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Provides introductory students with what they need to know to work with Windows, learning basic software skills, use multimedia features, and use the Internet. Ex.___
Leads students through each task with 4-color graphics, easy-to-follow directions, and visual icons. Ex.___
Provides resources for students to enhance the learning process and ensure they are grasping all concepts. Ex.___
Provides students with the information they need and want to learn. Ex.___
How to Use Computers, Second Edition presents the reader with a straightforward, visual approach to learning. The steps and graphics guide the reader through just about everything he or she needs to know about how a computer works and how to make use of it: *
1. The Basics.
Computers Are Not Fragile. How to Learn About Computers. What Is a Computer? The Two Personal Computing Camps. Programs: The Wizard Behind the Curtain. What You Can Do with a Computer. Hardware Versus Software. The Two Types of Software.
The Brains of the Computer. Input and Output. Storing Information. CD-ROM Drives and Other Drives. Memory: The Electronic Desktop. Loading a Program into Memory. Saving Data. What's So Random About RAM? What's in a Byte: How Memory and Disks Are Measured. Inside the System Unit.
What Are Files? Saving, Retrieving, and Resaving Files. Organizing a Hard Disk: Folders/Subdirectories. Working with Floppy Disks. The Care and Feeding of Hard Disks. Using CD-ROMs. Computer Viruses.
What Happens When You Turn On Your Computer. Keyboards and Keyboard Layouts. The Cursor Movement Keys. The Special Keys. The Modifier and Function Keys. The Numeric Keypad. What to Do When You Get Stuck. Using a Mouse, Trackball, or Touch Pad. Things You Can Do with a Mouse or Trackball. Turning Off Your Computer. Ergonomics: Taking Care of Your Body While You Use a Computer.
What's So Great About Windows? The Windows Desktop. Making Your Desktop Behave Like a Web Page. The Taskbar. Working with Windows. Having Your Way with Windows. Moving, Resizing, and Closing Windows. Working with Menus. Talking to Dialog Boxes. Getting to Work. Working with Folder Windows. Rules for File and Folder Names. Changing Your View of a Folder Window. Selecting, Renaming, and Deleting Files and Folders. Copying and Moving Files and Folders. Using the Recycle Bin. Exploring Windows Explorer. Copying and Moving Items in Explorer. Creating and Using Shortcuts. Using the Clipboard. Getting Help. Customizing Windows. Shutting Down, Logging Off, or Restarting Windows.
Word Processing. What Can Word Processors Do? Advanced Word Processing Features. Using a Word Processing Program. Spreadsheet Programs. How Spreadsheets Work. Database Management Programs. What Can Databases Do? Choosing Software. Choosing a Database Program. Installing Programs. Learning an Application Program.
Monitors. Video Standards and Screen Resolutions. Taking Care of Your Monitor. Printers. Printing in Windows. Printing: Behind the Scenes. Selecting Printers. Storage Devices. Modems. Plugging In Your Modem. Fax Modems. Multimedia Computing and Sound. Playing Audio CDs. Portable Computers. Installing New Hardware in Windows. Networks.
Online Basics. AOL and Other Commercial Online Services. The Internet and World Wide Web. A Brief Internet Glossary. What People Do on the Net. Understanding Internet Addresses. Talking to People on the Net. Getting onto the Net. Browsing the Web. Searching for Sites. Downloading and Installing Software. Sending and Reading E-mail.