition, many graphical figures and code samples are provided to help enhance your understanding.
  • References to other chapters. At the end of each chapter is a section called "For More Information." This points you to other chapters in the book that relate to the current chapter.
  • Informix and Other References. Following the "For More Information" section, this tells you which Informix manuals and other books can further help you.

I'm confident that you'll find the structure of these chapters very easy to use. You may want to take a quick look through some of the chapters or the table of contents to better understand this structure.

Contents of the Web Site

The Web site is one of the core parts of this book's solution. Because it is so important, I described it in the previous section, "The Web Site: An Ongoing Reference." To summarize, the site will be constantly updated, providing additional information about each chapter, as well as current and useful Web site links. The idea is to use the book in conjunction with the site to provide a complete solution. The site can be found at www.informixhandbook.com.

Contents of the CD

The CD includes a Web browser-driven interface that allows you to easily locate information by using your Web browser. Simply insert the CD and open the index.html file in the root directory. The CD includes a plethora of utilities and SQL files, allowing you to copy commands and utilities that you can use. In addition, the CD includes the following:

  • Informix Guide to SQL Syntax
  • The Administrator's Guide for Informix Dynamic Server (official Informix version for 7.3)
  • A copy of Informix Dynamic Server for Linux and NT
  • All of the book's SQL statements, scripts, and programs (i.e., all that were included as Listings)
  • A computer-based training (SmartForce) course entitled "Managing the Instance"
  • Several whitepapers
  • Easy-to-use links to the book's Web site—if you are online when using the CD, you can use various links that send you directly to the proper portion of the Web site
  • Hundreds of utilities for administering or programming for Informix products. Products are written in shell scripts, SQL, 4GL, and C.
  • A trial copy of Server Studio from AGS (www.agsltd.com), a comprehensive GUI-based tool for Informix databases

In addition, on the Web site we will offer enhanced search functionality and a possible upgrade for the CD.

As you can see, the CD, Web site, and the book work together to give you the information you need about Informix.

Considering the Future

One of the goals of this book is to help you consider the future of technology—and Informix—in your design and development of applications. We, the authors of this book, made a special effort to consider how database technology and application development will be evolving. And you should, too. What works now might not integrate or make use of upcoming technologies. This book and its Web site provide you with details about how technology is changing and how to take keep up with its evolution. Again, we provide many cross-references so that you're sure that you have the latest information.

We have dedicated an entire section to Web technologies and object-relational databases. Section VI, "Web Applications and Object Relational Databases," describes object technology and how to use Web applications and Informix Internet Foundation.2000 as well as DataBlades.

The Web is going to be a big part of the future of database and application development. Chapter 41, "Web Application Overview," explains the concepts behind Web computing, and Chapter 42, "Building Web/Database Applications," explains how to use Java and other tools to create an Informix-enabled Web application.

Again, using the book along with its Web site should help you keep current about the best ways to create Informix applications.

For More Information...

This introduction provided an explanation of the goals and layout of this book. Please skim through the book so that you can really understand how and why we organized it the way we did. We're hoping that you find this book extremely easy to use, providing detail, reference, and even some amusement. Don't forget to use the Web site or the CD-ROM and its HTML-driven menu. Here are some other good places to start:

  • To find many different tools and references, see this book's CD.
  • For complete and up-to-date information on the material in the chapters and current Informix information, see the book's Web site at www.informixhandbook.com.
  • For more history of Informix, see Chapter 1, "Now and the Future," and Chapter 2, "History of Informix: Live from Silicon Valley."
  • For an explanation of Informix database servers and products, see Chapter 1, "Now and the Future."
  • To find out how to start using Informix now, see Chapter 3, "Creating and Using the stores Database."
  • For an explanation of Informix architecture, see Chapter 4, "Understanding Informix Architecture."
  • For a complete reference and examples of Informix SQL, see Section II, "Using Informix SQL."
  • For complete details about administration, see Section III, "Server Administration."
  • To find out how to tune your Informix servers and programs, see Section IV, "Performance Tuning."
  • To obtain a better understanding of how to develop applications in Informix, see Section V, "Application Development."
  • For many references about the Web and object relational technology, see Section VI, "Web Applications and Object Relational Databases."
  • For large amounts of reference material, see the book's appendices. Don't miss Appendix F, "Quick Up-and-Running Guide," or the intensive Glossary.


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