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HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration

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HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration


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  • Copyright 2000
  • Edition: 1st
  • Book
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-018374-1
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-018374-3

The all-in-one authorized reference for HP certified, HP-UX system administration certification!

If you are preparing for HP Certified, HP-UX System Administration certification, here's your all-in-one, authorized reference and preparation guide! The only preparation book approved by HP Education, HP Certified, HP-UX System Administration covers every exam objective in HP's three-part HP-UX System Administration exam (3HO-002). Best of all, this comprehensive book won't just help you prepare for the exam: it'll help you manage your systems for maximum efficiency today, tomorrow, and for years to come! Coverage includes all this, and more:

  • UNIX and HP-UX fundamentals: installation, startup, logins, shells, processes, file systems, and more
  • Managing users, groups, and accounts
  • Security, auditing, performance management, and optimization
  • HP-UX networking: configuring LAN devices, IP addresses, NFS, DNS, NIS, and more
  • Printing, backup, storage management, kernel patches, peripherals, and more
  • Essential shell programming and job automation techniques

HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration contains detailed lists of exam objectives, summaries of key points and challenging review questions after every chapter, plus a complete sample exam. If you run HP-UX, this book is all you need to get certified. Even better, it's all you need to get results.



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Sample Content

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Table of Contents


1. Getting Started with UNIX.

UNIX Shells. Logging In and Out of HP-UX. The Superuser. Logging In. Shell Prompts. Logging Out. Home Directory. Using HP-UX Commands. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Commands. Changing Your Password. Shell History and Repeating Commands. Command Aliases. Shell Startup Files. System Startup File. User Startup File. Some Simple HP-UX Commands. Where Am I? What Is the Current Date and Time? Who Are Others and Who Am I? What Is the Name of My System? Printing Banners. The Calendar. Getting Help with Manual Pages. Executing Multiple Commands on One Line. Options and Arguments. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

2. Working with Files and Directories.

Basic Operations on Files. Creating a File. Listing Files. Deleting Files. Displaying Contents of a Text File. File Naming Rules. General Guidelines for File Names. Hidden Files. Working with Directories. Creating Directories. Deleting Directories. Understanding Directory Structure. Moving Around in a Directory Tree. Copying and Moving Files. Copying Files. Moving and Renaming Files. Wildcards. Use of *. Use of ? Use of [ ] Wildcard. File Types. A Text File. A Directory. An Executable File. A Shared Library. A Shell Script. Searching File Contents. Searching a Word. Searching Multiple Words. Searching a String in Multiple Files. Finding Files. Miscellaneous File Handling Commands. The Head and the Tail. Counting Characters, Words, and Lines in a Text File. Link Files. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

3. Environment Variables.

Environment and Shell Variables. Setting and Displaying Variables. Listing All Variables. Variable Containing More Than One Word. Modifying a Variable. Single- and Double-Quote Characters. Removing a Variable. Assigning Output of a Command to a Variable. Predefined Environment Variables. Exporting Shell Variables. Setting the Command Prompt. Adding Useful Information to the Prompt. The PATH Variable. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

4. Input/Output Redirection and Pipes.

Redirecting Standard Output. Joining Two or More Files. Appending to a File. Redirecting Standard Output to Devices. Redirecting Standard Input. Redirecting Standard Error. Redirecting Standard Input, Output, and Standard Error Simultaneously. Pipes and How They Are Used. Use of Pipes as Filters. Use of Pipes for Data Manipulation. The T-Junction. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

5. Using the vi Editor.

Modes Used in vi. Starting and Stopping vi. Cursor Movement. Inserting and Deleting Text. Replacing Text. Undo and Redo. Scrolling Text. Search and Replace. Cut, Copy, and Paste. Importing and Exporting Text. Importing a Disk File into Editor. Exporting Text from the Current File. Configuring vi Options. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

6. Regular Expressions.

How a Command Is Executed. Position Specifiers. Use of $. Use of ^. Getting Rid of Blank Lines. Escaping Position Specifiers. Meta Characters. Use of the Asterisk * Character. Use of the Dot (.) Character. Use of Range Characters [·]. Use of the Word Delimiters \< and \>. Standard and Extended Regular Expressions. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

