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Apache Hadoop is the technology at the heart of the Big Data revolution, and Hadoop skills are in enormous demand. Now, in just 24 lessons of one hour or less, you can learn all the skills and techniques you'll need to deploy each key component of a Hadoop platform in your local environment or in the cloud, building a fully functional Hadoop cluster and using it with real programs and datasets. Each short, easy lesson builds on all that's come before, helping you master all of Hadoop's essentials, and extend it to meet your unique challenges. Apache Hadoop in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself covers all this, and much more:
Step-by-step instructions walk you through common questions, issues, and tasks; Q-and-As, Quizzes, and Exercises build and test your knowledge; "Did You Know?" tips offer insider advice and shortcuts; and "Watch Out!" alerts help you avoid pitfalls. By the time you're finished, you'll be comfortable using Apache Hadoop to solve a wide spectrum of Big Data problems.
Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 3 and index)
Hour 1: Introduction to Hadoop
Hour 2: Understanding the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
Hour 3: Getting Data into Hadoop
Hour 4: Understanding Data Processing in Hadoop
Hour 5: MapReduce Programming in Java
Hour 6: Advanced MapReduce API Concepts
Hour 7: Introduction to Apache Pig
Hour 8: Advanced Pig Usage
Hour 9: Introduction to Apache Hive
Hour 10: Advanced Hive Usage
Hour 11: YARN Administration
Hour 12: SQL on Hadoop Overview
Hour 13: The Hadoop Ecosystem
Hour 14: Cluster Management using Apache Ambari
Hour 15: Scaling Hadoop
Hour 16: Advanced Cluster Configuration
Hour 17: The Hadoop User Environment (HUE)
Hour 18: Advanced HDFS
Hour 19: Securing Hadoop
Hour 20: Troubleshooting Hadoop
Hour 21: Integrating Hadoop into the Enterprise
Hour 22: Hadoop in the Cloud
Hour 23: Introduction to NoSQL
Hour 24: Introduction to Apache Spark