- Copyright 2007
- Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/4"
- Pages: 320
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN-10: 0-321-33486-8
- ISBN-13: 978-0-321-33486-2
IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® gives organizations unprecedented control over software development, helping them fix defects, make enhancements, manage issues, update documentation, and deliver better products, faster. Now there's an easy-to-use ClearQuest deployment guide for every team member--in development, product management, field operations, support, and beyond.
Implementing IBM Rational ClearQuest brings together all you need to integrate ClearQuest into an overarching change-management system that works. Drawing on decades of experience, the authors present a detailed, easyto-use roadmap for each step of ClearQuest deployment, from evaluating business cases through planning, design, and implementation. You will find the industry's clearest, most useful explanations of ClearQuest technology here, along with real-world examples, best practices, diagrams, and actionable steps. This book will help you
- Thoroughly understand the strategic and tactical challenges of change management
- Implement ClearQuest effectively, whether you're in a small team or a global enterprise
- Model your existing system: actors, use cases, activity diagrams, workflow, and reporting
- Define classes, states, transitions, deployment diagrams, and system-level design
- Install, configure, and use the Eclipse™ ClearQuest plugin
- Use multisite synchronization, mastership, and conflict resolution
- Efficiently handle testing, migration, administration, backup, and training
Regardless of your role or previous experience, this book will help you shape and execute your ClearQuest rollout to drive maximum business value--now, and for years to come.
Online Sample Chapter
Introduction to Implementing IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®: An End-to-End Deployment Guide
Downloadable Sample Chapter
Download the Sample Chapter from this book.
Table of Contents
Preface xv
Why This Book? xv
The Goal of This Book xvi
Our Writing Style xviii
Who Should Read This Book xix
The Structure of This Book xix
About the Authors xxii
Chapter 1: Building and Maintaining the Feedback Loop with Customers 1Eye Protection Recommended 3
It's the Tools, Stupid 4
ClearQuest Roadmap 8
Chapter 2: The Value Proposition 11Understanding the Components 13
Defining Your Value Proposition 15
Getting Team Buy-In 19
Understanding Target User Scenarios 22
The Value of Improving Quality 25
developerWorks Links 27
Chapter 3: Selling Your Team on Change Management 29Understanding Change Requests 31
Tracking Change Requests 31
Is It the Process or the Tools? 32
How and What to Plug and Play 40
Making Your Business Case 43
developerWorks Links 44
Chapter 4: Moving Parts 45ClearQuest Fundamentals 47
Change Request Lifecycle 48
ClearQuest Components 50
Installation 52
Moving Around in ClearQuest 52
Administering and Customizing ClearQuest 58
Coming Up for Air 62
developerWorks Links 62
Chapter 5: Analyzing Your Company's Needs 63Actors 64
Use Cases 67
Activity Diagrams 70
Reports 73
developerWorks Links 74
Chapter 6: Designing Your System 75Classes 76
Statechart Diagrams 79
User Interface Design 82
developerWorks Links 84
Chapter 7: Implementation: Schema and Database Design 85Picking a Schema 86
Using ClearQuest Designer 88
Working with Users and Roles 89
Working with Existing Schemas 93
Creating New Schemas and Databases 94
Setting Up Database Options 98
Scripts (Basic or Perl) 105
developerWorks Links 106
Chapter 8: Implementation: Customizing the Schema and Creating Hooks 109Record Types 109
Record Type Families 110
Fields 110
Adding a Reference to Another Object as a Choice List 113
States 118
Forms 123
Hook Scripting 134
One Last Thing 134
developerWorks Links 137
Chapter 9: ClearQuest for Eclipse 139Installing and Configuring the ClearQuest Plug-in 141
ClearQuest Eclipse Plug-in Preferences 148
Using the Plug-in 149
Records 171
developerWorks Links 181
Chapter 10: ClearQuest Integrations 183Independent Integrations 184
Dependent Integrations 185
ClearQuest Packages 188
UCM Integration 198
Developing Your Own Integration 213
developerWorks Links 216
Chapter 11: Deployment and Administration 219Knowing Your Databases 219
Web Client or No Web Client? 227
Training 232
Legacy Systems and Data Migration 234
developerWorks Links 238
Chapter 12: Multisite Development 239ClearQuest MultiSite Concepts 240
ClearQuest MultiSite Design 249
ClearQuest MultiSite and Tool Integration 259
ClearQuest MultiSite Implementation 261
Syncups 264
Oplogs and Epoch Numbers 265
Managing a Replica Syncup 268
Keeping a Multisite Deployment Organized 273
developerWorks Links 274
Epilogue 277The Change Agent 278
Shameless Plug 279
Additional Resources 280
Index 283
Download the Index file from this book.