7. File Permissions.

Who Are UNIX Users. Types of File Permissions. Importance of Read Permission. Left-to-Right Rule of File Permissions. Directory Permissions. Modifying File Permissions. Modifying File Permissions Using Symbolic Modes. Changing File Permissions Using Octal Numbers. Default File Permissions. Changing the Owner and Group of a File. Special File Permissions. SETUID and SETGID. Sticky Bit. Finding Files Having a Particular Set of File Permissions. Access Control Lists. Listing ACL. Changing ACL. Miscellaneous Commands. The newgrp Command. The su Command. The id Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

8. UNIX File System Hierarchy.

Static and Dynamic Files. The Root Directory ( / ). The Device Directory (/dev). The /etc Directory. The Home Directory (/home). The System Binary Directory (/sbin). The /stand Directory. The /net Directory. The Application Directory (/opt). The Temporary File Directory (/tmp). The /usr Directory. /usr/bin. /usr/contrib. /usr/include. /usr/lib. /usr/sbin. /usr/share/man. The Variable Files Directory (/var). Log Files. Spool Files (/var/spool). Temporary var files (/var/tmp). The lost+found Directory. Some Useful Commands Related to File System Hierarchy. The which Command. The whereis Command. More on man Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

9. Working with the POSIX Shell and Job Control.

POSIX Shell Capabilities. Shell and Subshell. Controlling Resources (ulimit). File Name Completion. History and Reentering Commands. Command Line Editing. Substitution. Variable Substitution. Command Substitution. Tilde Substitution. Setting Terminal Parameters. Job Control. Foreground and Background Jobs. Suspending a Foreground Job. Resuming Suspended Jobs and Bringing Background Jobs to the Foreground. Moving Jobs to the Background. Stopping a Running Job. Waiting for Background Jobs to Finish. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

10. Introduction to Shell Programming.

Anatomy of a Shell Program. Which Subshell Will Execute It? Comments in a Shell Program. Commands and Control Structures. Steps for Creating a Shell Program. Debugging Shell Programs. Using Variables. Passing Data Through Environment Variables. Command Line Arguments. Using Command Line Arguments, or Positional Parameters. The shift Command. Interactive Shell Programs. The read Command. The echo Command. Exit Codes. The test Command. Testing Numeric Values. Testing String Values. Testing Files. Testing with Logical Operators. Branching. The if-then-fi Structure. The if-then-else-fi Structure. The case Structure. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

11. Advanced Shell Programming.

Arithmetic and Logic Operations. Explicit Mode let Command. Implicit Mode let Command. The while-do-done Loop. The until-do-done Loop. The for-do-done Loop. Breaking a Loop. The break Command. The continue Command. The exit Command. Text Processing. Using sed. Using cut. The sleep Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.


12. The System Administration Manager.

Why Use SAM? Starting and Stopping SAM. Starting and Stopping SAM in Text Mode. Starting and Stopping SAM in GUI. A Sample SAM Session. Creating a New User. SAM Log Files. Restricted Use of SAM by Non-Root Users. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

13. Installing HP-UX.

Introduction to HP Workstations and Servers. Installing HP-UX. Guided Installation. Advanced Installation. Initial System Configuration. Postinstallation Tasks. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

14. System Startup and Shutdown.

Introduction to the Boot Process. Processor Dependent Code. PDC Menus. Searching Boot Devices. Booting from an Alternate Disk. Stable Storage. Booting in Single-User Mode. Boot Area on the System Disk. Commands Related to the LIF Area. Initial System Loader. Secondary Loader. Loading the HP-UX Kernel. Swapper Process. /sbin/pre_init_rc File. The init Process. /etc/inittab File. Initialization of I/O Devices with ioinit. The /sbin/bcheckrc Script. The /sbin/rc Script. Sample /etc/inittab. Runlevels. Changing Runlevel. Determine Current Runlevel. Adding a Program to Run at Boot Time. Sequencer Directories. Configuration Files. System Shutdown. Shutdown and Reboot Commands. The shutdown.allow File. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

15. Software and Patch Management.

Software Packaging Structure. Filesets. Subproducts. Products. Bundles. Software Depots. Listing Installed Software. Installing New Software. Phases of Software Installation. Install/Update Log File. Installing Protected Software Using Codewords. SD-UX Daemon and Agent. Installed Product Database. Removing Software. Finding and Removing Unused Filesets. Verifying Installed Software. Managing Software Depots. Adding Packages to a Depot. Removing Packages from a Depot. Listing Packages in a Depot. HP-UX Patches. Patch Sources. Types of Patches. Listing Installed Patches. Installing and Removing Patches. Obtaining Patches. Creating a Patch Depot. Installing Patches. Removing Patches. SD-UX Commands. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

16. Reconfiguring the HP-UX Kernel.

Why Reconfigure the Kernel? Adding or Removing Device Drivers. Adding or Removing a Subsystem. Changing Swap or Dump Devices. Modifying System Parameters. The Reconfiguration Process. Preparing a New System Configuration File. Compiling the Kernel. Installing New Kernel and Configuration Files. Rebooting the System. Kernel Rebuilding in a Nutshell. Booting from the Old Kernel. Common Kernel Tunable Parameters. Using SAM to Reconfigure the Kernel. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

17. Peripheral Devices.

Devices and Physical Paths. Common Types of Device Adapters. Hardware Paths. Device Files. Devices Directory Hierarchy. Major and Minor Numbers. Character Devices. Block Devices. SCSI Device File Naming Convention. Disk Naming. Tape Devices. Listing Installed Devices. Using the ll Command. Using the ioscan Command. Using the lssf Command. Usable Devices. Creating Device Files. Autoconfiguration. Using the insf Command. Using the mksf Command. Using the mknod Command. Using SAM. Installing a New Device. Terminals and Modems. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

18. HP-UX File Systems and Logical Volume Manager.

Disk Devices and Their Configuration. Introduction to Logical Volume Manager. The Whole-Disk Approach. The Logical Volume Manager Approach. Listing and Creating Logical Volumes. Listing Physical Volumes. Listing Volume Groups. Listing Logical Volumes. Creating Physical Volumes. Creating Volume Groups. Creating Logical Volumes. LVM Data Structure. Introduction to File Systems. File System Types. More on Hard and Soft Links. The High-Performance File System. HFS Blocks. HFS Fragments. The Jounaled File System. Creating a New File System. File System Creation Process. Creating a File System with the newfs Command. Mounting and Unmounting a File System. Automatic Mounting at Startup. Sample /etc/fstab File. Managing a File System. Monitoring Disk Usage. Extending Volume Groups. Extending Logical Volumes. Extending File Systems. Using SAM for LVM Administration. File System Repair. Repairing a File System Using the fsck Command. Important LVM Commands. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

19. User and Group Management.

Managing Users. Creating Users. Deleting Users. Modifying a User. User Inactivity and Expiration. Managing Groups. Standard Groups. Creating, Deleting and Modifying Groups. Multiple Group Membership. The Password File (/etc/passwd). The Group File (/etc/group). Restricted User Access. Verifying Consistency of Password and Group Files. The Skeleton Directory (/etc/skel). Using SAM for User and Group Management. User Templates. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

20. Dealing with HP-UX Processes.

Process Table. Process States. Running. Sleeping. Ready to Run Process. Stopped. Zombie. Listing Processes. Description of Fields in the Process Table. Sending Signals to Processes. The nohup Command. Process Nice Values. Listing Nice Priorities. Changing the Nice Values of Running Processes. Some Useful Commands. The timex Command. The trap Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

21. Printing on HP-UX.

Introduction to the Printing System. Sending a Print Request. Canceling a Print Request. Modifying a Print Request. Types of Printers. Local Printers. Remote Printers. Network Printers. Directory Hierarchy of the Printing System. Adding a Printer. Adding a Printer. Setting a Printer as Default Destination. Deleting a Printer. Adding Printers Using SAM. Managing Print Queues. Starting and Stopping the Print Scheduler. Moving Print Jobs. Deleting Print Jobs. Enabling and Disabling Printers. Accepting and Rejecting Print Requests. Current Printer Status. Print Job Priorities. Fence Priority. Troubleshooting. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

22. Memory and Swap Space Management.

System Memory and Swap Space. Daemons Used with the Swap System. Types of Swap Space. Device Swap Space. File System Swap Space. Primary Swap Space. Secondary Swap Space. Creating Swap Space. Creating Swap Space Using the Command Line. Creating Swap Space Using SAM. Enabling Swap Space at System Startup. Monitoring Swap Space. Swap Space Priorities and Performance. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

23. System Backup and Recovery.

Types of Backup. Full Backup. Incremental Backup. Recovering from Incremental Backup. Methods of Backup and Restore. Comparison of Backup Methods. Using dd. Using fbackup and frecover. Creating a Backup. Using Graph Files. Creating an Incremental Backup. Recovering Backed-up Data. Using tar. Creating a Backup with tar. Restoring Data Using tar. Using SAM to Backup and Restore Data. Using Ignite-UX. Creating a Recovery Tape. Updating a Recovery Tape. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

24. Automating Jobs.

Introduction to cron. The cron Daemon. Granting Access to Users. Log Files. Automating Jobs Using the crontab Command. Format of crontab Files. Editing crontab Files. Sample crontab File for the Root User. Automating Jobs Using the at Command. Submitting a Job. Listing and Deleting at Jobs. Allowing/Denying User Access. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

25. System Performance Monitoring.

Tools Used for Performance Monitoring. Monitoring Memory Performance. Monitoring Disk Performance. Using top. Using System Activity Reporter (sar). Using GlancePlus. CPU Utilization. Disk Utilization. Memory Utilization. Swap Utilization. Processor List. Chapter Summary.


26. Basic Network Concepts.

Network Terminology. Local and Wide Area Networks. Protocol. Host. Physical Medium. Network Interface Adapter. Bandwidth. Client and Server. Route. The OSI Model. OSI Layers. How Data Transfer Takes Place Among Layers. Layered Network Model. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

27. Network Components and Topologies.

Network Topologies. Bus Topology. Star Topology. Ring Topology. Hybrid Networks. Network Hardware Components. Network Cables. Network Interface Adapter. Cable Connectors. Transceiver. Repeaters. Hubs. Bridges. Switches. Routers. Gateway. MAC Addresses. Access Methods. CSMA/CD. Token Passing. Ethernet and IEEE 802.3. 10BASE-2 Ethernet. 10BASE-5 Ethernet. 10BASE-T Ethernet. 100BASE-T Fast Ethernet. 100VG-AnyLAN Local Area Network. Token Ring and IEEE 802.5. FDDI. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

28. Introduction to the TCP/IP Protocol.

Introduction to TCP/IP. TCP/IP Layers. IP Address. Network Address. IP Address Classes. Building an IP Network. Assigning IP Addresses. Netmasks and Subnetting. IP Routes. Address Resolution Protocol. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP). Internet Control Message Protocol. TCP and UDP Protocols. TCP Protocol. UDP Protocol. TCP Window Size. Ports and Sockets. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

29. Configuring LAN Interface Adapters.

Configuring LAN Adapters. LAN Adapter-Naming Convention. Detecting LAN Adapters. Configuring an IP Address to a LAN Adapter. Enabling LAN Adapters at Boot Time Using the /etc/rc.config.d/netconf File. Assigning Multiple IP Addresses to a Single LAN Adapter. Updating the /etc/hosts File. Adding Routes. Creating a Route. Deleting a Route. Default Routes. Using SAM to Configure a LAN Adapter. Troubleshooting LAN Connectivity. Analyzing Protocol Statistics with netstat. Using the lanadmin Command. Using the ndd Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

30. Configuring and Managing ARPA/Berkeley Services.

Introduction to Internet Services. ARPA Services. Berkeley Services. Security of Commands Starting with ãrä. Starting Internet Services. Starting a Service as a Daemon. Starting a Service through inetd. How a Connection Is Established. Using SAM to Manage Network Services. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

31. Host Name Resolution and Domain Name Server.

Host Name to IP Address Mapping. Multiple Host Names for a Single IP. Multiple IP Addresses for a Single Host. Name Resolution Methods. The /etc/hosts File. Network Information Service. Domain Name Server. Introduction to the Domain Name System. Name Space. Name Server. Configuring the Primary DNS. DNS Configuration Files. Resource Records. Updating Data Base Files on the Primary Server. Configuring the Secondary DNS. Updating Data Base Files on the Secondary Server. Configuring the Caching DNS. Configuring the DNS Client. Configuring the Name Service Switch. Configuring /etc/resolv.conf. Testing with nslookup. Using SAM to Configure DNS. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

32. Configuring and Managing NIS.

NIS Concepts. NIS Domains. NIS Maps. NIS Roles. Configuring NIS. Setting Up an NIS Domain Name. NIS Startup Files. NIS Daemons. Configuring the NIS Master Server. Configuring an NIS Slave Server. Configuring an NIS Client. Name Service Switch. Testing NIS Configuration. Managing NIS. Updating NIS Maps on the Master Server. Updating NIS Maps on a Slave Server. Changing a Password on a Client. Using rpcinfo. Controlling Access. Using SAM to Configure NIS. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

33. Configuring and Managing the Network File System.

NFS Concepts. Remote Mount Process. NFS and RPC. The portmap and rpcbind Daemons. NFS Versions. Configuring an NFS Server. Creating the /etc/exports File. Starting the Server Process at Boot Time. Starting an NFS Server and Exporting Directories Manually. Viewing Exported and Mounted File Systems. Configuring an NFS Client. Starting an NFS Client at Boot Time. Creating Mount Points and Configuring /etc/fstab. Mounting Remote File Systems. Viewing Mounted File Systems. Viewing Exported File Systems by a Server. NFS Daemons. Troubleshooting. The rpcinfo Command. Using the nfsstat Command. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

34. HP-UX Automounter.

Automounter Maps. Master Map. Direct Map. Indirect Map. Special Map. Including Maps Within Other Maps. Modifying Automounter Maps. Configuring Automounter. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

35. Network Time Protocol.

Introduction to NTP. NTP Time Sources. Some Definitions. Configuring the NTP Server. Configuring a Server to Use a Radio Clock. Configuring a Server to Use Another Server. Configuring a Server to Use a Local Clock. Configuring an NTP Client. Configuring a Client to Use Server Polling. Configuring a Client to Use Server Broadcast. Using the ntpdate Command. Using SAM to Configure NTP. Chapter Summary. Chapter Review Questions. Test Your Knowledge.

36. System and Network Administration: Final Thoughts.

Routine Uses of a Network. SD-UX Server. Network Printing. A Standard Environment for Users. Time Synchronization. Network File System. Backup and Recovery. Using syslogd Over a Network. Network Performance Monitoring. Routine Tasks. Chapter Summary.

Appendix A: Chapter Review Answers.
Appendix B: Test Your Knowledge Answers
Appendix C: HP-UX Commands and Configuration Files
Appendix D: Sample HP-UX Certification Exam



I have tried to write a book that covers all HP-UX system and networking administration concepts. The book is divided into three parts. The first part consists of Chapters 1-11. It covers general UNIX concepts, user commands, and shell programming. The second part of the book covers HP-UX system administration and consists of Chapters 12-25. The third part consists of Chapters 26-36 and is dedicated to computer networking concepts and HP-UX network administration tasks. The book is divided into these three parts according to requirements of the HP-UX certification examination. This is also quite a logical way to present the material to a UNIX system administrator. At the end of each chapter, you will find chapter review questions to check your understanding of the material presented in the chapter. There are some sample test questions under "Test Your Knowledge," which will provide you an idea of which type of questions are going to be asked in the actual exam. I have tried to use a combination of simple and difficult questions in this part. Answers to the review questions are provided in Appendix A, and answers to the sample test questions are available in Appendix B.

While writing this book, I have tried to explain all system administration concepts in reasonable detail. Many examples are presented in each section of a chapter to help the user understand what happens when a particular command is executed. Commonly used command-line switches are also listed wherever appropriate. You will also find many screen shots showing what happens when you select a menu or press a button in the GUI windows. I have also tried to explain each system and network administration task using both command-line utilities and System Administration Manager (SAM). Most "old-fashioned" people would like to carry out many tasks using the command-line interface, which is also very important for passing the HP-UX certification examination.

The book is organized such that it progresses from simple-to-understand concepts to more-difficult and complicated ones. The same strategy is also implemented in each chapter. Figures, tables, and examples are presented wherever helpful to communicate the concept. The first few chapters contain more examples than the later ones to give a user a good start.

Another consideration in the organization of the book is logical relevance and order of the chapters. If an idea or concept depends on another concept, it is placed later in the book.

This book is intended to be the most comprehensive book on HP-UX. It not only covers the HP-UX certification exam, but it also serves as a reference book for even the most experienced HP-UX system administrators. The first part is designed with the most basic concepts so that anybody who is new to HP-UX can get the full benefit. The next two parts cover more-complicated system and network administration tasks. Both novice and experienced users will find interesting things here.

Part 1: Fundamentals of UNIX Systems

The first part is an introduction to the UNIX system. This is a more-general UNIX part and consists of login and logout procedure, file and directory manipulation, file editing, an introduction to the POSIX shell, and file security/permissions. This part shows the concepts of users and groups, which are common to all UNIX systems. UNIX commands related to all these topics are presented and the more commonly used options of these commands are discussed. This part also throws light on standard input/output and I/O redirection. Chapters 10 and 11 introduce shell programming concepts. Here you will find a number of shell programs, up to elaborate shell variables and flow control structures.

Part 2: HP-UX System Administration

The second part is the core HP-UX system administration part of the book. It fully covers all issues from the installation of HP-UX to managing devices, security, and system performance. The part starts with an introduction to System Administration Manager (SAM), which is a comprehensive HP-UX tool meant for system administration. Installation of HP-UX on a server or workstation is presented next. After that, you will gradually progress from basic to more-complex system configuration tasks, building a kernel, managing devices, adding/removing users, and concepts of the HP-UX file system.

Part 3: HP-UX Network Administration

The third part covers HP-UX network administration. It also contains general networking concepts such as the ISO-OSI reference model and TCP/IP networking. One chapter is dedicated to ARPA/Berkeley services. Then NFS, NIS, DNS, and NTP are covered.

How to Register for the HP-UX Certification Examination

You can register for the examination by calling Sylvan Prometric at 1-800-755-EXAM or directly at Website http://www.2test.com. You can also visit an authorized Sylvan Prometric Testing Center to get more information. A list of authorized testing centers is available at http://www.2test.com. More information is available on the HP Education Website http://education.hp.com.

Strategies for Taking the Test

You should take a practice test to estimate the time needed to answer all questions. Stay relaxed and have a good night's sleep before the test day. Keep the following things in mind for a successful examination:

  • Reach the testing center at least 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time. You have to sign a few papers and show identification before you start the test.
  • Have with you at least two pieces of personal identification: One of these must contain your photograph. For example, valid identification documents might be your driver's license and a credit card.
  • You don't need to carry any paper or pencils with you.
  • Carefully read each question before answering it.
  • Try to answer the easy questions first. If a question is taking a long time, just mark it and move to the next question. You are allowed to go back to review your answers and answer any leftover questions. The first target should be to go through all the questions from start to finish.
  • When selecting an answer, try to rule out some of the options. This will help you select the right answer.
  • While reviewing your answers, try to read the question very carefully: You may have chosen a wrong answer because you have misunderstood the question.


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If a user's personally identifiable information changes (such as your postal address or email address), we provide a way to correct or update that user's personal data provided to us. This can be done on the Account page. If a user no longer desires our service and desires to delete his or her account, please contact us at customer-service@informit.com and we will process the deletion of a user's account.


Users can always make an informed choice as to whether they should proceed with certain services offered by InformIT. If you choose to remove yourself from our mailing list(s) simply visit the following page and uncheck any communication you no longer want to receive: www.informit.com/u.aspx.

Sale of Personal Information

Pearson does not rent or sell personal information in exchange for any payment of money.

While Pearson does not sell personal information, as defined in Nevada law, Nevada residents may email a request for no sale of their personal information to NevadaDesignatedRequest@pearson.com.

Supplemental Privacy Statement for California Residents

California residents should read our Supplemental privacy statement for California residents in conjunction with this Privacy Notice. The Supplemental privacy statement for California residents explains Pearson's commitment to comply with California law and applies to personal information of California residents collected in connection with this site and the Services.

Sharing and Disclosure

Pearson may disclose personal information, as follows:

  • As required by law.
  • With the consent of the individual (or their parent, if the individual is a minor)
  • In response to a subpoena, court order or legal process, to the extent permitted or required by law
  • To protect the security and safety of individuals, data, assets and systems, consistent with applicable law
  • In connection the sale, joint venture or other transfer of some or all of its company or assets, subject to the provisions of this Privacy Notice
  • To investigate or address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities
  • To exercise its legal rights, including enforcement of the Terms of Use for this site or another contract
  • To affiliated Pearson companies and other companies and organizations who perform work for Pearson and are obligated to protect the privacy of personal information consistent with this Privacy Notice
  • To a school, organization, company or government agency, where Pearson collects or processes the personal information in a school setting or on behalf of such organization, company or government agency.


This web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects Personal Information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site.

Requests and Contact

Please contact us about this Privacy Notice or if you have any requests or questions relating to the privacy of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may revise this Privacy Notice through an updated posting. We will identify the effective date of the revision in the posting. Often, updates are made to provide greater clarity or to comply with changes in regulatory requirements. If the updates involve material changes to the collection, protection, use or disclosure of Personal Information, Pearson will provide notice of the change through a conspicuous notice on this site or other appropriate way. Continued use of the site after the effective date of a posted revision evidences acceptance. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the Privacy Notice or any objection to any revisions.

Last Update: November 17, 2020